如何使用system . web . cache。在控制台应用程序中缓存?

时间:2022-04-12 05:49:59

Context: .Net 3.5, C#
I'd like to have caching mechanism in my Console application.
Instead of re-inventing the wheel, I'd like to use System.Web.Caching.Cache (and that's a final decision, I can't use other caching framework, don't ask why).
However, it looks like System.Web.Caching.Cache is supposed to run only in a valid HTTP context. My very simple snippet looks like this:

上下文:。net 3.5, c#我希望在我的控制台应用程序中有缓存机制。我想使用system . web . cache而不是从头开始。缓存(这是最后的决定,我不能使用其他缓存框架,不要问为什么)。但是,它看起来像system . web . cache。缓存应该只在有效的HTTP上下文中运行。我最简单的片段是这样的:

using System;
using System.Web.Caching;
using System.Web;

Cache c = new Cache();

    c.Insert("a", 123);
catch (Exception ex)
    Console.WriteLine("cannot insert to cache, exception:");

and the result is:


cannot insert to cache, exception:
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
   at System.Web.Caching.Cache.Insert(String key, Object value)
   at MyClass.RunSnippet()

So obviously, I'm doing something wrong here. Any ideas?


Update: +1 to most answers, getting the cache via static methods is the correct usage, namely HttpRuntime.Cache and HttpContext.Current.Cache. Thank you all!


6 个解决方案



The documentation for the Cache constructor says that it is for internal use only. To get your Cache object, call HttpRuntime.Cache rather than creating an instance via the constructor.




While the OP specified v3.5, the question was asked before v4 was released. To help anyone who finds this question and can live with a v4 dependency, the framework team created a new general purpose cache for this type of scenario. It's in the System.Runtime.Caching namespace: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/dd997357%28v=VS.100%29.aspx


The static reference to the default cache instance is: MemoryCache.Default




Just use the Caching Application Block if you don't want to reinvent the wheel. If you still want to use the ASP.NET cache- see here. I'm pretty sure this only works with .NET 2.0 and above though. It simply wasn't possible to use the cache outside of ASP.NET in .NET 1.

如果您不想重新发明*,只需使用缓存应用程序块。如果你还想使用ASP。网络缓存——在这里看到。我很确定这只适用于。net 2.0及以上版本。在ASP之外使用缓存是不可能的。净在。NET 1。

MSDN has a nice big warning on the page for the cache documentation too:


The Cache class is not intended for use outside of ASP.NET applications. It was designed and tested for use in ASP.NET to provide caching for Web applications. In other types of applications, such as console applications or Windows Forms applications, ASP.NET caching might not work correctly.


For a very lightweight solution, where you don't have to worry about expiration etc, then a dictionary object could suffice.




I ended on this page wondering the same thing. Here's what I'm doing (which I don't like but seems to work just fine):


HttpContext context = HttpContext.Current;
if (context == null)
    HttpRequest request = new HttpRequest(string.Empty, "http://tempuri.org", string.Empty);
    HttpResponse response = new HttpResponse(new StreamWriter(new MemoryStream()));
    context = new HttpContext(request, response);
    HttpContext.Current = context;
this.cache = context.Cache;





public class AspnetDataCache : IDataCache
    private readonly Cache _cache;

    public AspnetDataCache(Cache cache)
        _cache = cache;

    public AspnetDataCache()
        : this(HttpRuntime.Cache)

    public void Put(string key, object obj, TimeSpan expireNext)
        if (key == null || obj == null)
        _cache.Insert(key, obj, null, DateTime.Now.Add(expireNext), TimeSpan.Zero);

    public object Get(string key)
        return _cache.Get(key);



The System.Web.Caching.Cache class relies on having its member "_cacheInternal" set by the HttpRuntime object.


To use the System.Web.Caching classes you'd have to create an HttpRuntime object and setup the HttpRuntime.Cache property. You'd effectively have to emulate IIS.


You're better off using other caching frameworks like:




The documentation for the Cache constructor says that it is for internal use only. To get your Cache object, call HttpRuntime.Cache rather than creating an instance via the constructor.




While the OP specified v3.5, the question was asked before v4 was released. To help anyone who finds this question and can live with a v4 dependency, the framework team created a new general purpose cache for this type of scenario. It's in the System.Runtime.Caching namespace: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/dd997357%28v=VS.100%29.aspx


The static reference to the default cache instance is: MemoryCache.Default




Just use the Caching Application Block if you don't want to reinvent the wheel. If you still want to use the ASP.NET cache- see here. I'm pretty sure this only works with .NET 2.0 and above though. It simply wasn't possible to use the cache outside of ASP.NET in .NET 1.

如果您不想重新发明*,只需使用缓存应用程序块。如果你还想使用ASP。网络缓存——在这里看到。我很确定这只适用于。net 2.0及以上版本。在ASP之外使用缓存是不可能的。净在。NET 1。

MSDN has a nice big warning on the page for the cache documentation too:


The Cache class is not intended for use outside of ASP.NET applications. It was designed and tested for use in ASP.NET to provide caching for Web applications. In other types of applications, such as console applications or Windows Forms applications, ASP.NET caching might not work correctly.


For a very lightweight solution, where you don't have to worry about expiration etc, then a dictionary object could suffice.




I ended on this page wondering the same thing. Here's what I'm doing (which I don't like but seems to work just fine):


HttpContext context = HttpContext.Current;
if (context == null)
    HttpRequest request = new HttpRequest(string.Empty, "http://tempuri.org", string.Empty);
    HttpResponse response = new HttpResponse(new StreamWriter(new MemoryStream()));
    context = new HttpContext(request, response);
    HttpContext.Current = context;
this.cache = context.Cache;





public class AspnetDataCache : IDataCache
    private readonly Cache _cache;

    public AspnetDataCache(Cache cache)
        _cache = cache;

    public AspnetDataCache()
        : this(HttpRuntime.Cache)

    public void Put(string key, object obj, TimeSpan expireNext)
        if (key == null || obj == null)
        _cache.Insert(key, obj, null, DateTime.Now.Add(expireNext), TimeSpan.Zero);

    public object Get(string key)
        return _cache.Get(key);



The System.Web.Caching.Cache class relies on having its member "_cacheInternal" set by the HttpRuntime object.


To use the System.Web.Caching classes you'd have to create an HttpRuntime object and setup the HttpRuntime.Cache property. You'd effectively have to emulate IIS.


You're better off using other caching frameworks like:
