
时间:2022-02-07 22:37:12

I have a workbook with multiple modules and multiple subs. There are some variables though that are usesd constantly in most subs such as given worksheest.




dim cr as worksheet
set cr=sheets("combined_report")

I have this written in way too many subs. Can I write this once in say a class module and use "cr" from any sub in any module without having to reassign it?


2 个解决方案



Yes, you can!


Generally, you can define a global variable in any module before the declaration of your subs/functions using the Global keyword, e.g.


Option Explicit

Global cr as Worksheet

Public Sub mySub...

The global variable will keep it's scope - but of course you have to initialize is first, i.e. assign a value/object to it.

全局变量将保持其范围 - 但当然,您必须首先初始化,即为其分配值/对象。

It is best practice to prefix global variable with a g, e.g. gWSMain, so you'll always know you're dealing with a global variable.

最佳做法是使用g作为全局变量的前缀,例如: gWSMain,所以你总是知道你正在处理一个全局变量。

In case you only want a global variable for one or more specific worksheets in your workbook, you don't need a global variable at all! Instead, you can access them directly with their code names. Those are usually Sheet1, Sheet2, etc. - but you can change the name in the properties window.

如果您只需要工作簿中的一个或多个特定工作表的全局变量,则根本不需要全局变量!相反,您可以使用其代码名称直接访问它们。这些通常是Sheet1,Sheet2等 - 但您可以在属性窗口中更改名称。

These worksheets are available globally in your application, the same way as ThisWorkbook is.




You can do this with a function in a standard module and cache the reference using the Static keyword:


Function CR() As Worksheet
    Static CRSheet As Worksheet
    If CRSheet Is Nothing Then Set CRSheet = Sheets("combined_report")
    Set CR = CRSheet
End Function



Yes, you can!


Generally, you can define a global variable in any module before the declaration of your subs/functions using the Global keyword, e.g.


Option Explicit

Global cr as Worksheet

Public Sub mySub...

The global variable will keep it's scope - but of course you have to initialize is first, i.e. assign a value/object to it.

全局变量将保持其范围 - 但当然,您必须首先初始化,即为其分配值/对象。

It is best practice to prefix global variable with a g, e.g. gWSMain, so you'll always know you're dealing with a global variable.

最佳做法是使用g作为全局变量的前缀,例如: gWSMain,所以你总是知道你正在处理一个全局变量。

In case you only want a global variable for one or more specific worksheets in your workbook, you don't need a global variable at all! Instead, you can access them directly with their code names. Those are usually Sheet1, Sheet2, etc. - but you can change the name in the properties window.

如果您只需要工作簿中的一个或多个特定工作表的全局变量,则根本不需要全局变量!相反,您可以使用其代码名称直接访问它们。这些通常是Sheet1,Sheet2等 - 但您可以在属性窗口中更改名称。

These worksheets are available globally in your application, the same way as ThisWorkbook is.




You can do this with a function in a standard module and cache the reference using the Static keyword:


Function CR() As Worksheet
    Static CRSheet As Worksheet
    If CRSheet Is Nothing Then Set CRSheet = Sheets("combined_report")
    Set CR = CRSheet
End Function
