如何根据Angular js中的两个自定义过滤器过滤数据

时间:2022-08-25 09:52:59

I have two custom filters, I want to filter my data using both these custom filters. But i faced the problem, If I used one by one then they work good, But when I try to use both filters at the same time then no output. My code is as follow:


     var myApp = angular.module('myApp', []);
.filter('selectedTags', function() {
    return function(postdata, tags) {
        return postdata.filter(function(task) {

            for (var i in task.tarn_list) {
                if (tags.indexOf(task.tarn_list[i]) != -1) {
                    return true;
            return false;

.filter('selectedDep', function() {
    return function(postdata, tags) {
        return postdata.filter(function(task) {

            for (var i in task.deployment) {
                if (tags.indexOf(task.deployment[i]) != -1) {
                    return true;
            return false;

.controller('PostList', ['$scope', '$http', function($scope, $http) {
           var jsonFile='../../json.php';
           $http.get(jsonFile).success(function(data) {
            $scope.postdata = data;

My div is as follow on which I want to apply filter:


<div ng-repeat="record in postdata | selectedDep:checkBoxModel.ddsearch | selectedTags:checkBoxModel.search" >

1 个解决方案



Not having seen the actual dataset, this here should float the boat I reckon - given the properties you've exposed in your question and the nature of the loops;

没有看到实际的数据集,这里应该漂浮我估计的船 - 考虑到你在问题中暴露的属性和循环的性质;



Instead of for in loops, I've opted for nested filters (which is in essence what you're doing).


var predicate = [];

dataset.filter(function (a) {
  var inner = a.inner.filter(function (b) {
    return predicate.indexOf(b) > -1;

  return inner.length > 0; 

Looking at the two filters you have, you could break it down into a single function with a bound (or passed in) parameter dictating which property to use as a matcher for the filter(s).


Something like this;


function generic () {
  return function (prop, dataset, predicate) {
    return dataset.filter(function (element) {

      var innards = element[prop].filter(function (iEl) {
        return predicate.indexOf(iEl) > -1;

      return innards.length > 0;

And then to use it you could do the following;


 module.filter('genericFilter', generic);
 module.filter('selectedDep',   generic.bind(null, 'deployment');
 module.filter('selectedTags',  generic.bind(null, 'tarn_list');

 // $filter('genericFilter')('deployment', [], ['a']);
 // $filter('selectedDep')([], ['b']);
 // $filter('selectedTags')([], ['c']);

This setup allows for a single function, that you can reuse to your heart's content - simply pass in the property you would like to do a deep filter of, or bind it preemptively.

此设置允许单个功能,您可以重复使用您的内容 - 只需传入您想要进行深度过滤的属性,或者预先绑定它。



Not having seen the actual dataset, this here should float the boat I reckon - given the properties you've exposed in your question and the nature of the loops;

没有看到实际的数据集,这里应该漂浮我估计的船 - 考虑到你在问题中暴露的属性和循环的性质;



Instead of for in loops, I've opted for nested filters (which is in essence what you're doing).


var predicate = [];

dataset.filter(function (a) {
  var inner = a.inner.filter(function (b) {
    return predicate.indexOf(b) > -1;

  return inner.length > 0; 

Looking at the two filters you have, you could break it down into a single function with a bound (or passed in) parameter dictating which property to use as a matcher for the filter(s).


Something like this;


function generic () {
  return function (prop, dataset, predicate) {
    return dataset.filter(function (element) {

      var innards = element[prop].filter(function (iEl) {
        return predicate.indexOf(iEl) > -1;

      return innards.length > 0;

And then to use it you could do the following;


 module.filter('genericFilter', generic);
 module.filter('selectedDep',   generic.bind(null, 'deployment');
 module.filter('selectedTags',  generic.bind(null, 'tarn_list');

 // $filter('genericFilter')('deployment', [], ['a']);
 // $filter('selectedDep')([], ['b']);
 // $filter('selectedTags')([], ['c']);

This setup allows for a single function, that you can reuse to your heart's content - simply pass in the property you would like to do a deep filter of, or bind it preemptively.

此设置允许单个功能,您可以重复使用您的内容 - 只需传入您想要进行深度过滤的属性,或者预先绑定它。