
时间:2021-10-23 03:05:05

What are the advantages of having nginx or another web-server running as a reverse-proxy in front of the Node.JS? What does it provide?


(This question is intended for matters concerning web-apps, not web-pages).


Thank you.


2 个解决方案



I think the greatest benefit is that you're then able to use the same port (80) for multiple applications. Otherwise, you'd need a new IP address for each nodejs application you have. Depending on how you set things up, you can also configure different folders and subdomains to different nodejs apps running on different ports. If you're building something big or complex, this is pretty great. Imagine being able to run your APIs on one node application, your website from another, and the logged-in website (member's area, dashboard, etc.) in another app. Your load balancer can determine who needs to go where (example.com/api* -> api.js, example.com/dashboard* -> dashboard.js, example.com -> app.js). This is not only useful for scaling, but also when things break, not everything breaks at once.

我认为最大的好处是您可以对多个应用程序使用相同的端口(80)。否则,您将需要为您拥有的每个nodejs应用程序提供一个新的IP地址。根据设置的方式,还可以为运行在不同端口上的不同nodejs应用程序配置不同的文件夹和子域。如果你正在构建一个大的或复杂的东西,这是非常棒的。想象一下,你可以在一个节点应用程序上运行api,在另一个节点应用程序上运行你的网站,在另一个应用程序中运行登录网站(成员的区域、仪表板等)。js,example.com/dashboard * - >仪表板。js,example.com - > app.js)。这不仅对缩放很有用,而且当物体断裂时,不是所有的东西都同时断裂。

To the maturity thing, meh. Nodejs + forever + node-http-proxy = Amazing. Run 1 proxy server for all of your apps with a minimal config/complexity (lower chance of failure). Then have fun with everything else. Don't forget to firewall off your internal ports, though ;).

对于成熟的东西,嗯。Nodejs + forever + node-http-proxy =惊人。为所有应用程序运行1个代理服务器,配置/复杂性最小(降低失败的几率)。然后尽情享受其他一切。不过,不要忘记防火墙关闭内部端口;)。

Some people make note of load balancing, which true, is a benefit. However, load balancing isn't something that most people will benefit from, since a single threaded, non-blocking nodejs thread can handle quite impressively large loads. I truly wouldn't even consider this as a difference if I were you. Load balancing is easy enough to implement when you need it, but otherwise utterly useless until you do.


Also note, if you do go with a non-node proxy solution (nginx, tornado, etc.), just be sure NOT to use one that blocks. Apache blocks. Nginx doesn't. You don't want to throw away one of the greatest benefits of using nodejs in the first place on a crummy server.




Having a more mature software as proxy is better for security and reliability. Nginx, Apache and others have been tested against a multitude of cases and used in production for years.


You can also use features from these web server that otherwise you would have to implement yourself or use a node.js module. Like caching, statistics, balancing, etc.


On the other side you would lose some features from node.js, realtime features like websockets (on port 80, you can still use other ports), page buffering and depending on the reverse proxy used, control over your caching and headers.




  • NginX now supports websocket proxying and possibly others.
  • NginX现在支持websocket代理,也可能支持其他功能。
  • Apache has a module to proxy websockets.
  • Apache有一个代理websockets的模块。



I think the greatest benefit is that you're then able to use the same port (80) for multiple applications. Otherwise, you'd need a new IP address for each nodejs application you have. Depending on how you set things up, you can also configure different folders and subdomains to different nodejs apps running on different ports. If you're building something big or complex, this is pretty great. Imagine being able to run your APIs on one node application, your website from another, and the logged-in website (member's area, dashboard, etc.) in another app. Your load balancer can determine who needs to go where (example.com/api* -> api.js, example.com/dashboard* -> dashboard.js, example.com -> app.js). This is not only useful for scaling, but also when things break, not everything breaks at once.

我认为最大的好处是您可以对多个应用程序使用相同的端口(80)。否则,您将需要为您拥有的每个nodejs应用程序提供一个新的IP地址。根据设置的方式,还可以为运行在不同端口上的不同nodejs应用程序配置不同的文件夹和子域。如果你正在构建一个大的或复杂的东西,这是非常棒的。想象一下,你可以在一个节点应用程序上运行api,在另一个节点应用程序上运行你的网站,在另一个应用程序中运行登录网站(成员的区域、仪表板等)。js,example.com/dashboard * - >仪表板。js,example.com - > app.js)。这不仅对缩放很有用,而且当物体断裂时,不是所有的东西都同时断裂。

To the maturity thing, meh. Nodejs + forever + node-http-proxy = Amazing. Run 1 proxy server for all of your apps with a minimal config/complexity (lower chance of failure). Then have fun with everything else. Don't forget to firewall off your internal ports, though ;).

对于成熟的东西,嗯。Nodejs + forever + node-http-proxy =惊人。为所有应用程序运行1个代理服务器,配置/复杂性最小(降低失败的几率)。然后尽情享受其他一切。不过,不要忘记防火墙关闭内部端口;)。

Some people make note of load balancing, which true, is a benefit. However, load balancing isn't something that most people will benefit from, since a single threaded, non-blocking nodejs thread can handle quite impressively large loads. I truly wouldn't even consider this as a difference if I were you. Load balancing is easy enough to implement when you need it, but otherwise utterly useless until you do.


Also note, if you do go with a non-node proxy solution (nginx, tornado, etc.), just be sure NOT to use one that blocks. Apache blocks. Nginx doesn't. You don't want to throw away one of the greatest benefits of using nodejs in the first place on a crummy server.




Having a more mature software as proxy is better for security and reliability. Nginx, Apache and others have been tested against a multitude of cases and used in production for years.


You can also use features from these web server that otherwise you would have to implement yourself or use a node.js module. Like caching, statistics, balancing, etc.


On the other side you would lose some features from node.js, realtime features like websockets (on port 80, you can still use other ports), page buffering and depending on the reverse proxy used, control over your caching and headers.




  • NginX now supports websocket proxying and possibly others.
  • NginX现在支持websocket代理,也可能支持其他功能。
  • Apache has a module to proxy websockets.
  • Apache有一个代理websockets的模块。