
时间:2022-02-16 18:17:51






The following code will define the constant "MESSAGE" in the global namespace (i.e. "\MESSAGE").

namespace test;
define('MESSAGE', 'Hello world!');

The following code will define two constants in the "test" namespace.

namespace test;
define('test\HELLO', 'Hello world!');
define(__NAMESPACE__ . '\GOODBYE', 'Goodbye cruel world!');
namespace NS; define(__NAMESPACE__ .'\foo','111');
define('foo','222'); echo foo; // 111.
echo \foo; // 222.
echo \NS\foo // 111.
echo NS\foo // fatal error. assumes \NS\NS\foo.

5:The namespace hierarchy will normally mirror the directory hierarchy where the class files are located, but this is not a strict requirement. You could, for example, have several class flles with different namespaces in the same directory.

6: \ABC\__DOMAIN__ 和  ABC\__COMAIN__的区别

\ABC\__DOMAIN__指的是以根命名空间为起点的,而不加\默认以当前所在文件的命名空间为起点, 解析时会默认加上当前文件的命名空间


namespace ABC;
const __DOMAIN__ = '';


namespace ABC\SUBLEVEL;
require 'baseTest.php';
echo \ABC\__DOMAIN__; //输出 (测试一:加\)


namespace ABC\SUBLEVEL;
require 'baseTest.php';
const __DOMAIN__ = '';
echo ABC\__DOMAIN__; //输出




namespace Foo;

try {
// Something awful here
// That will throw a new exception from SPL
catch (Exception as $ex) {
// We will never get here
// This is because we are catchin Foo\Exception
?> Instead use fully qualified name for the exception to catch it <?php namespace Foo; try {
// something awful here
// That will throw a new exception from SPL
catch (\Exception as $ex) {
// Now we can get here at last


如果没有定义任何命名空间,所有的类与函数的定义都是在全局空间,与 PHP 引入命名空间概念前一样。在名称前加上前缀 \ 表示该名称是全局空间中的名称,即使该名称位于其它的命名空间中时也是如此。

Included files will default to the global namespace.
namespace test {
include '';
echo '-',__NAMESPACE__,'-<br />';
?> <?php
echo '-',__NAMESPACE__,'-<br />';
?> Results of test.php: --


在一个命名空间中,当 PHP 遇到一个非限定的类、函数或常量名称时,它使用不同的优先策略来解析该名称。类名称总是解析到当前命名空间中的名称。因此在访问系统内部或不包含在命名空间中的类名称时,必须使用完全限定名称

对于函数和常量来说,如果当前命名空间中不存在该函数或常量,PHP 会退而使用全局空间中的函数或常量。

namespace A\B\C;
class Exception extends \Exception {} $a = new Exception('hi'); // $a 是类 A\B\C\Exception 的一个对象
$b = new \Exception('hi'); // $b 是类 Exception 的一个对象 $c = new ArrayObject; // 致命错误, 找不到 A\B\C\ArrayObject 类
namespace A\B\C; const E_ERROR = 45;
function strlen($str)
return \strlen($str) - 1;
} echo E_ERROR, "\n"; // 输出 "45"
echo INI_ALL, "\n"; // 输出 "7" - 使用全局常量 INI_ALL echo strlen('hi'), "\n"; // 输出 "1"
if (is_array('hi')) { // 输出 "is not array"
echo "is array\n";
} else {
echo "is not array\n";



namespace my\stuff;
class MyClass {}


namespace another;
class thing {}


namespace my\stuff;
include 'file1.php';
include 'another.php'; use another\thing as MyClass;
$a = new MyClass; // instantiates class "thing" from namespace another

There is no name conflict, even though the class MyClass exists within the my\stuff namespace, because the MyClass definition is in a separate file. However, the next example causes a fatal error on name conflict because MyClass is defined in the same file as the use statement.

namespace my\stuff;
use another\thing as MyClass;
class MyClass {} // fatal error: MyClass conflicts with import statement
$a = new MyClass;


namespace my\stuff {
namespace nested {
class foo {}

However, it is easy to simulate nested namespaces like so:

namespace my\stuff\nested {
class foo {}


$a = new "dangerous\name"; // \n is a newline inside double quoted strings!
$obj = new $a; $a = new 'not\at\all\dangerous'; // no problems here.
$obj = new $a;

注意:Inside a single-quoted string, the backslash escape sequence is much safer to use, but it is still recommended practice to escape backslashes in all strings as a best practice.



namespace bar;
$a = FOO; // produces notice - undefined constants "FOO" assumed "FOO";
$a = \FOO; // fatal error, undefined namespace constant FOO
$a = Bar\FOO; // fatal error, undefined namespace constant bar\Bar\FOO
$a = \Bar\FOO; // fatal error, undefined namespace constant Bar\FOO


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