
时间:2021-10-16 07:29:39

Is there any SEO disadvantage in using a subdomain to host a blog on Wordpress or Blogger? I don't want to go to the trouble of creating a blog module for my site - I'd rather just set up a CNAME entry and point a subdomain to a free Wordpress or Blogger account. Will Google punish me for doing this by claiming that I have "duplicate content" - i.e. the intro text for each blog entry will be on my main site and the full details will be visible on Wordpress/Blogger? Is it better to incorporate the blog functionality into my main site? Are there any other potential disadvantages to this subdomain/external hosting approach using a free blog host?

使用子域名在Wordpress或Blogger上托管博客是否存在SEO缺点?我不想为我的网站创建博客模块的麻烦 - 我只想设置一个CNAME条目并将子域指向免费的Wordpress或Blogger帐户。谷歌会因为声称我有“重复内容”而惩罚我这样做 - 即每个博客条目的介绍文本将在我的主网站上,完整的详细信息将在Wordpress / Blogger上显示?将博客功能合并到我的主站点是否更好?使用免费博客主机的子域/外部托管方法是否还有其他潜在的缺点?

4 个解决方案


There are a lot of advantages to self-hosting your blog.


  1. You can do whatever you want with your own self-hosted blog. On Wordpress you could get banned and lose all of your content.
  2. 您可以使用自己的自托管博客做任何您想做的事情。在Wordpress上,您可能会被禁止并丢失所有内容。

  3. You can host ads or and do other commercial stuff not possible on Wordpress. (The free wordpress blog doesn't allow any advertisements other than their own ads).
  4. 您可以在Wordpress上托管广告或进行其他商业活动。 (免费的WordPress博客不允许除自己的广告之外的任何广告)。

  5. Better ranking opportunity in search engines by using your own top-level domain.
  6. 通过使用您自己的*域名,在搜索引擎中获得更好的排名机会。

  7. You can modify your functionality at will.
  8. 您可以随意修改您的功能。

  9. It looks more professional and gives you bragging rights.
  10. 它看起来更专业,给你吹牛的权利。

  11. On Wordpress you may run up against bandwidth restrictions if your blog gets really popular - you won't be able to do anything about it.
  12. 在Wordpress上,如果您的博客真的很受欢迎,您可能会遇到带宽限制 - 您将无法对此做任何事情。


Willem Obst answer makes some excellent points, but two serious accusations that are not correct. I know these are incorrect because I am part of the WordPress.com team.

Willem Obst的答案提出了一些很好的观点,但两个严重的指责是不正确的。我知道这些是不正确的,因为我是WordPress.com团队的一员。

Num 1. If there is a ToS issue, we work with our customers to resolve the issue. In the rare case, where a blog is suspended, the customer is still assisted with exporting their content.

Num 1.如果存在ToS问题,我们会与客户合作解决问题。在极少数情况下,博客被暂停,客户仍然可以协助导出其内容。

Num 6.We have no bandwidth limits and never have.

Num 6.我们没有带宽限制,也没有。

Many companies use free WordPress.com for their blog. Here are some examples http://wordpress.org/showcase/flavor/wordpresscom/


WordPress.com is also is a blogging community which gives you access to a large audience and the community features like the global tag pages.


It's a great way to get a blog going, and there is no lock in. Here is an example of a blog by some friends that started on WordPress.com and since moved to host it themselves to gain the additional flexibility Willem describes so well: http://blog.bootuplabs.com/

这是一个很好的方式来获取博客,并且没有锁定。以下是一些博客的例子,这些博客是在WordPress.com上开始的,并且自从移动到托管它以获得Willem描述得非常好的额外灵活性: http://blog.bootuplabs.com/

Finally to the original question. It's a mixed bag.


The nay sayers to using a subdomain will focus on Google and other search engines generally treating the subdomain as it's own domain with it's own authority.


The pro subdomainers will focus on it being another opportunity for a result in Google and the search engines. As is the case for the "bootup labs" example. (Although, Google's Matt Cutts over a year ago promised this was changing.)

专业的subdomainers将专注于它是谷歌和搜索引擎的另一个结果机会。与“启动实验室”示例的情况一样。 (虽然谷歌的Matt Cutts一年前承诺这种情况正在发生变化。)

Unrelated to SEO, many teams use a subdomain or separate domain all together for web security reasons. You may notice that http://blog.flickr.net/ is on flickr.net instead of flickr.com primarily -- I understand -- for this reason.

与SEO无关,许多团队出于网络安全原因使用子域或单独的域。你可能会注意到http://blog.flickr.net/主要是在flickr.net而不是flickr.com上 - 我理解 - 因为这个原因。


No in one word Actually a good idea. Self hosted blogs tend to have a lot integrated into them e.g autopinging



In answer to the question.... NO.


The question you asked is also a little ambiguous. Are you wanting to host your own blog ie run it on your own server under a subdomain, or are you wanting to add a CNAME entry that links to your blog.


There are benefits to both:


Running your own - Advantages:

自己动手 - 优点:

  • You can control every aspect of it
  • 你可以控制它的每个方面

  • You can change the design/layout as much as your coding ability can handle
  • 您可以根据编码能力来更改设计/布局

  • If you have a fast server, your blog will be served to viewers extremely well
  • 如果您有快速服务器,您的博客将非常好地提供给观众

  • You can advertise on your own blog - Google Adwords/Adsense etc...
  • 您可以在自己的博客上刊登广告 - Google Adwords / Adsense等...

  • You can setup advanced analysis of traffic and see every little detail about everyone who visits your blog
  • 您可以设置流量的高级分析,并查看有关访问您博客的每个人的每个细节

  • You can tweak the SEO of your blog to the 'n'th degree
  • 您可以将博客的SEO调整到'n'度

Running your own - Disdvantages:

自己动手 - Disdvantages:

  • Hosting a blog (especially a popular one) requires a pretty powerful web server
  • 托管博客(特别是流行的博客)需要一个非常强大的Web服务器

  • You have to maintain the blog and security of the blog eg. users and permissions
  • 你必须维护博客的博客和安全性,例如。用户和权限

  • Dedicated Server hosting can be expensive
  • 专用服务器托管可能很昂贵

  • Hosting blogs use a lot of bandwidth
  • 托管博客使用大量带宽

Using a third party blog - Advantages:

使用第三方博客 - 优势:

  • Generally free
  • No strain on your server/bandwidth
  • 服务器/带宽没有压力

  • Security and permissions management is limited but managed by the host
  • 安全和权限管理有限,但由主机管理

  • Generally hosted blogs have an extremely user-friendly GUI
  • 通常托管的博客具有非常用户友好的GUI

Using a third party blog - Disvantages:

使用第三方博客 - Disvantages:

  • Sometimes include advertising that benefits the host not your company/blog
  • 有时包括有利于主持人而不是公司/博客的广告

  • Very limited ability to customise/edit the design of the blog
  • 定制/编辑博客设计的能力非常有限

  • Limited control over the security and user management
  • 对安全性和用户管理的有限控制

  • Other hosts can choose to stop offering a blog hosting service
  • 其他主机可以选择停止提供博客托管服务

In regards to SEO and blogs:


Your blog is not going to suffer or be penalised by GOogle/Yahoo/Other search engines if you use a CNAME redirection to another host.

如果您使用CNAME重定向到其他主机,则您的博客不会受到GOogle / Yahoo /其他搜索引擎的影响或受到惩罚。

You will not get penalised by a search engine for duplicate content if the content is not completely duplicated on, for example if your main domain uses the title and summary of what is on your blog hosted on the subdomain.


If you adhere to the main SEO principles there is no reason why your blog would suffer on a subdomain:


  • Using relevant addressing methods eg. yourblog.yourdomain.com/title-of-blog-article.html
  • 使用相关的寻址方法,例如yourblog.yourdomain.com/title-of-blog-article.html

  • Use W3C compliant/correct XHTML/HTML/CSS code
  • 使用符合W3C /正确的XHTML / HTML / CSS代码

  • Use appropriate and relevant META data (keywords, descriptions, titles) for the blog and the articles.
  • 为博客和文章使用适当且相关的META数据(关键字,描述,标题)。

  • Relative linking instead of absolute linking
  • 相对链接而不是绝对链接

Hope this helped. If you have any other questions feel free to ask



There are a lot of advantages to self-hosting your blog.


  1. You can do whatever you want with your own self-hosted blog. On Wordpress you could get banned and lose all of your content.
  2. 您可以使用自己的自托管博客做任何您想做的事情。在Wordpress上,您可能会被禁止并丢失所有内容。

  3. You can host ads or and do other commercial stuff not possible on Wordpress. (The free wordpress blog doesn't allow any advertisements other than their own ads).
  4. 您可以在Wordpress上托管广告或进行其他商业活动。 (免费的WordPress博客不允许除自己的广告之外的任何广告)。

  5. Better ranking opportunity in search engines by using your own top-level domain.
  6. 通过使用您自己的*域名,在搜索引擎中获得更好的排名机会。

  7. You can modify your functionality at will.
  8. 您可以随意修改您的功能。

  9. It looks more professional and gives you bragging rights.
  10. 它看起来更专业,给你吹牛的权利。

  11. On Wordpress you may run up against bandwidth restrictions if your blog gets really popular - you won't be able to do anything about it.
  12. 在Wordpress上,如果您的博客真的很受欢迎,您可能会遇到带宽限制 - 您将无法对此做任何事情。


Willem Obst answer makes some excellent points, but two serious accusations that are not correct. I know these are incorrect because I am part of the WordPress.com team.

Willem Obst的答案提出了一些很好的观点,但两个严重的指责是不正确的。我知道这些是不正确的,因为我是WordPress.com团队的一员。

Num 1. If there is a ToS issue, we work with our customers to resolve the issue. In the rare case, where a blog is suspended, the customer is still assisted with exporting their content.

Num 1.如果存在ToS问题,我们会与客户合作解决问题。在极少数情况下,博客被暂停,客户仍然可以协助导出其内容。

Num 6.We have no bandwidth limits and never have.

Num 6.我们没有带宽限制,也没有。

Many companies use free WordPress.com for their blog. Here are some examples http://wordpress.org/showcase/flavor/wordpresscom/


WordPress.com is also is a blogging community which gives you access to a large audience and the community features like the global tag pages.


It's a great way to get a blog going, and there is no lock in. Here is an example of a blog by some friends that started on WordPress.com and since moved to host it themselves to gain the additional flexibility Willem describes so well: http://blog.bootuplabs.com/

这是一个很好的方式来获取博客,并且没有锁定。以下是一些博客的例子,这些博客是在WordPress.com上开始的,并且自从移动到托管它以获得Willem描述得非常好的额外灵活性: http://blog.bootuplabs.com/

Finally to the original question. It's a mixed bag.


The nay sayers to using a subdomain will focus on Google and other search engines generally treating the subdomain as it's own domain with it's own authority.


The pro subdomainers will focus on it being another opportunity for a result in Google and the search engines. As is the case for the "bootup labs" example. (Although, Google's Matt Cutts over a year ago promised this was changing.)

专业的subdomainers将专注于它是谷歌和搜索引擎的另一个结果机会。与“启动实验室”示例的情况一样。 (虽然谷歌的Matt Cutts一年前承诺这种情况正在发生变化。)

Unrelated to SEO, many teams use a subdomain or separate domain all together for web security reasons. You may notice that http://blog.flickr.net/ is on flickr.net instead of flickr.com primarily -- I understand -- for this reason.

与SEO无关,许多团队出于网络安全原因使用子域或单独的域。你可能会注意到http://blog.flickr.net/主要是在flickr.net而不是flickr.com上 - 我理解 - 因为这个原因。


No in one word Actually a good idea. Self hosted blogs tend to have a lot integrated into them e.g autopinging



In answer to the question.... NO.


The question you asked is also a little ambiguous. Are you wanting to host your own blog ie run it on your own server under a subdomain, or are you wanting to add a CNAME entry that links to your blog.


There are benefits to both:


Running your own - Advantages:

自己动手 - 优点:

  • You can control every aspect of it
  • 你可以控制它的每个方面

  • You can change the design/layout as much as your coding ability can handle
  • 您可以根据编码能力来更改设计/布局

  • If you have a fast server, your blog will be served to viewers extremely well
  • 如果您有快速服务器,您的博客将非常好地提供给观众

  • You can advertise on your own blog - Google Adwords/Adsense etc...
  • 您可以在自己的博客上刊登广告 - Google Adwords / Adsense等...

  • You can setup advanced analysis of traffic and see every little detail about everyone who visits your blog
  • 您可以设置流量的高级分析,并查看有关访问您博客的每个人的每个细节

  • You can tweak the SEO of your blog to the 'n'th degree
  • 您可以将博客的SEO调整到'n'度

Running your own - Disdvantages:

自己动手 - Disdvantages:

  • Hosting a blog (especially a popular one) requires a pretty powerful web server
  • 托管博客(特别是流行的博客)需要一个非常强大的Web服务器

  • You have to maintain the blog and security of the blog eg. users and permissions
  • 你必须维护博客的博客和安全性,例如。用户和权限

  • Dedicated Server hosting can be expensive
  • 专用服务器托管可能很昂贵

  • Hosting blogs use a lot of bandwidth
  • 托管博客使用大量带宽

Using a third party blog - Advantages:

使用第三方博客 - 优势:

  • Generally free
  • No strain on your server/bandwidth
  • 服务器/带宽没有压力

  • Security and permissions management is limited but managed by the host
  • 安全和权限管理有限,但由主机管理

  • Generally hosted blogs have an extremely user-friendly GUI
  • 通常托管的博客具有非常用户友好的GUI

Using a third party blog - Disvantages:

使用第三方博客 - Disvantages:

  • Sometimes include advertising that benefits the host not your company/blog
  • 有时包括有利于主持人而不是公司/博客的广告

  • Very limited ability to customise/edit the design of the blog
  • 定制/编辑博客设计的能力非常有限

  • Limited control over the security and user management
  • 对安全性和用户管理的有限控制

  • Other hosts can choose to stop offering a blog hosting service
  • 其他主机可以选择停止提供博客托管服务

In regards to SEO and blogs:


Your blog is not going to suffer or be penalised by GOogle/Yahoo/Other search engines if you use a CNAME redirection to another host.

如果您使用CNAME重定向到其他主机,则您的博客不会受到GOogle / Yahoo /其他搜索引擎的影响或受到惩罚。

You will not get penalised by a search engine for duplicate content if the content is not completely duplicated on, for example if your main domain uses the title and summary of what is on your blog hosted on the subdomain.


If you adhere to the main SEO principles there is no reason why your blog would suffer on a subdomain:


  • Using relevant addressing methods eg. yourblog.yourdomain.com/title-of-blog-article.html
  • 使用相关的寻址方法,例如yourblog.yourdomain.com/title-of-blog-article.html

  • Use W3C compliant/correct XHTML/HTML/CSS code
  • 使用符合W3C /正确的XHTML / HTML / CSS代码

  • Use appropriate and relevant META data (keywords, descriptions, titles) for the blog and the articles.
  • 为博客和文章使用适当且相关的META数据(关键字,描述,标题)。

  • Relative linking instead of absolute linking
  • 相对链接而不是绝对链接

Hope this helped. If you have any other questions feel free to ask
