
时间:2022-06-25 17:26:06

My project requires support on multiple browsers, like Firefox 2.0, firefox 3.0, IE 6, IE 7, etc. My problem is I cannot test the application on lower versions of the browsers. I have to move to other system or other machines for the testing. Is there any way to solve this?

我的项目需要支持多种浏览器,如Firefox 2.0,firefox 3.0,IE 6,IE 7等。我的问题是我无法在较低版本的浏览器上测试应用程序。我必须转移到其他系统或其他机器进行测试。有什么方法可以解决这个问题吗?

I cannot even use Virtual Box, since my company won't encourage other softwares to be installed.

我甚至不能使用Virtual Box,因为我的公司不会鼓励安装其他软件。

Thanks in advance.


7 个解决方案


There are "Portable" versions of Firefox that will let you test 1.5, 2.0, and 3.0 without much trouble... even from a USB key if the pesky IT folks won't let you install locally.

有“便携式”版本的Firefox可以让你毫不费力地测试1.5,2.0和3.0 ......如果讨厌的IT人员不允许你在本地安装,甚至可以通过USB密钥。


Use a browser emulator such as:


  1. BrowserShots.org : Free; test your web design in different browsers
  2. BrowserShots.org:免费;在不同浏览器中测试您的网页设计

  3. iCapture : Free; safari screenshots
  4. iCapture:*; safari截图

  5. ieCapture : Free; internet explorer screenshots
  6. ieCapture:*;互联网浏览器截图

  7. Lynx Viewer : Free; this service allows web authors to see what their pages will look like (sort of) when viewed with Lynx, a text-mode web browser.
  8. Lynx Viewer:免费;此服务允许网络作者在使用文本模式Web浏览器Lynx查看时查看其页面的外观(类型)。

  9. Browser Cam : Free for 24 hours; Cross-browser screen captures.
  10. 浏览器凸轮:24小时免费;跨浏览器屏幕捕获。

  11. Multiple Internet Explorers : install multiple Internet Explorer versions on the same machine.
  12. 多个Internet Explorer:在同一台计算机上安装多个Internet Explorer版本。

  13. Browser Compatibilitytool by NetMechanic : paid service
  14. NetMechanic的浏览器兼容性工具:付费服务

  15. Screenshot Generator : Screenshot generator to see your site on a Macintosh G5 in Safari, MacIE or Mozilla.
  16. 截图生成器:截图生成器,用于在Safari,MacIE或Mozilla中的Macintosh G5上查看您的站点。

  17. Browser Archive : Software archive of previous version of browsers at evolt.org


    Source: http://spellbook.infinitiv.it/2006/07/26/top-10-browser-emulators.htm


For IE you can check out IETester



There's a similar question here: Running Internet Explorer 6, Internet Explorer 7, and Internet Explorer 8 on the same machine

这里有一个类似的问题:在同一台机器上运行Internet Explorer 6,Internet Explorer 7和Internet Explorer 8

The accepted answer there was to use virtualization so that you can get a true picture of how the website would behave under each browser running on its native system. You can run firefox on a portable thumbdrive, but you can't do it with IE. You could put a firefox and an IE on each VM to cut down on the number of VM instances that you need.



Campaign to get VirtualBox installed. Seriously. It's a basic tool for web design. Presumably they give you a better editor than notepad, they owe you decent testing tools as well.



A testing solution depends on the functionality of the application and the resources at your disposal. Your first question should be what platform am I writing on and for? The Operating System platform will determine the default tool set you have.


What is the scope of the application?


-Are you testing graphical elements?
-Computational functionality?

- 你测试图形元素了吗? -GUI IO? - 计算功能?

Will you have access to:


  • Virtual Machine(s) - one computer emulating other environments
  • 虚拟机 - 一台模拟其他环境的计算机

  • Use Multiple local machines and a KVM Switch, more raw processing power, easy access, works well for GUI testing
  • 使用多台本地机器和KVM切换器,更加原始处理能力,易于访问,适用于GUI测试

  • Use multiple remote machines via SSH or some other server-client arrangement, a client like VNC or a form of remote desktop might be required .
  • 通过SSH或其他服务器 - 客户端安排使用多台远程计算机,可能需要像VNC这样的客户端或某种形式的远程桌面。

You will require an automated method of application installation, activation, reset and reporting. Can you run scripts or batchfiles? Must the app run in a GUI mode, does it have a CLI? Do you have access to other services such as web servers, can you open ports to send/receive status reports? Can you remotely login to the test machines, launch and reset the browsers from the command line?. Can you reset a hung Application?


Failure and success can be reported in various ways such as the creation of a local file, the downloading of an image from a server or a ping on a port. Essentially testing will require more work and time because you will need to design, implement and perhaps ironically test a testing suite and apparatus.



To Check All IE You can go to CodeckPack . nl and install all IE, ie, IE collection.

检查所有IE您可以转到CodeckPack。 nl并安装所有IE,即IE集合。

or you can use www. multibrowserviewer .com it can check in 45 browsers and 3 os

或者你可以使用www。 multibrowserviewer .com它可以检查45个浏览器和3个操作系统


There are "Portable" versions of Firefox that will let you test 1.5, 2.0, and 3.0 without much trouble... even from a USB key if the pesky IT folks won't let you install locally.

有“便携式”版本的Firefox可以让你毫不费力地测试1.5,2.0和3.0 ......如果讨厌的IT人员不允许你在本地安装,甚至可以通过USB密钥。


Use a browser emulator such as:


  1. BrowserShots.org : Free; test your web design in different browsers
  2. BrowserShots.org:免费;在不同浏览器中测试您的网页设计

  3. iCapture : Free; safari screenshots
  4. iCapture:*; safari截图

  5. ieCapture : Free; internet explorer screenshots
  6. ieCapture:*;互联网浏览器截图

  7. Lynx Viewer : Free; this service allows web authors to see what their pages will look like (sort of) when viewed with Lynx, a text-mode web browser.
  8. Lynx Viewer:免费;此服务允许网络作者在使用文本模式Web浏览器Lynx查看时查看其页面的外观(类型)。

  9. Browser Cam : Free for 24 hours; Cross-browser screen captures.
  10. 浏览器凸轮:24小时免费;跨浏览器屏幕捕获。

  11. Multiple Internet Explorers : install multiple Internet Explorer versions on the same machine.
  12. 多个Internet Explorer:在同一台计算机上安装多个Internet Explorer版本。

  13. Browser Compatibilitytool by NetMechanic : paid service
  14. NetMechanic的浏览器兼容性工具:付费服务

  15. Screenshot Generator : Screenshot generator to see your site on a Macintosh G5 in Safari, MacIE or Mozilla.
  16. 截图生成器:截图生成器,用于在Safari,MacIE或Mozilla中的Macintosh G5上查看您的站点。

  17. Browser Archive : Software archive of previous version of browsers at evolt.org


    Source: http://spellbook.infinitiv.it/2006/07/26/top-10-browser-emulators.htm


For IE you can check out IETester



There's a similar question here: Running Internet Explorer 6, Internet Explorer 7, and Internet Explorer 8 on the same machine

这里有一个类似的问题:在同一台机器上运行Internet Explorer 6,Internet Explorer 7和Internet Explorer 8

The accepted answer there was to use virtualization so that you can get a true picture of how the website would behave under each browser running on its native system. You can run firefox on a portable thumbdrive, but you can't do it with IE. You could put a firefox and an IE on each VM to cut down on the number of VM instances that you need.



Campaign to get VirtualBox installed. Seriously. It's a basic tool for web design. Presumably they give you a better editor than notepad, they owe you decent testing tools as well.



A testing solution depends on the functionality of the application and the resources at your disposal. Your first question should be what platform am I writing on and for? The Operating System platform will determine the default tool set you have.


What is the scope of the application?


-Are you testing graphical elements?
-Computational functionality?

- 你测试图形元素了吗? -GUI IO? - 计算功能?

Will you have access to:


  • Virtual Machine(s) - one computer emulating other environments
  • 虚拟机 - 一台模拟其他环境的计算机

  • Use Multiple local machines and a KVM Switch, more raw processing power, easy access, works well for GUI testing
  • 使用多台本地机器和KVM切换器,更加原始处理能力,易于访问,适用于GUI测试

  • Use multiple remote machines via SSH or some other server-client arrangement, a client like VNC or a form of remote desktop might be required .
  • 通过SSH或其他服务器 - 客户端安排使用多台远程计算机,可能需要像VNC这样的客户端或某种形式的远程桌面。

You will require an automated method of application installation, activation, reset and reporting. Can you run scripts or batchfiles? Must the app run in a GUI mode, does it have a CLI? Do you have access to other services such as web servers, can you open ports to send/receive status reports? Can you remotely login to the test machines, launch and reset the browsers from the command line?. Can you reset a hung Application?


Failure and success can be reported in various ways such as the creation of a local file, the downloading of an image from a server or a ping on a port. Essentially testing will require more work and time because you will need to design, implement and perhaps ironically test a testing suite and apparatus.



To Check All IE You can go to CodeckPack . nl and install all IE, ie, IE collection.

检查所有IE您可以转到CodeckPack。 nl并安装所有IE,即IE集合。

or you can use www. multibrowserviewer .com it can check in 45 browsers and 3 os

或者你可以使用www。 multibrowserviewer .com它可以检查45个浏览器和3个操作系统