
时间:2022-06-02 17:37:14

Is there a HTML character that, on all (major) browsers (plus IE8 sadly) displays nothing and doesn't add any extra space?


So, an alternative to   but which doesn't add whitespace to the page, and which won't ever show up as an ugly "unrecognised character" marker or ?.

所以,替代 但是它不会在页面上添加空格,并且不会显示为丑陋的“无法识别的字符”标记或?

Why: in my case, I'm trying to work around a problem on an old, proprietary CMS that is removing empty but necessary HTML elements that are required because other parts of the system will fill them dynamically.


Imagine something like (simplified trivial example) <span class="placeholder" data-type="username"></span> which is populated with a user's username if a user is logged in - but this old-school CMS sees it as being empty and removes it.

想象一下(简化的简单示例) ,如果用户已登录,则填充用户的用户名 - 但是这个老式的CMS将其视为是空的并删除它。

2 个解决方案



There seem to be two options that mostly fit the bill. They seem to reliably not show anything when in a <span>, but they (particularly the second option) might have a minor effect on copy/paste and word breaking in some cases.


Zero-width space

&#8203; aka &#x200B; which behaves the same as the (now in HTML5) <wbr> - used to make words break at certain points without changing the display of the words.

aka​其行为与(现在在HTML5中)相同 - 用于在不更改单词显示的情况下使单词在某些点处中断。

<h1>This text is full<span>&#8203;</span> of spans with char<span>&#8203;</span>acte<span></span>rs that affe<span>&#8203;</span>ct word brea<span></span>king but don't show up</h1>
<h1>Especially in das super<span>&#8203;</span>douper&#8203;crazy<span>&#8203;</span>long<span></span>worden.</h1>

Seems to work fine on modern browsers and IE7+ (not tested on IE6).

似乎在现代浏览器和IE7 +上运行良好(未在IE6上测试)。

Soft hyphen

&shy; - like a zero-width space but (in theory) adds a hyphen when it breaks a word across a line.

&害羞; - 就像一个零宽度的空间,但(理论上)当它在一条线上打破一个单词时添加一个连字符。

<h1>This text is full<span>&shy;</span> of spans with char<span>&shy;</span>acte<span></span>rs that affe<span>&shy;</span>ct word brea<span></span>king but don't show up</h1>
<h1>Especially in das super<span>&shy;</span>douper&shy;crazy<span>&shy;</span>long<span></span>worden.</h1>
<h1>Example where das super&shy;douper&shy;crazy&shy;longword contains no spans.</h1>

Fine on modern browsers and IE7+ (not tested on IE6), though as some comments note there are issues with these turning into regular hyphens when copied and pasted, for example, here's how it pastes from Chrome to Notepad, on Windows 8.1:

在现代浏览器和IE7 +上都没问题(在IE6上未经过测试),但有些评论指出,在复制和粘贴时会出现问题变成常规连字符,例如,在Windows 8.1上,它是如何从Chrome粘贴到记事本的:


Within a span, it seems to never add a hyphen (but still better to use zero-width spaces if possible).


Edit: I found an older SO answer discussing these as a solution to a different problem which suggests these are robust except for possible copy/paste quirks.


The only other issue with these I could find in research is that apparently some search engines may treat words containing these as being split (e.g. awe&shy;some might match searches for awe and some instead of awesome).




There are two characters that are graphic characters but defined to be zero width: U+200B ZERO WIDTH SPACE and U+FEFF ZERO WIDTH NO-BREAK SPACE. The former acts like a space character, so that it is a separator between words and allows line breaking in formatting, whereas the latter explicitly forbids line breaks. It depends on the purpose and context which one you should use. The can be represented in HTML as &#x200b; and &#xfeff;.

有两个字符是图形字符,但定义为零宽度:U + 200B ZERO WIDTH SPACE和U + FEFF ZERO WIDTH NO-BREAK SPACE。前者的作用类似于空格字符,因此它是单词之间的分隔符,允许格式化中的换行符,而后者明确禁止换行符。这取决于你应该使用的目的和背景。可以用HTML表示为​和。

There characters work well in most browsing situations. However, in IE 6, they tend to be rendered as small rectangles, since IE 6 does not know these characters and tries to render them as if they were graphic characters (which lack glyphs).

在大多数浏览情况下,角色都能正常运行但是,在IE 6中,它们往往被渲染为小矩形,因为IE 6不知道这些字符,并试图将它们渲染为图形字符(缺少字形)。

There are also control characters that are allowed in HTML, such as U+200E LEFT-TO-RIGHT MARK and U+200D ZERO WIDTH JOINER. They have no rendering as such, though they may affect rendering of graphic characters, e.g. by setting writing direction, affecting ligature behavior, etc. Due to the possibility of such effects, it might be risky to use them as “dummy” characters.

HTML中还允许使用控制字符,例如U + 200E LEFT-TO-RIGHT MARK和U + 200D ZERO WIDTH JOINER。它们没有这样的渲染,尽管它们可能影响图形字符的渲染,例如,通过设置书写方向,影响连字行为等。由于这种效果的可能性,将它们用作“虚拟”字符可能有风险。



There seem to be two options that mostly fit the bill. They seem to reliably not show anything when in a <span>, but they (particularly the second option) might have a minor effect on copy/paste and word breaking in some cases.


Zero-width space

&#8203; aka &#x200B; which behaves the same as the (now in HTML5) <wbr> - used to make words break at certain points without changing the display of the words.

aka​其行为与(现在在HTML5中)相同 - 用于在不更改单词显示的情况下使单词在某些点处中断。

<h1>This text is full<span>&#8203;</span> of spans with char<span>&#8203;</span>acte<span></span>rs that affe<span>&#8203;</span>ct word brea<span></span>king but don't show up</h1>
<h1>Especially in das super<span>&#8203;</span>douper&#8203;crazy<span>&#8203;</span>long<span></span>worden.</h1>

Seems to work fine on modern browsers and IE7+ (not tested on IE6).

似乎在现代浏览器和IE7 +上运行良好(未在IE6上测试)。

Soft hyphen

&shy; - like a zero-width space but (in theory) adds a hyphen when it breaks a word across a line.

&害羞; - 就像一个零宽度的空间,但(理论上)当它在一条线上打破一个单词时添加一个连字符。

<h1>This text is full<span>&shy;</span> of spans with char<span>&shy;</span>acte<span></span>rs that affe<span>&shy;</span>ct word brea<span></span>king but don't show up</h1>
<h1>Especially in das super<span>&shy;</span>douper&shy;crazy<span>&shy;</span>long<span></span>worden.</h1>
<h1>Example where das super&shy;douper&shy;crazy&shy;longword contains no spans.</h1>

Fine on modern browsers and IE7+ (not tested on IE6), though as some comments note there are issues with these turning into regular hyphens when copied and pasted, for example, here's how it pastes from Chrome to Notepad, on Windows 8.1:

在现代浏览器和IE7 +上都没问题(在IE6上未经过测试),但有些评论指出,在复制和粘贴时会出现问题变成常规连字符,例如,在Windows 8.1上,它是如何从Chrome粘贴到记事本的:


Within a span, it seems to never add a hyphen (but still better to use zero-width spaces if possible).


Edit: I found an older SO answer discussing these as a solution to a different problem which suggests these are robust except for possible copy/paste quirks.


The only other issue with these I could find in research is that apparently some search engines may treat words containing these as being split (e.g. awe&shy;some might match searches for awe and some instead of awesome).




There are two characters that are graphic characters but defined to be zero width: U+200B ZERO WIDTH SPACE and U+FEFF ZERO WIDTH NO-BREAK SPACE. The former acts like a space character, so that it is a separator between words and allows line breaking in formatting, whereas the latter explicitly forbids line breaks. It depends on the purpose and context which one you should use. The can be represented in HTML as &#x200b; and &#xfeff;.

有两个字符是图形字符,但定义为零宽度:U + 200B ZERO WIDTH SPACE和U + FEFF ZERO WIDTH NO-BREAK SPACE。前者的作用类似于空格字符,因此它是单词之间的分隔符,允许格式化中的换行符,而后者明确禁止换行符。这取决于你应该使用的目的和背景。可以用HTML表示为​和。

There characters work well in most browsing situations. However, in IE 6, they tend to be rendered as small rectangles, since IE 6 does not know these characters and tries to render them as if they were graphic characters (which lack glyphs).

在大多数浏览情况下,角色都能正常运行但是,在IE 6中,它们往往被渲染为小矩形,因为IE 6不知道这些字符,并试图将它们渲染为图形字符(缺少字形)。

There are also control characters that are allowed in HTML, such as U+200E LEFT-TO-RIGHT MARK and U+200D ZERO WIDTH JOINER. They have no rendering as such, though they may affect rendering of graphic characters, e.g. by setting writing direction, affecting ligature behavior, etc. Due to the possibility of such effects, it might be risky to use them as “dummy” characters.

HTML中还允许使用控制字符,例如U + 200E LEFT-TO-RIGHT MARK和U + 200D ZERO WIDTH JOINER。它们没有这样的渲染,尽管它们可能影响图形字符的渲染,例如,通过设置书写方向,影响连字行为等。由于这种效果的可能性,将它们用作“虚拟”字符可能有风险。