CSS代码荧光笔 - 预编码标签中的边距

时间:2022-02-18 07:13:54

Please look at this fiddle: Here


What I am looking for is a way to remove that extra space at top (the one between black circular 1 and top edge of pre tag) in first example and make it look like second one


The first example has some extra space above it (except the margin from strong elements), and I know that its because of the extra new-line after <pre><code> I didn't wanted to remove that extra newline as removing it makes the code look really unreadable, so I added this



pre > code > strong:first-of-type { margin-top: 10px; }

pre> code> strong:first-of-type {margin-top:10px; }

I thought it'll work but I forgot that I might have multiple strong tags in first line. Now I don't know what to do. Is there a work-around for my problem ?


3 个解决方案



Try the following adjustment to your CSS:


pre > code {
    white-space: pre;
    margin-top: -1.00em;
    display: block;

You can also leave out:


pre > code > strong:first-of-type { margin-top: 10px; }  /** not needed **/

Fiddle: http://jsfiddle.net/audetwebdesign/WscKu/2/

Tested in Firefox on Windows 7, should work fine, basic CSS 2.1, nothing exotic.

在Windows 7上的Firefox中测试,应该工作正常,基本的CSS 2.1,没有什么异国情调。

How This Works


For visual formatting of your HTML source code, you have a line-feed after <pre><code>, which creates a single character line in your rendered content, which will be 1.00em tall.



You can compensate by setting the top margin to the <code> block to -1.00em. However, for top/bottom margins to work, you need to set display: block to the <code> element.

您可以通过将块的上边距设置为-1.00em来进行补偿。但是,要使top / bottom边距起作用,需要将display:block设置为元素。



You should not change any style. The problem arises becouse you are working inside a pre tag. Changing styles to fix this will be a hack looking to fix a markup structure Inside pre tags space management by engine browsers is quite particular.


Modify your pre content as follows and everything will look fine


Your code

<strong><b>1</b>#id-name</strong> <strong><b>2</b>.class-name</strong> {
    <strong><b>3</b>property: value;</strong>

Modification (the second line should continue the first one...)


<pre><code><strong><b>1</b>#id-name</strong> <strong><b>2</b>.class-name</strong> {
    <strong><b>3</b>property: value;</strong>

fiddle here



I bumped in to same issue and spent over an hour to find solution. I agree with @Fico's answer and wanted to support it by additional information.


Instead of doing this:


    My code snippet
    Another line

You want to do this:


<pre><code>    My code snippet
    Another line

Note that you need to use same spaces for indentation on first line.


I looked at several other "standard webistes". For example, * does this for code snippets inside <pre><code>. The official demo examples of highlight.js library also uses the same convention. This feels bit ugly in HTML source, but The rule of thumb seems to be that your content inside <code> should start at the same line as <code> element.


 中的代码片段执行此操作。 highlight.js库的官方演示示例也使用相同的约定。这在HTML源代码中感觉有点难看,但经验法则似乎是中的内容应该与元素在同一行开始。

Also there is a problem with solution that @Marc Audet proposed. If you use negative top margin, it will overwrite on the border if you have one (or if you put it in future).

@Marc Audet提出的解决方案也存在问题。如果你使用负上边距,它将覆盖边框(如果你有一个)(或者如果你将来放置它)。

There is probably workaround if you are willing to use little bit of JavaScript. You can basically trim all contents inside <pre><code> simply by using this:



  $( document ).ready(function() {
    $(document.body).find("pre code").each(function() {

You can see fiddle here: http://jsbin.com/bayawazi/2/edit


The advantage of JavaScript approach is that you have much more freedome to put <code> element. Also most code snippets its probably good idea to remove extra lines.




Try the following adjustment to your CSS:


pre > code {
    white-space: pre;
    margin-top: -1.00em;
    display: block;

You can also leave out:


pre > code > strong:first-of-type { margin-top: 10px; }  /** not needed **/

Fiddle: http://jsfiddle.net/audetwebdesign/WscKu/2/

Tested in Firefox on Windows 7, should work fine, basic CSS 2.1, nothing exotic.

在Windows 7上的Firefox中测试,应该工作正常,基本的CSS 2.1,没有什么异国情调。

How This Works


For visual formatting of your HTML source code, you have a line-feed after <pre><code>, which creates a single character line in your rendered content, which will be 1.00em tall.



You can compensate by setting the top margin to the <code> block to -1.00em. However, for top/bottom margins to work, you need to set display: block to the <code> element.

您可以通过将块的上边距设置为-1.00em来进行补偿。但是,要使top / bottom边距起作用,需要将display:block设置为元素。



You should not change any style. The problem arises becouse you are working inside a pre tag. Changing styles to fix this will be a hack looking to fix a markup structure Inside pre tags space management by engine browsers is quite particular.


Modify your pre content as follows and everything will look fine


Your code

<strong><b>1</b>#id-name</strong> <strong><b>2</b>.class-name</strong> {
    <strong><b>3</b>property: value;</strong>

Modification (the second line should continue the first one...)


<pre><code><strong><b>1</b>#id-name</strong> <strong><b>2</b>.class-name</strong> {
    <strong><b>3</b>property: value;</strong>

fiddle here



I bumped in to same issue and spent over an hour to find solution. I agree with @Fico's answer and wanted to support it by additional information.


Instead of doing this:


    My code snippet
    Another line

You want to do this:


<pre><code>    My code snippet
    Another line

Note that you need to use same spaces for indentation on first line.


I looked at several other "standard webistes". For example, * does this for code snippets inside <pre><code>. The official demo examples of highlight.js library also uses the same convention. This feels bit ugly in HTML source, but The rule of thumb seems to be that your content inside <code> should start at the same line as <code> element.


 中的代码片段执行此操作。 highlight.js库的官方演示示例也使用相同的约定。这在HTML源代码中感觉有点难看,但经验法则似乎是中的内容应该与元素在同一行开始。

Also there is a problem with solution that @Marc Audet proposed. If you use negative top margin, it will overwrite on the border if you have one (or if you put it in future).

@Marc Audet提出的解决方案也存在问题。如果你使用负上边距,它将覆盖边框(如果你有一个)(或者如果你将来放置它)。

There is probably workaround if you are willing to use little bit of JavaScript. You can basically trim all contents inside <pre><code> simply by using this:



  $( document ).ready(function() {
    $(document.body).find("pre code").each(function() {

You can see fiddle here: http://jsbin.com/bayawazi/2/edit


The advantage of JavaScript approach is that you have much more freedome to put <code> element. Also most code snippets its probably good idea to remove extra lines.
