来自Safari和Firefox的Uber API出现Mismatched_Redirect_URI错误,但不是Chrome

时间:2022-02-03 15:51:05

My ruby on rails web app was playing nicely with Uber's api when I had the developer credentials on Uber set to localhost:3000 and localhost:3000/auth/uber/callback. Now that I've deployed my app to heroku I updated the credentials to be https://APP-NAME.herokuapp.com.

当我将Uber上的开发人员凭据设置为localhost:3000和localhost:3000 / auth / uber / callback时,我的ruby on rails web app与Uber的api很好地配合。现在我已将我的应用程序部署到heroku,我将凭据更新为https://APP-NAME.herokuapp.com。

The issue is that when I try to authenticate my app on Chrome (desktop) it works perfectly, but on Safari and Firefox I get an error from Uber: "The base redirect URI does not match the requested redirect". What's odd is that I also get this error when I'm using Chrome on my iPhone. Does anybody have an idea on what the issue is or how to go about troubleshooting this? I have no idea where to start. Thanks.


1 个解决方案


Solved. When I visited my app on heroku Safari and Firefox were removing the https so when I made the authentication request to Uber it did not match my credentials. In the production.rb file I added config.force_ssl = true which causes heroku to use https, even when people request the url without adding https.

解决了。当我在heroku Safari*问我的应用程序时,Firefox正在删除https,因此当我向Uber发出身份验证请求时,它与我的凭据不匹配。在production.rb文件中,我添加了config.force_ssl = true,这导致heroku使用https,即使人们在不添加https的情况下请求URL也是如此。


Solved. When I visited my app on heroku Safari and Firefox were removing the https so when I made the authentication request to Uber it did not match my credentials. In the production.rb file I added config.force_ssl = true which causes heroku to use https, even when people request the url without adding https.

解决了。当我在heroku Safari*问我的应用程序时,Firefox正在删除https,因此当我向Uber发出身份验证请求时,它与我的凭据不匹配。在production.rb文件中,我添加了config.force_ssl = true,这导致heroku使用https,即使人们在不添加https的情况下请求URL也是如此。