
时间:2022-06-20 06:44:27



#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <fstream>
#include <sstream>
#include <string.h>
#include "asm.cpp"
#define after_switch 1
using namespace std ;
int main()
string fileName ;
cin >> fileName ;
//const char* fileName = "code8.txt" ;
src.open(fileName.c_str(), ios::in) ;
result.open("result.txt", ios::out) ;
_gramma.open("gramma.txt", ios::out) ;
outputfile.open("midcode.txt", ios::out) ;
afteroutputfile.open("aftermidcode.txt", ios::out) ;
rstfile.open("asmcode.asm", ios::out) ;

cout << "file open failed" << endl ;
return -1 ;
init() ;
getsym() ;
program() ;
stt() ;
run() ;
combine() ;
run() ;
result.close() ;
src.close() ;
_gramma.close() ;
outputfile.close() ;
afteroutputfile.close() ;
rstfile.close() ;

getchar() ;
return 0;


#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <fstream>
#include <sstream>
#include <string.h>
#include "error.cpp"
* author by JiaKai Wang,2016/11/7
* a lexical analysis program

////////////////////reversed word id//////
#define INTSYM 1 // int
#define CHARSYM 2 // char
#define CONSTSYM 3 // const
#define MAINSYM 4 // main
#define IFSYM 5 // if
#define ELSESYM 6 // else
#define DOSYM 7 // do
#define WHILESYM 8 // while
#define VOIDSYM 9 // void
#define FORSYM 10 // for
#define SCANFSYM 11 // scanf
#define PRINTFSYM 12 // printf
#define RETURNSYM 13 // return
#define IDSYM 14 // identifier
#define PLUSSYM 15 // +
#define MINUSSYM 16 // -
#define MULTISYM 17 // *
#define DIVSYM 18 // /
#define BIGTHSYM 19 // >
#define SMALLTHSYM 20 // <
#define NOTBTHSYM 21 // <=
#define NOTSTHSYM 22 // >=
#define EQUSYM 23 // ==
#define NOTESYM 24 // !=
#define COMMASYM 24 // ,
#define LBPARENSYM 25 // {
#define RBPARENSYM 26 // }
#define LMPARENSYM 27 // [
#define RMPARENSYM 28 // ]
#define LPARENSYM 29 // (
#define RPARENSYM 30 // )
#define SQUOTESYM 31 // '
#define DQUOTESYM 32 // "
#define ASSIGNSYM 33 // =
#define STRINGSYM 34 // "it's a string"
#define COLONSYM 35 // :
#define SEMICSYM 36 // ;
#define DIGSYM 37 // number
#define WARNING "warning"
#define WARNING_0SURPLUS 1 // 012344
#define ERROR "error"
#define ERROR_OPERATION 2 // !
#define ERROR_FORMAT 3 // ' ' " "
#define ERROR_SYMBOL 4
using namespace std;
* what to distinguishe
* identifier //word start (word and num permitted)
* reserved //int char const main if else do while void for scanf printf return
* string //' ','!','#','"'(need \),'$',...'~'
* op // + - * / > >= < <= == !=
* symbol //( ) { } [ ] ' ' " " ,
* num //only int and start with 0 is not permitted
* global variable : token(save string),num(save number),ch(save char),indexInLine(save index of line counter),
* indexInFile(save index of file counter),lenOfCLine(length of current line)

string word[] = {"int","char","const","main","if","else",
"do","while","void","for","scanf","printf","return"} ;
const int reversWordNum = 13 ;

char line[512] ; // line buffer
char retypeLine[512] ; // error output
int indexInLine = 0 ;
int indexInFile = 0 ;
int lenOfCLine = 0 ;

char token[512] ;
int indexInToken ;
string sym = "" ;
int symId ;
char ch = ' ';
int num ;
ifstream src ; // source file
ofstream result ;
ofstream _gramma ;

int isTab(){
return ch == '\t' ? 1 : 0 ;
int isSpace(){
return ch == ' ' ? 1 : 0 ;
int isNewLine(){
return ch == '\n' ? 1 : 0 ;
int isLetter(){
return (ch >= 'a' && ch <= 'z') ||
(ch >= 'A' && ch <= 'Z') ||
(ch == '_') ? 1 : 0 ;
int isDigit(){
return ch <= '9' && ch >= '0' ? 1 : 0 ;
int isPlus(){
return ch == '+' ? 1 : 0 ;
int isMinus(){
return ch == '-' ? 1 : 0 ;
int isDiv(){
return ch == '/' ? 1 : 0 ;
int isMulti(){
return ch == '*' ? 1 : 0 ;
int isBigSym(){
return ch == '>' ? 1 : 0 ;
int isSamSym(){
return ch == '<' ? 1 : 0 ;
int isEquSym(){
return ch == '=' ? 1 : 0 ;
int isNotSym(){
return ch == '!' ? 1 : 0 ;
int isComma(){
return ch == ',' ? 1 : 0 ;
int isColon(){
return ch == ':' ? 1 : 0 ;
int isSemic(){
return ch == ';' ? 1 : 0 ;
int isLBParen(){
return ch == '{' ? 1 : 0 ;
int isRBParen(){
return ch == '}' ? 1 : 0 ;
int isLMParen(){
return ch == '[' ? 1 : 0 ;
int isRMParen(){
return ch == ']' ? 1 : 0 ;
int isLParen(){
return ch == '(' ? 1 : 0 ;
int isRParen(){
return ch == ')' ? 1 : 0 ;
int isChar(){
return ch == 32 || ch == 33 ||
(ch >= 35 && ch <= 126) ? 1 : 0 ;
int isSigQuote(){
return ch == '\'' ? 1 : 0 ;
int isDoubQuote(){
return ch == '\"' ? 1 : 0 ;

* [getch description]this part to read in a charactor

void getch(){
if(lenOfCLine == indexInLine){
indexInFile++ ;
//cout << indexInFile + 1 << endl ;
if(src.getline(line, 512) != NULL){ ;
lenOfCLine = strlen(line) ;
int i = lenOfCLine - 1 ;
for( ; line[i] == ' ' || line[i] == '\t' ; i--){
line[i] = '\0' ;
lenOfCLine = i + 1 ;
indexInLine = 0 ;
ch = ' ' ;
ch = line[indexInLine] ;
indexInLine++ ;
* [getsym description]read in a symbol
* @return [description]return a symbol id

void getsym(){
indexInToken = 0 ;
//getch() ;
if(ch == NULL){
return ;
while(isSpace() || isTab() || isNewLine()){
indexInLine = 0 ;
getch() ;
* if NULL,file finish and exit

* [if description] identifier branch
* @param isLetter [description] _ | a...z | A...Z
* @return [description] 1-true | 0-false

while(isLetter() || isDigit()){
token[indexInToken++] = ch ;
getch() ;
token[indexInToken] = '\0' ;
//indexInLine-- ;
int i ;
for(i = 0 ; i < reversWordNum ; i++){
if(!strcmp(word[i].c_str(), token)){
//sym = wSymbol[i] ;
symId = i+1 ;
break ;
if(i == reversWordNum){
sym = "IDSYM" ;
symId = IDSYM ;
* [if description] number branch
* @param isDigit [description] 0...9
* @return [description] 1-true | 0-false

else if(isDigit()){
sym = "DIGSYM" ;
symId = DIGSYM ;
num = 0 ;
int flag = ch == '0' ? 1 : 0 ;
token[indexInToken++] = ch ;
num = num * 10 + (int)(ch - '0') ;
getch() ;
token[indexInToken] = '\0' ;
if(flag == 1){
if(num != 0){
error(ZEROSTART_ERROR,indexInFile) ; // a number should not start with charactor '0'
* [if description] = and == branches
* @param isEquSym [description] =
* @return [description] 1-true | 0-false

else if(isEquSym()){
token[indexInToken++] = ch ;
sym = "ASSIGNSYM" ;
getch() ;
token[indexInToken++] = ch ;
sym = "EQUSYM" ;
symId = EQUSYM ;
getch() ;
token[indexInToken] = '\0' ;
* [if description] > and >=
* @param isBigSym [description] >
* @return [description] 1-true | 0-false

else if(isBigSym()){
token[indexInToken++] = ch ;
sym = "BIGTHSYM" ;
symId = BIGTHSYM ;
getch() ;
token[indexInToken++] = ch ;
sym = "NOTSTHSYM" ;
getch() ;
token[indexInToken] = '\0' ;
* [if description] < and <=
* @param isSamSym [description] <
* @return [description] 1-true | 0-fasle

else if(isSamSym()){
token[indexInToken++] = ch ;
sym = "SMALLTHSYM" ;
getch() ;
token[indexInToken++] = ch ;
sym = "NOTBTHSYM" ;
getch() ;
token[indexInToken] = '\0' ;
* [if description] !=
* @param isNotSym [description] !
* @return [description] 1-true | 0-false

else if(isNotSym()){
token[indexInToken++] = ch ;
getch() ;
token[indexInToken++] = ch ;
sym = "NOTESYM" ;
symId = NOTESYM ;
getch() ;
token[indexInToken] = '\0' ;

error(PRENOTONLY_ERROR,indexInFile) ; // ! can not appear by only
return ;

* [if description] '(+|-|*|/|_|a...z|A...Z|0...9)'
* @param isSigQuote [description] '
* @return [description] 1-true | 0-false

else if(isSigQuote()){
getch() ;
if(isPlus() || isMinus() || isMulti() || isDiv() ||
isLetter() || isDigit()){
token[indexInToken++] = ch ;
getch() ;

token[indexInToken] = '\0' ;
error(UNDEFCHAR_ERROR,indexInFile) ; // ' '

sym = "CHARSYM" ;
symId = CHARSYM ;
getch() ;
error(UNMATCHSQ_ERROR,indexInFile) ;
* [if description] "(ascii == 32|33| [35,126])"
* @param isDoubQuote [description] "
* @return [description] 1-true | 0-false

else if(isDoubQuote()){
char tempStr[512] ;
int index = 0 ;
getch() ;
if(ch == '\\'){
tempStr[index++] = ch ;
tempStr[index++] = ch ;
getch() ;
tempStr[index] = '\0' ;
strcpy(token, tempStr) ;
sym = "STRINGSYM" ;
getch() ;
error(UNMATCHDQ_ERROR,indexInFile) ; // a string must be surrounded by " "
* other branches

else {
* branch ,

sym = "COMMASYM" ;
symId = COMMASYM ;
* [if description] branch :
* @param isColon [description] :
* @return [description] 1-true | 0-false

else if(isColon()){
sym = "COLONSYM" ;
symId = COLONSYM ;
* [if description] branch ;
* @param isSemic [description] ;
* @return [description] 1-true | 0-false

else if(isSemic()){
sym = "SEMICSYM" ;
symId = SEMICSYM ;
* [if description] branch {
* @param isLBParen [description] {
* @return [description] 1-true | 0-false

else if(isLBParen()){
sym = "LBPARENSYM" ;
* [if description] branch }
* @param isRBParen [description] }
* @return [description] 1-true | 0-false

else if(isRBParen()){
sym = "RBPARENSYM" ;
* [if description] branch [
* @param isLMParen [description] [
* @return [description] 1-true | 0-false

else if(isLMParen()){
sym = "LMPARENSYM" ;
* [if description] branch ]
* @param isRMParen [description] ]
* @return [description] 1-true | 0-false

else if(isRMParen()){
sym = "RMPARENSYM" ;
* [if description] branch (
* @param isLParen [description] (
* @return [description] 1-true | 0-false

else if(isLParen()){
sym = "LPARENSYM" ;
* [if description] branch )
* @param isRParen [description] )
* @return [description] 1-true | 0-false

else if(isRParen()){
sym = "RPARENSYM" ;
else if(isPlus()){
sym = "PLUSSYM" ;
symId = PLUSSYM ;
else if(isMinus()){
sym = "MINUSSYM" ;
symId = MINUSSYM ;
else if(isMulti()){
sym = "MULTISYM" ;
symId = MULTISYM ;
else if(isDiv()){
sym = "DIVSYM" ;
symId = DIVSYM ;
token[indexInToken++] = ch ;
token[indexInToken] = '\0' ;
getch() ;
* means sym is an int

//cout << sym << ':' << symId << ' ' << token << ' ' << num << endl ;
result << sym << ':' << symId << ' ' << token << ' ' << num << endl ;
//cout << sym << ':' << symId << ' ' << token << endl ;
result << sym << ' ' << symId << ' ' << token << endl ;


#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <fstream>
#include <sstream>
#include <string.h>
#include "lex.cpp"
#include "midcode.cpp"

* author by JiaKai Wang,2016/11/15
* a gramma analysis program

#define max 512
#define maxPre 512
#define maxTab 512
using namespace std ;
* what to distinguishe
* identifier //word start (word and num permitted)
* reserved //int char const main if else do while void for scanf printf return
* string //' ','!','#','"'(need \),'$',...'~'
* op // + - * / > >= < <= == !=
* symbol //( ) { } [ ] ' ' " " ,
* num //only int and start with 0 is not permitted
* global variable : token(save string),num(save number),ch(save char),indexInLine(save index of line counter),
* indexInFile(save index of file counter),lenOfCLine(length of current line)



typedef struct{
char name[max] ; //name of identifier
int type ;//0-const 1-var 2-function 3-para
int value ;//常量的值,特别的,如果标识符是一个函数名,则用1表示函数类型为int,0为void
int address ;//标识符存储地址或者地址位移
int para ;//表示函数参数个数或者数组大小
}symbol ;
typedef struct{
symbol element[maxTab];//符号表
int index;//符号表栈顶指针, number of symbol table
int toltalPre;//当前符号表拥有的分程序总数
int indexOfPre[maxPre];//分程序索引 find index in table
}symbolTab ;

symbolTab symTable ;
char idName[max] ;
int value ;
int para ;
int address ;

int isArray ;

int preSymId ;
char preToken[max] ;
int preIndex ;
char preCh ;

//in order to deal with the condition for( ; i ; )
int isFor = 0 ;
//in order to deal with the void return
int isVoid = 0 ;
//in order to deal with the error read array
int isArr = 0 ;
//to deal not void func without ret value
int hasRet = 0 ;
// outputfile
char temp[128] ;
char nowitem[max] ; // save item result
int factorType ;

char procname[512] ;
int tempSym ;//just use in func defination
int isconst ;
int isMain = 0 ;
///gramma analyse
void states() ;
void item() ;
void factor() ;
void valueOfPara() ;
void condition() ;
void loopSta() ;
void writeSta() ;
void readSta() ;
void returnSta() ;
void conditionSta() ;
void declHead() ;
///symbol table
void pushSymTab(char* name, int type, int value, int address, int para) ;
void insertSymTab(char* name, int type,int value, int address, int para) ;
int searchSymTab(char* name) ;
void insertPara(int para) ;
void delSymTab() ;
///maybe use token/ num /symid/ in lex
void insertSymTab(char* name, int type, int value, int address, int para){
if(symTable.index > maxTab){
return ;

pushSymTab(name, type, value, address, para);
return ;
void insertPara(int para){
int i ;
i = symTable.indexOfPre[symTable.toltalPre - 1] ;
symTable.element[i].para = para ;
int searchSymTab(char* name, int flag){ //when use a id or a function name ,we should ensure if it is leagal
isArr = 0 ;
if(flag == 1){//search function name
int i ;
for(i = 1 ; i < symTable.toltalPre ; i++){
if(strcmp(symTable.element[symTable.indexOfPre[i]].name, name) == 0){
break ;
if(i >= symTable.toltalPre){//use undefined identifier
//cout << name << ": undefined function !" << endl ;
return 0 ;
if(symTable.element[symTable.indexOfPre[i]].para != para){//checked paramenter
error(PARANUM_ERROR, indexInFile) ;
return -1 ;
//return symTable.element[symTable.indexOfPre[i]].address ;
return 1 ;
else{//search id
int i ;
for(i = symTable.indexOfPre[symTable.toltalPre-1] ; i < symTable.index ; i++ ){
if(strcmp(symTable.element[i].name, name) == 0){
break ;
if(i == symTable.index){//find in main symbolTable
int i = 0 ;
int n = symTable.indexOfPre[1] ;//end index of main symbolTable
for( ; i < n ; i++){
if(strcmp(symTable.element[i].name, name) == 0){
break ;
if(i == n){
cout << indexInFile << " : " << name << ": " << "undefined identifier!" << endl ;
return 0 ;
if(symTable.element[i].type == 1){
factorType = symTable.element[i].value ;
if(symTable.element[i].para != -1){
isArr = 1 ;
return symTable.element[i].address ;
if(symTable.element[i].type == 0){//const
isconst = 1 ;
return symTable.element[i].value ;
if(symTable.element[i].type == 3){//paramenter
return -1 ;
if(symTable.element[i].type == 1){
factorType = symTable.element[i].value ;
if(symTable.element[i].para != -1){
isArr = 1 ;
return symTable.element[i].address ;
if(symTable.element[i].type == 0){//const
isconst = 1 ;
return symTable.element[i].value ;
if(symTable.element[i].type == 3){//paramenter
return -1 ;
return 1 ;

int arrLength(char* name){//once a array was used, search the length in symbol table, so that ensure it is lagal
int i ;
i = symTable.indexOfPre[symTable.toltalPre-1] ;
for( ; i < symTable.index ; i++){
if(strcmp(symTable.element[i].name, name) == 0){
return symTable.element[i].para ;
if(i == symTable.index){
i = 0 ;
for( ; i < symTable.indexOfPre[1] ; i++){
if(strcmp(symTable.element[i].name, name) == 0){
return symTable.element[i].para ;
return -1 ;
void pushSymTab(char* name, int type, int value, int address, int para){
if(type == 2){
int i ;
for(i = 1 ; i < symTable.toltalPre ; i++){
if(strcmp(symTable.element[symTable.indexOfPre[i]].name, name) == 0){
return ;
if(i >= symTable.toltalPre){//function can be defined
symTable.indexOfPre[symTable.toltalPre++] = symTable.index ;
int i = symTable.indexOfPre[symTable.toltalPre-1] ;// 查找当前符号表
for( ; i < symTable.index ; i++){
if(strcmp(symTable.element[i].name, name) == 0){
return ;
if(type != 3){//if not paramenter, var or const cannot be multidefined
i = 0 ;
for(; i < symTable.indexOfPre[1] ; i++){
if(strcmp(symTable.element[i].name, name) == 0){
return ;

strcpy(symTable.element[symTable.index].name, name) ;
symTable.element[symTable.index].type = type ;
symTable.element[symTable.index].value = value ;
symTable.element[symTable.index].address = address ;
symTable.element[symTable.index].para = para ;
symTable.index++ ;

//cout << "name: " << name << " type: " << type << " value: " << value << " address: " << address << " para: " << para << endl ;

void delSymTab(){


* [compoundSta description]声明头部子程序,仅针对又返回值函数使用
* <声明头部> ::= int<标识符>|char<标识符>

void declHead(){
if(symId == INTSYM || symId == CHARSYM){
getsym() ;
if(symId != IDSYM){
error(DELHEAD_IDMIS_ERROR,indexInFile) ;
return ;
strcpy(idName, token) ;
value = -11 ;
address = 0 ;//set as 0 tem
para = 0 ;
insertSymTab(idName, 2, value, address, para) ;
strcpy(procname, idName) ;

getsym() ;
* [constDef description]常量定义子程序
* <常量定义> ::= int<标识符>=<整数>{,<标识符>=<整数>}| char<标识符>=<字符>{,<标识符>=<字符>}
* 为了定义的简单,这里只考虑<标识符> = <整数(字符)>

void constDef(int type){

getsym() ;
if(symId == IDSYM){
strcpy(idName, token) ;
getsym() ;
if(symId == ASSIGNSYM){
getsym() ;
if(symId == PLUSSYM || symId == MINUSSYM){
int tempSymId = symId ;//record + / -
getsym() ;
if(type == INTSYM && symId == DIGSYM){
if(tempSymId == PLUSSYM){
value = num ;
else if(tempSymId == MINUSSYM){
value = 0 - num ;
address++ ;
para = -1 ;
insertSymTab(idName, 0, value, address, para);

sprintf(temp, "%d", value) ;
genMidCode(consts, ints, temp, idName) ;
else if(type == CHARSYM && symId == CHARSYM){
value = token[0] ;
address++ ;
para = -1 ;
insertSymTab(idName, 0, value, address, para);
sprintf(temp, "%d", value) ;
genMidCode(consts, chars, temp, idName) ;
else if(type == INTSYM && symId == DIGSYM){
value = num ;
address++ ;
para = -1 ;
insertSymTab(idName, 0, value, address, para);
sprintf(temp, "%d", value) ;
genMidCode(consts, chars, temp, idName) ;
return ;
_gramma << "it is a const defination " << endl ;//
//cout << "it is a const defination " << endl ;
error(CONSTDEF_ASSMIS_ERROR,indexInFile) ;
return ;
* [constDecl description]常量声明子程序
* <常量说明> ::= const<常量定义>;{ const<常量定义>;}

void constDecl(){
//getsym() ;
if(symId != CONSTSYM){
error(0,0) ;//this error will not appear
return ;
getsym() ;
int type ;
type = symId == INTSYM ? INTSYM : (symId == CHARSYM ? CHARSYM : -1) ;
if(type == -1){
error(CONSTDEF_TYPE_ERROR,indexInFile) ;
return ;
constDef(type) ;
getsym() ;
}while(symId == COMMASYM) ;
if(symId == SEMICSYM){
getsym() ;
if(symId == CONSTSYM){
constDecl() ;
_gramma << "it is a const declariton " << endl ;
//cout << "it is a const declariton finished" << endl ;
//result << "it is a const declariton " << endl ;
error(SEMICSYMMIS_ERROR,indexInFile) ;
return ;
* [compoundSta description]变量定义子程序
* <变量定义> ::= <类型标识符>(<标识符>|<标识符>‘[’<无符号整数>‘]’){,(<标识符>|<标识符>‘[’<无符号整数>‘]’) }

void varDef(){
if(symId == INTSYM || symId == CHARSYM){
int tempType ;
tempType = symId ;
para = 0 ;
getsym() ;
if(symId == IDSYM){
strcpy(idName, token) ;//name
getsym() ;
if(symId == LMPARENSYM){//array
getsym() ;
if(symId != DIGSYM){
//read next ; skip read
getsym() ;
}while(symId != SEMICSYM) ;
return ;
para = num ;//para
getsym() ;
if(symId == RMPARENSYM){
value = tempType ;
address += num ;
insertSymTab(idName, 1, value, address, para);
_gramma << "it is a array var defination" << endl ;
//cout << "it is a array var defination" << endl ;
if(tempType == INTSYM){
genMidCode(inta, space, para, idName) ;
else if(tempType == CHARSYM){
genMidCode(chara, space, para, idName) ;
error(RMPARENSYMMIS_ERROR,indexInFile) ;
//read next ; skip read
getsym() ;
}while(symId != SEMICSYM) ;
return ;
getsym() ;

value = tempType ;
address++ ;
para = -1 ;
insertSymTab(idName, 1, value, address, para);
_gramma << "it is a var defination" << endl ;
//cout << "it is a var defination" << endl ;
if(tempType == INTSYM){
genMidCode(ints, space, space, idName) ;
else if(tempType == CHARSYM){
genMidCode(chars, space, space, idName) ;
error(VARDEF_TYPE_ERROR,indexInFile) ;
//read next ; skip read
getsym() ;
}while(symId != SEMICSYM) ;
return ;
}while(symId == COMMASYM) ;
//getsym() ;
* [compoundSta description]变量声明子程序
* <变量说明> ::= <变量定义>;{<变量定义>;}

void varDecl(){
varDef() ;
if(symId != SEMICSYM){
error(SEMICSYMMIS_ERROR,indexInFile) ;
//read next int/char/void skip read
getsym() ;
}while(symId != INTSYM && symId != CHARSYM && symId != VOIDSYM) ;
return ;
getsym() ;
while(symId == INTSYM || symId == CHARSYM) ;
* [compoundSta description]复合语句子程序

void compoundSta(){
if(symId == CONSTSYM){
constDecl() ;
if(symId == INTSYM || symId == CHARSYM){
varDecl() ;
states() ;
* [compoundSta description]主函数子程序
* <主函数> ::= void main‘(’‘)’ ‘{’<复合语句>‘}’

void mainFunc(){
if(symId == VOIDSYM){
getsym() ;
if(symId != MAINSYM){
error(MAINSYM_ERROR,indexInFile) ;//this may not appeared

return ;
strcpy(idName, token) ;
insertSymTab(idName, 2, -1, 0, 0) ;
strcpy(procname, idName) ;
genMidCode(func, space, space, procname) ;
isMain = 1 ;
getsym() ;
if(symId != LPARENSYM){
error(LPARENSYMMIS_ERROR,indexInFile) ;
//read next { skip read
getsym() ;
}while(symId != LBPARENSYM) ;
return ;
getsym() ;
if(symId != RPARENSYM){
error(RPARENSYMMIS_ERROR,indexInFile) ;
//read next { skip read
getsym() ;
}while(symId != LBPARENSYM) ;
return ;
getsym() ;
if(symId != LBPARENSYM){
error(LBPARENSYMMIS_ERROR,indexInFile) ;
//skip read
getsym() ;
}while(symId != CONSTSYM && symId != INTSYM && symId != CHARSYM && symId != IFSYM &&
symId != FORSYM && symId != DOSYM && symId != LBPARENSYM && symId != IDSYM &&
symId != PRINTFSYM && symId != SCANFSYM && symId != SEMICSYM && symId != RETURNSYM) ;
return ;
getsym() ;
compoundSta() ;
if(symId != RBPARENSYM){
error(RBPARENSYMMIS_ERROR,indexInFile) ;
//skip read
getsym() ;
}while(symId != CONSTSYM && symId != INTSYM && symId != CHARSYM && symId != IFSYM &&
symId != FORSYM && symId != DOSYM && symId != LBPARENSYM && symId != IDSYM &&
symId != PRINTFSYM && symId != SCANFSYM && symId != SEMICSYM && symId != RETURNSYM) ;
return ;
genMidCode(myend, space, space, procname) ;
_gramma << "it is a main function" << endl ;
//cout << "it is a main function" << endl ;
getsym() ;
* [compoundSta description]表达式子程序
* <表达式> ::= [+|-]<项>{<加法运算符><项>}

void expr(){
factorType = 0 ;
char place1[256] ;
char place2[256] ;
char place3[256] ;
if(symId == PLUSSYM || symId == MINUSSYM){
factorType = INTSYM ;
if(symId == PLUSSYM){
getsym() ;
item() ;
strcpy(place3, nowitem) ;
if(symId == MINUSSYM){
getsym() ;
item() ;
strcpy(place1, nowitem) ;
strcpy(place3, genVar()) ;
char myzero[] = {'0','\0'} ;
genMidCode(sub, myzero, place1, place3) ; // get -n

if(symId == PLUSSYM || symId == MINUSSYM){
factorType = INTSYM ;
strcpy(place1, place3) ;
if(symId == PLUSSYM){
getsym() ;
item() ;
strcpy(place2, nowitem) ;
strcpy(place3, genVar()) ;
genMidCode(add, place1, place2, place3) ;
else if(symId == MINUSSYM){
getsym() ;
item() ;
strcpy(place2, nowitem) ;
strcpy(place3, genVar()) ;
genMidCode(sub, place1, place2, place3) ;

}while(symId == PLUSSYM || symId == MINUSSYM) ;
_gramma << "it is a expr" << endl ;
strcpy(nowitem, place3) ;
//cout << "it is a expr" << endl ;
item() ;
strcpy(place3, nowitem) ;
if(symId == PLUSSYM || symId == MINUSSYM){
factorType = INTSYM ;
strcpy(place1, place3) ;
if(symId == PLUSSYM){
getsym() ;
item() ;
strcpy(place2, nowitem) ;
strcpy(place3, genVar()) ;
genMidCode(add, place1, place2, place3) ;
else if(symId == MINUSSYM){
getsym() ;
item() ;
strcpy(place2, nowitem) ;
strcpy(place3, genVar()) ;
genMidCode(sub, place1, place2, place3) ;
}while(symId == PLUSSYM || symId == MINUSSYM) ;
_gramma << "it is a expr" << endl ;
//cout << "it is a expr" << endl ;
strcpy(nowitem, place3) ;//save fianl value reg
* [compoundSta description]项子程序
* <项> ::= <因子>{<乘法运算符><因子>}

void item(){
char place1[128], place2[128], place3[256] ;
factor() ;
strcpy(place3, nowitem) ; // assign need temp variable to save result
if(symId == MULTISYM || symId == DIVSYM){
strcpy(place1, place3) ;
if(symId == MULTISYM){
getsym() ;
factor() ;
strcpy(place2, nowitem) ;
strcpy(place3, genVar()) ;
genMidCode(mul, place1, place2, place3) ;
else if(symId == DIVSYM){
getsym() ;
factor() ;
strcpy(place2, nowitem) ;
strcpy(place3, genVar()) ;
genMidCode(divs, place1, place2, place3) ;
}while(symId == MULTISYM || symId == DIVSYM) ;
strcpy(nowitem, place3) ;
* [compoundSta description]因子子程序
* <因子> ::= <标识符>|<标识符>‘[’<表达式>‘]’|<整数>|<字符>|<有返回值函数调用语句>|‘(’<表达式>‘)’
* 需要注意,标识符和有返回值函数调用存在嵌套部分,即,二者均以symId == IDSYM 开始

void factor(){
int t ; //record if id is leagal
char place3[256] ;
strcpy(place3, space) ;
if(symId == IDSYM){
char tempIdName[max] ;
strcpy(idName, token) ;
strcpy(tempIdName, token) ;

getsym() ;

if(symId == LPARENSYM){//function call
getsym() ;
valueOfPara() ;
if(symId != RPARENSYM){
error(RPARENSYMMIS_ERROR,indexInFile) ;

getsym() ;
}while(symId != SEMICSYM) ;
return ;
t = searchSymTab(tempIdName, 1) ;
if(t == 0){
error(UNDEFFUNC_ERROR, indexInFile) ;
//cout << t << endl ;
strcpy(place3, genVar()) ;// generate temp variable
genMidCode(call, tempIdName, space, place3) ;
strcpy(nowitem, place3) ;
getsym() ;
else if(symId == LMPARENSYM){ //array

getsym() ;
int tempFactType = factorType ;
expr() ;
factorType = tempFactType ;

char ttt[256] ;//not necessery
strcpy(ttt, nowitem) ;

if((nowitem[0] >= '0' && nowitem[0] <= '9') ? 1 : 0){
int arrLen = 0 ;
arrLen = arrLength(idName) ;
if(arrLen != -1 && atoi(ttt) >= arrLen){
cout << "Warning " << indexInFile << endl ;

if(symId != RMPARENSYM){
error(RMPARENSYMMIS_ERROR,indexInFile) ;
//array ] missed
getsym() ;
}while(symId != SEMICSYM && symId != ASSIGNSYM && symId != PLUSSYM &&
symId != MINUSSYM && symId != MULTISYM && symId != DIVSYM &&
symId != RPARENSYM && symId != COMMASYM && symId != BIGTHSYM &&
symId != SMALLTHSYM && symId != NOTBTHSYM && symId != NOTSTHSYM &&
symId != EQUSYM && symId != NOTESYM);
return ;
t = searchSymTab(tempIdName, 0) ;
//cout << t << endl ;
strcpy(nowitem, genVar()) ;
genMidCode(aAssign, tempIdName, ttt, nowitem) ;
getsym() ;
else{//identifier, is variable
t = searchSymTab(idName, 0) ;
//cout << t << endl ;
strcpy(nowitem, int2array(t)) ;
isconst = 0 ;
strcpy(nowitem, idName) ;
else if(symId == LPARENSYM){
getsym() ;
expr() ;
if(symId != RPARENSYM){
error(RPARENSYMMIS_ERROR,indexInFile) ;
getsym() ;
}while(symId != SEMICSYM && symId != MULTISYM && symId != DIVSYM &&
symId != RPARENSYM && symId != RMPARENSYM && symId != BIGTHSYM &&
symId != SMALLTHSYM && symId != NOTBTHSYM && symId != NOTSTHSYM &&
symId != EQUSYM && symId != NOTESYM && symId != PLUSSYM && symId != MINUSSYM) ;
return ;
getsym() ;
else if(symId == DIGSYM || symId == PLUSSYM || symId == MINUSSYM){
if(symId == PLUSSYM || symId == MINUSSYM){//integer with +/- symbol
int sign ;
sign = symId == PLUSSYM ? 1 : -1 ;

getsym() ;
//int flag = symId == PLUSSYM ? 1 : 0 ;
if(symId != DIGSYM){
error(AFTEROP_NUMMIS_ERROR,indexInFile) ;
getsym() ;
}while(symId != SEMICSYM && symId != MULTISYM && symId != DIVSYM &&
symId != RPARENSYM && symId != BIGTHSYM &&
symId != SMALLTHSYM && symId != NOTBTHSYM && symId != NOTSTHSYM &&
symId != EQUSYM && symId != NOTESYM && symId != PLUSSYM && symId != MINUSSYM) ;
return ;
num = num * sign ;
sprintf(nowitem, "%d", num) ;
factorType = INTSYM ;
getsym() ;

sprintf(nowitem, "%d", num) ;
factorType = INTSYM ;
getsym() ;
else if(symId == CHARSYM){
factorType = CHARSYM ;
sprintf(nowitem, "%d", token[0]) ;
getsym() ;
//if(symId == DIGSYM){
error(FACTOR_ERROR,indexInFile) ;
getsym() ;
}while(symId != SEMICSYM && symId != MULTISYM && symId != DIVSYM &&
symId != RPARENSYM && symId != RMPARENSYM && symId != BIGTHSYM &&
symId != SMALLTHSYM && symId != NOTBTHSYM && symId != NOTSTHSYM &&
symId != EQUSYM && symId != NOTESYM && symId != PLUSSYM && symId != MINUSSYM) ;
return ;
* [compoundSta description]语句子程序
* <语句> ::= <条件语句>|<循环语句>|‘{’<语句列>‘}’|
* <有返回值函数调用语句>;|<无返回值函数调用语句>;|<赋值语句>;|
* <读语句>;|<写语句>;|<空>;|<返回语句>;

void state(){
* <条件语句>

if(symId == IFSYM){
conditionSta() ;
return ;
* <循环语句>

else if(symId == DOSYM || symId == FORSYM){
loopSta() ;
return ;
* ‘{’<语句列>‘}’

else if(symId == LBPARENSYM){
getsym() ;
states() ;
if(symId != RBPARENSYM){
error(RBPARENSYMMIS_ERROR,indexInFile) ;
getsym() ;
}while( symId != IFSYM && symId != FORSYM && symId != DOSYM && symId != LBPARENSYM &&
symId != IDSYM && symId != PRINTFSYM && symId != SCANFSYM && symId != SEMICSYM &&
symId != RETURNSYM && symId != RBPARENSYM) ;
return ;
getsym() ;
return ;
* <赋值语句>;

else if(symId == IDSYM){
* [compoundSta description]赋值语句子程序
* <赋值语句> ::= <标识符>=<表达式>|<标识符>‘[’<表达式>‘]’=<表达式>

char place1[128] ;
char place2[128] ;
char place3[128] ;
strcpy(place1, space) ;
strcpy(place2, space) ;
strcpy(place3, space) ;

char tempIdName[max] ;
strcpy(idName, token) ;
strcpy(tempIdName, token) ;
strcpy(place3, token) ;
int t ;

getsym() ;
if(symId == ASSIGNSYM){
t = searchSymTab(idName, 0) ;
//cout << t << endl ;
getsym() ;

expr() ;
strcpy(place1, nowitem) ;
if(symId != SEMICSYM){
error(SEMICSYMMIS_ERROR,indexInFile) ;
getsym() ;
}while( symId != IFSYM && symId != FORSYM && symId != DOSYM && symId != LBPARENSYM &&
symId != IDSYM && symId != PRINTFSYM && symId != SCANFSYM && symId != SEMICSYM &&
symId != RETURNSYM && symId != RBPARENSYM) ;
return ;
genMidCode(ass, place1, space, place3) ;
getsym() ;
_gramma << "it is a assign statement" << endl ;
//cout << "it is a assign statement" << endl ;
else if(symId == LMPARENSYM){

t = searchSymTab(idName, 0) ;
//cout << t << endl ;
getsym() ;
expr() ;
strcpy(place2, nowitem) ;
if(symId != RMPARENSYM){
error(RMPARENSYMMIS_ERROR,indexInFile) ;
getsym() ;
}while(symId != SEMICSYM) ;
return ;
getsym() ;
if(symId == ASSIGNSYM){
getsym() ;
expr() ;
strcpy(place1, nowitem) ;
if(symId != SEMICSYM){
error(SEMICSYMMIS_ERROR,indexInFile) ;
getsym() ;
}while( symId != IFSYM && symId != FORSYM && symId != DOSYM && symId != LBPARENSYM &&
symId != IDSYM && symId != PRINTFSYM && symId != SCANFSYM && symId != SEMICSYM &&
symId != RETURNSYM && symId != RBPARENSYM) ;
return ;
genMidCode(assignA, place1, place2, place3) ;
getsym() ;
_gramma << "it is a assign statement" << endl ;
//cout << " it is a assign statement" << endl ;
* <有返回值函数调用语句> ::= <标识符>‘(’<值参数表>‘)’
*<无返回值函数调用语句> ::= <标识符>‘(’<值参数表>‘)’

else if(symId == LPARENSYM){
getsym() ;

valueOfPara() ;
t = searchSymTab(tempIdName, 1) ;
if(t == 0){// not fund
error(UNDEFFUNC_ERROR, indexInFile) ;
//cout << t << endl ;
if(symId != RPARENSYM){
error(RPARENSYMMIS_ERROR,indexInFile) ;
getsym() ;
}while(symId != SEMICSYM) ;
return ;

genMidCode(call, tempIdName, space, space) ;
getsym() ;
if(symId != SEMICSYM){
error(SEMICSYMMIS_ERROR,indexInFile) ;
getsym() ;
}while( symId != IFSYM && symId != FORSYM && symId != DOSYM && symId != LBPARENSYM &&
symId != IDSYM && symId != PRINTFSYM && symId != SCANFSYM && symId != SEMICSYM &&
symId != RETURNSYM && symId != RBPARENSYM) ;
return ;
getsym() ;
_gramma << "it is a function call statement" << endl ;
//cout << " it is a function call statement" << endl ;
error(ASSIGNSTATUS_ERROR,indexInFile) ;
getsym() ;
}while( symId != IFSYM && symId != FORSYM && symId != DOSYM && symId != LBPARENSYM &&
symId != IDSYM && symId != PRINTFSYM && symId != SCANFSYM && symId != SEMICSYM &&
symId != RETURNSYM && symId != RBPARENSYM) ;
return ;

else if(symId == PRINTFSYM){
writeSta() ;
if(symId != SEMICSYM){
error(SEMICSYMMIS_ERROR,indexInFile) ;
getsym() ;
}while( symId != IFSYM && symId != FORSYM && symId != DOSYM && symId != LBPARENSYM &&
symId != IDSYM && symId != PRINTFSYM && symId != SCANFSYM && symId != SEMICSYM &&
symId != RETURNSYM && symId != RBPARENSYM) ;
return ;
getsym() ;
else if(symId == SCANFSYM){
readSta() ;
if(symId != SEMICSYM){
error(SEMICSYMMIS_ERROR,indexInFile) ;
getsym() ;
}while( symId != IFSYM && symId != FORSYM && symId != DOSYM && symId != LBPARENSYM &&
symId != IDSYM && symId != PRINTFSYM && symId != SCANFSYM && symId != SEMICSYM &&
symId != RETURNSYM && symId != RBPARENSYM) ;
return ;
getsym() ;
else if(symId == RETURNSYM){
returnSta() ;
if(symId != SEMICSYM){
error(SEMICSYMMIS_ERROR,indexInFile) ;
getsym() ;
}while( symId != IFSYM && symId != FORSYM && symId != DOSYM && symId != LBPARENSYM &&
symId != IDSYM && symId != PRINTFSYM && symId != SCANFSYM && symId != SEMICSYM &&
symId != RETURNSYM && symId != RBPARENSYM) ;
return ;
getsym() ;
else if(symId == SEMICSYM){
getsym() ;
//error(STATUS_ERROR,indexInFile) ;
return ;

* [compoundSta description]条件语句子程序
* <条件语句> ::= if ‘(’<条件>‘)’<语句>[else<语句>]

void conditionSta(){
char label1[256] ;//save if label
char label2[256] ;//save else label
char conditionValue[512] ;
strcpy(label1, genLab()) ;
strcpy(label2, genLab()) ;
if(symId == IFSYM){
getsym() ;
if(symId != LPARENSYM){
error(LPARENSYMMIS_ERROR,indexInFile) ;
getsym() ;
}while(symId != SEMICSYM) ;
return ;
getsym() ;
condition() ;
strcpy(conditionValue, nowitem) ;
genMidCode(jne, space, space, label1) ;
if(symId != RPARENSYM){
error(RPARENSYMMIS_ERROR,indexInFile) ;
getsym() ;
}while(symId != SEMICSYM) ;
return ;
getsym() ;
state() ;
genMidCode(jmp, space, space, label2) ;//skip else
genMidCode(lab, space, space, label1) ;
if(symId == ELSESYM){

getsym() ;
state() ;
genMidCode(lab, space, space, label2) ;
_gramma << "it is a condition statement" << endl ;
//cout << "it is a condition statement" << endl ;
* [compoundSta description]条件子程序
* <条件> ::= <表达式><关系运算符><表达式>|<表达式> //表达式为0条件为假,否则为真

void condition(){
char place1[128] ;
char place2[128] ;
strcpy(place1, space) ;
strcpy(place2, space) ;
expr() ;
strcpy(place1, nowitem) ;
if(symId == BIGTHSYM){
getsym() ;
expr() ;
strcpy(place2, nowitem) ;
genMidCode(bt, place1, place2, space) ;
else if(symId == SMALLTHSYM){
getsym() ;
expr() ;
strcpy(place2, nowitem) ;
genMidCode(st, place1, place2, space) ;
else if(symId == EQUSYM){
getsym() ;
expr() ;
strcpy(place2, nowitem) ;
genMidCode(eql, place1, place2, space) ;
else if(symId == NOTBTHSYM){
getsym() ;
expr() ;
strcpy(place2, nowitem) ;
genMidCode(nbt, place1, place2, space) ;
else if(symId == NOTSTHSYM){
getsym() ;
expr() ;
strcpy(place2, nowitem) ;
genMidCode(nst, place1, place2, space) ;
else if(symId == NOTESYM){
getsym() ;
expr() ;
strcpy(place2, nowitem) ;
genMidCode(neq, place1, place2, space) ;
else if(symId == RPARENSYM){

genMidCode(neq, place1, zero, space) ;
else if(isFor && symId == SEMICSYM){
genMidCode(neq, place1, zero, space) ;
error(CONDITIONOP_ERROR,indexInFile) ;
getsym() ;
}while( symId != IFSYM && symId != FORSYM && symId != DOSYM && symId != LBPARENSYM &&
symId != IDSYM && symId != PRINTFSYM && symId != SCANFSYM && symId != SEMICSYM &&
symId != RETURNSYM && symId != RBPARENSYM) ;
return ;
* [compoundSta description]循环子程序
* <循环语句> ::= do<语句>while ‘(’<条件>‘)’ |
* for‘(’<标识符>=<表达式>;<条件>;<标识符>=<标识符>(+|-)<步长>‘)’<语句>

void loopSta(){
char place1[128] ;
char place2[128] ;

char label1[256] ;
char label2[256] ;
//for lop use
char name1[128] ;
char name2[128] ;
char name3[128] ;

strcpy(label1, genLab()) ;
strcpy(label2, genLab()) ;

if(symId == DOSYM){
genMidCode(lab, space, space, label1) ;
getsym() ;
state() ;
if(symId != WHILESYM){
error(WHILESYMMIS_ERROR,indexInFile) ;
getsym() ;
}while( symId != IFSYM && symId != FORSYM && symId != DOSYM && symId != LBPARENSYM &&
symId != IDSYM && symId != PRINTFSYM && symId != SCANFSYM && symId != SEMICSYM &&
symId != RETURNSYM && symId != RBPARENSYM) ;
return ;

getsym() ;
if(symId != LPARENSYM){
error(LPARENSYMMIS_ERROR,indexInFile) ;
getsym() ;
}while( symId != IFSYM && symId != FORSYM && symId != DOSYM && symId != LBPARENSYM &&
symId != IDSYM && symId != PRINTFSYM && symId != SCANFSYM && symId != SEMICSYM &&
symId != RETURNSYM && symId != RBPARENSYM) ;
return ;
getsym() ;
condition() ;
if(symId != RPARENSYM){
error(RPARENSYMMIS_ERROR,indexInFile) ;
getsym() ;
}while( symId != IFSYM && symId != FORSYM && symId != DOSYM && symId != LBPARENSYM &&
symId != IDSYM && symId != PRINTFSYM && symId != SCANFSYM && symId != SEMICSYM &&
symId != RETURNSYM && symId != RBPARENSYM) ;
return ;
genMidCode(jne, space, space, label2) ;
genMidCode(jmp, space, space, label1) ;
genMidCode(lab, space, space, label2) ;
_gramma << "it is a do-while-loop statement" << endl ;
//cout << "it is a do-while-loop statement" << endl ;
//result << "it is a do-while-loop statement" << endl ;
getsym() ;
else if(symId == FORSYM){
int s ;
isFor = 1 ;
getsym() ;
if(symId != LPARENSYM){
error(LPARENSYMMIS_ERROR,indexInFile) ;
getsym() ;
}while( symId != IFSYM && symId != FORSYM && symId != DOSYM && symId != LBPARENSYM &&
symId != IDSYM && symId != PRINTFSYM && symId != SCANFSYM && symId != SEMICSYM &&
symId != RETURNSYM && symId != RBPARENSYM) ;
return ;
getsym() ;
if(symId != IDSYM){
error(IDSYMMIS_ERROR,indexInFile) ;
getsym() ;
}while( symId != IFSYM && symId != FORSYM && symId != DOSYM && symId != LBPARENSYM &&
symId != IDSYM && symId != PRINTFSYM && symId != SCANFSYM && symId != SEMICSYM &&
symId != RETURNSYM && symId != RBPARENSYM) ;
return ;
strcpy(name1, token) ;
getsym() ;
if(symId != ASSIGNSYM){
error(FORASSIGNMIS_ERROR,indexInFile) ;
getsym() ;
}while( symId != IFSYM && symId != FORSYM && symId != DOSYM && symId != LBPARENSYM &&
symId != IDSYM && symId != PRINTFSYM && symId != SCANFSYM && symId != SEMICSYM &&
symId != RETURNSYM && symId != RBPARENSYM) ;
return ;

s = searchSymTab(name1, 0) ;
if(s == -2){
error(VARTYPE_ERROR,indexInFile) ;//should not const

getsym() ;
expr() ;
genMidCode(ass, nowitem, space, name1) ;
if(symId != SEMICSYM){
error(SEMICSYMMIS_ERROR,indexInFile) ;
getsym() ;
}while( symId != IFSYM && symId != FORSYM && symId != DOSYM && symId != LBPARENSYM &&
symId != IDSYM && symId != PRINTFSYM && symId != SCANFSYM && symId != SEMICSYM &&
symId != RETURNSYM && symId != RBPARENSYM) ;
return ;
getsym() ;
genMidCode(lab, space, space, label1) ;
condition() ;
genMidCode(jne, space, space, label2) ;
if(symId != SEMICSYM){
error(SEMICSYMMIS_ERROR,indexInFile) ;
getsym() ;
}while( symId != IFSYM && symId != FORSYM && symId != DOSYM && symId != LBPARENSYM &&
symId != IDSYM && symId != PRINTFSYM && symId != SCANFSYM && symId != SEMICSYM &&
symId != RETURNSYM && symId != RBPARENSYM) ;
return ;
getsym() ;
if(symId != IDSYM){
error(IDSYMMIS_ERROR,indexInFile) ;
getsym() ;
}while( symId != IFSYM && symId != FORSYM && symId != DOSYM && symId != LBPARENSYM &&
symId != IDSYM && symId != PRINTFSYM && symId != SCANFSYM && symId != SEMICSYM &&
symId != RETURNSYM && symId != RBPARENSYM) ;
return ;
strcpy(name2, token) ;
s = searchSymTab(name2, 0) ;
if(s == -2){
error(VARTYPE_ERROR,indexInFile) ;//should not const

getsym() ;
if(symId != ASSIGNSYM){
error(FORASSIGNMIS_ERROR,indexInFile) ;
getsym() ;
}while( symId != IFSYM && symId != FORSYM && symId != DOSYM && symId != LBPARENSYM &&
symId != IDSYM && symId != PRINTFSYM && symId != SCANFSYM && symId != SEMICSYM &&
symId != RETURNSYM && symId != RBPARENSYM) ;
return ;
getsym() ;
if(symId != IDSYM){
error(IDSYMMIS_ERROR,indexInFile) ;
getsym() ;
}while( symId != IFSYM && symId != FORSYM && symId != DOSYM && symId != LBPARENSYM &&
symId != IDSYM && symId != PRINTFSYM && symId != SCANFSYM && symId != SEMICSYM &&
symId != RETURNSYM && symId != RBPARENSYM) ;
return ;
strcpy(name3, token) ;
s = searchSymTab(name3, 0) ;
if(s == -2){
error(VARTYPE_ERROR,indexInFile) ;//should not const

getsym() ;
if(symId != PLUSSYM && symId != MINUSSYM){
error(FOROPMIS_ERROR,indexInFile) ;
getsym() ;
}while( symId != IFSYM && symId != FORSYM && symId != DOSYM && symId != LBPARENSYM &&
symId != IDSYM && symId != PRINTFSYM && symId != SCANFSYM && symId != SEMICSYM &&
symId != RETURNSYM && symId != RBPARENSYM) ;
return ;

char op[8] ;
if(symId == PLUSSYM){
strcpy(op, add) ;
else if(symId == MINUSSYM){
strcpy(op, sub) ;

getsym() ;
if(symId != DIGSYM){
error(FORDIGSYM_ERROR,indexInFile) ;
getsym() ;
}while( symId != IFSYM && symId != FORSYM && symId != DOSYM && symId != LBPARENSYM &&
symId != IDSYM && symId != PRINTFSYM && symId != SCANFSYM && symId != SEMICSYM &&
symId != RETURNSYM && symId != RBPARENSYM) ;
return ;
strcpy(place1, token) ;

getsym() ;
if(symId != RPARENSYM){
error(RPARENSYMMIS_ERROR,indexInFile) ;
getsym() ;
}while( symId != IFSYM && symId != FORSYM && symId != DOSYM && symId != LBPARENSYM &&
symId != IDSYM && symId != PRINTFSYM && symId != SCANFSYM && symId != SEMICSYM &&
symId != RETURNSYM && symId != RBPARENSYM) ;
return ;
getsym() ;
state() ;
strcpy(place2, genVar()) ;
genMidCode(op, name3, place1, place2) ;
genMidCode(ass, place2, space, name2) ;

genMidCode(jmp, space, space, label1) ;
genMidCode(lab, space, space, label2) ;
isFor = 0 ;
_gramma << "it is a for-loop statement" << endl ;
//cout << "it is a for-loop statement" << endl ;

* [compoundSta description]值参数子程序
* <值参数表> ::= <表达式>{,<表达式>}|<空>
* 值参数表可能的开始字符包括:表达式相关
* <表达式> ::= [+|-]<项>{<加法运算符><项>}
* 此句子中包含 + - 项
* <项> ::= <因子>{<乘法运算符><因子>}
*<因子> ::= <标识符>|<标识符>‘[’<表达式>‘]’|<整数>|<字符>|<有返回值函数调用语句>|‘(’<表达式>‘)’
*此句中包含 标识符(IDSYM),整数(INTSYM),字符(CHARSYM),有返回值函数调用语句,以及左括号
*<有返回值函数调用语句> ::= <标识符>‘(’<值参数表>‘)’

void valueOfPara(){
para = 0 ;
vector<string> v;
if(symId == COMMASYM){
getsym() ;
if(symId == PLUSSYM || symId == MINUSSYM || symId == IDSYM ||
symId == DIGSYM || symId == CHARSYM || symId == LPARENSYM){
expr() ;

v.push_back(nowitem) ;
para++ ;

}while(symId == COMMASYM) ;
char t[32] ;
int l = v.size() ;
for(int i = 0 ; i < l ; i++){
strcpy(t, v[i].c_str()) ;
genMidCode(calpara, space, space, t) ;

* [compoundSta description]参数子程序
* <参数> ::= <参数表>
* <参数表> ::= <类型标识符><标识符>{,<类型标识符><标识符>}| <空>
* 直接合并

void paraTable(){
para = 0 ;

int temp ;
if(symId == COMMASYM){
getsym() ;

if(symId == INTSYM || symId == CHARSYM){
temp = symId ;
getsym() ;
if(symId != IDSYM){
error(IDSYMMIS_ERROR,indexInFile) ;
getsym() ;
}while(symId != RPARENSYM) ;
return ;
strcpy(idName, token);
value = -1 ;
address++ ;
insertSymTab(idName, 3, value, address, para + 1);
if(temp == INTSYM){
genMidCode(paraop, ints, space, idName) ;
else if(temp == CHARSYM){
genMidCode(paraop, chars, space, idName) ;
para++ ;
getsym() ;
}while(symId == COMMASYM) ;
insertPara(para) ;
* [compoundSta description]语句列子程序
* <语句列> ::={<语句>}

void states(){
state() ;
}while(symId == IFSYM || symId == DOSYM || symId == FORSYM ||
symId == IDSYM || symId == RETURNSYM || symId == SCANFSYM ||
symId == PRINTFSYM || symId == LBPARENSYM || symId == SEMICSYM) ;
* [compoundSta description]读语句子程序

void readSta(){
char name[32] ;
int s ;
if(symId == SCANFSYM){
getsym() ;
if(symId == LPARENSYM){
getsym() ;
if(symId != IDSYM){
error(IDSYMMIS_ERROR,indexInFile) ;
getsym() ;
}while( symId != IFSYM && symId != FORSYM && symId != DOSYM && symId != LBPARENSYM &&
symId != IDSYM && symId != PRINTFSYM && symId != SCANFSYM && symId != SEMICSYM &&
symId != RETURNSYM && symId != RBPARENSYM) ;
return ;
strcpy(name, token) ;
s = searchSymTab(name, 0) ;
if(s == -2){
error(VARTYPE_ERROR,indexInFile) ;
if(isArr == 1){
error(READARRAY_ERROR,indexInFile) ;
isArr = 0 ;
genMidCode(scf, space, factorType == INTSYM ? ints : chars , name) ;
getsym() ;
}while(symId == COMMASYM) ;
if(symId != RPARENSYM){
error(RPARENSYMMIS_ERROR,indexInFile) ;
getsym() ;
}while( symId != IFSYM && symId != FORSYM && symId != DOSYM && symId != LBPARENSYM &&
symId != IDSYM && symId != PRINTFSYM && symId != SCANFSYM && symId != SEMICSYM &&
symId != RETURNSYM && symId != RBPARENSYM) ;
return ;
_gramma << "it is a read statement" << endl ;
//cout << "it is a read statement" << endl ;
error(LPARENSYMMIS_ERROR,indexInFile) ;
getsym() ;
}while( symId != IFSYM && symId != FORSYM && symId != DOSYM && symId != LBPARENSYM &&
symId != IDSYM && symId != PRINTFSYM && symId != SCANFSYM && symId != SEMICSYM &&
symId != RETURNSYM && symId != RBPARENSYM) ;
return ;
getsym() ;
* [compoundSta description]写语句子程序

void writeSta(){
char place1[256] ;
char place2[128] ;
strcpy(place1, space) ;
strcpy(place2, space) ;
if(symId == PRINTFSYM){
getsym() ;
if(symId != LPARENSYM){
error(LPARENSYMMIS_ERROR,indexInFile) ;
getsym() ;
}while( symId != IFSYM && symId != FORSYM && symId != DOSYM && symId != LBPARENSYM &&
symId != IDSYM && symId != PRINTFSYM && symId != SCANFSYM && symId != SEMICSYM &&
symId != RETURNSYM && symId != RBPARENSYM) ;
return ;
getsym() ;
if(symId == STRINGSYM){
strcpy(place1, token) ;
getsym() ;
if(symId == COMMASYM){
getsym() ;
expr() ;
if(symId != RPARENSYM){
error(RPARENSYMMIS_ERROR,indexInFile) ;
getsym() ;
}while( symId != IFSYM && symId != FORSYM && symId != DOSYM && symId != LBPARENSYM &&
symId != IDSYM && symId != PRINTFSYM && symId != SCANFSYM && symId != SEMICSYM &&
symId != RETURNSYM && symId != RBPARENSYM) ;
return ;
strcpy(place2, nowitem) ;

else if(symId != RPARENSYM){
error(RPARENSYMMIS_ERROR,indexInFile) ;
getsym() ;
}while( symId != IFSYM && symId != FORSYM && symId != DOSYM && symId != LBPARENSYM &&
symId != IDSYM && symId != PRINTFSYM && symId != SCANFSYM && symId != SEMICSYM &&
symId != RETURNSYM && symId != RBPARENSYM) ;
return ;
expr() ;
strcpy(place2, nowitem) ;
if(symId != RPARENSYM){
error(RPARENSYMMIS_ERROR,indexInFile) ;
getsym() ;
}while( symId != IFSYM && symId != FORSYM && symId != DOSYM && symId != LBPARENSYM &&
symId != IDSYM && symId != PRINTFSYM && symId != SCANFSYM && symId != SEMICSYM &&
symId != RETURNSYM && symId != RBPARENSYM) ;
return ;

getsym() ;
genMidCode(prtf, place1, place2, (factorType == CHARSYM ? chars : ints)) ;

_gramma << "it is a write statement" << endl ;
//cout << "it is a write statement" << endl ;
* [compoundSta description]返回语句子程序

void returnSta(){
char place[32] ;

if(symId == RETURNSYM){
getsym() ;
if(isVoid && symId != SEMICSYM){
}while(symId != SEMICSYM) ;
if(symId == LPARENSYM){
hasRet = 1 ;
getsym() ;
expr() ;
strcpy(place, nowitem) ;
if(symId != RPARENSYM){
error(RPARENSYMMIS_ERROR,indexInFile) ;
getsym() ;
}while( symId != IFSYM && symId != FORSYM && symId != DOSYM && symId != LBPARENSYM &&
symId != IDSYM && symId != PRINTFSYM && symId != SCANFSYM && symId != SEMICSYM &&
symId != RETURNSYM && symId != RBPARENSYM) ;
return ;
genMidCode(exits, space, space, space) ;
genMidCode(ret, space, space, place) ;
getsym() ;
else if(symId == SEMICSYM){
genMidCode(exits, space, space, space) ;
genMidCode(ret, space, space, space) ;
error(LPARENSYMMIS_ERROR, indexInFile) ;
while(symId != SEMICSYM){
getsym() ;
return ;
if(symId != SEMICSYM){
error(SEMICSYMMIS_ERROR,indexInFile) ;
while( symId != IFSYM && symId != FORSYM && symId != DOSYM && symId != LBPARENSYM &&
symId != IDSYM && symId != PRINTFSYM && symId != SCANFSYM && symId != SEMICSYM &&
symId != RETURNSYM && symId != RBPARENSYM){
getsym() ;
return ;

//genMidCode(ret, space, space, space) ;
_gramma << "it is a return statement" << endl ;
//cout << "it is a return statement" << endl ;
void funcWithRetValDef(){
hasRet = 0 ;
tempSym = symId ;
declHead() ;
if(symId != LPARENSYM){
error(LPARENSYMMIS_ERROR,indexInFile) ;
getsym() ;
}while(symId != RBPARENSYM) ;
getsym() ;
return ;

if(tempSym == INTSYM){
genMidCode(func, ints, space, procname) ;
else if(tempSym == CHARSYM){
genMidCode(func, chars, space, procname) ;

getsym() ;
paraTable() ;
if(symId != RPARENSYM){
error(RPARENSYMMIS_ERROR,indexInFile) ;
getsym() ;
}while(symId != RBPARENSYM) ;
getsym() ;
return ;

getsym() ;
if(symId != LBPARENSYM){
error(LPARENSYMMIS_ERROR,indexInFile) ;
getsym() ;
}while(symId != RBPARENSYM) ;
getsym() ;
return ;
getsym() ;
compoundSta() ;
if(symId != RBPARENSYM){
error(RPARENSYMMIS_ERROR,indexInFile) ;
while(symId != VOIDSYM && symId != INTSYM && symId != CHARSYM){
getsym() ;
return ;
if(hasRet == 0){
cout << indexInFile << " : " << "excepted return value missed" << endl ;
getsym() ;
genMidCode(myend, space, space, procname) ;
_gramma << "it is a valuable-function defination statement" << endl ;
hasRet == 0 ;
//cout << "it is a valuable-function defination statement" << endl ;
void funcWithNotRetValDef(){
int tempValue ;
int tempAddr ;
char tempIdName[max] ;
isVoid = 1 ;
if(symId != IDSYM){
error(IDSYMMIS_ERROR,indexInFile) ;
getsym() ;
}while(symId != RBPARENSYM) ;
return ;
strcpy(tempIdName, token) ;
strcpy(idName, token) ;
tempValue = -10 ;
value = -10 ;
tempAddr = 0 ;
address = 0 ;
insertSymTab(idName, 2, value, address, para) ;
strcpy(procname, idName) ;
genMidCode(func, vod, space, procname) ;

getsym() ;
if(symId != LPARENSYM){
error(LPARENSYMMIS_ERROR,indexInFile) ;
getsym() ;
}while(symId != RBPARENSYM) ;
return ;
getsym() ;
paraTable() ;
insertPara(para) ;
if(symId != RPARENSYM){
error(RPARENSYMMIS_ERROR,indexInFile) ;
getsym() ;
}while(symId != RBPARENSYM) ;
return ;
getsym() ;
if(symId != LBPARENSYM){
error(LBPARENSYMMIS_ERROR,indexInFile) ;
getsym() ;
}while(symId != RBPARENSYM) ;
return ;
getsym() ;
if(symId != RBPARENSYM){
compoundSta() ;

if(symId != RBPARENSYM){
error(RBPARENSYMMIS_ERROR,indexInFile) ;
while(symId != VOIDSYM && symId != CHARSYM && symId != INTSYM){
getsym() ;
return ;
getsym() ;
genMidCode(ret, space, space, space) ;
genMidCode(myend, space, space, procname) ;
isVoid = 0 ;
_gramma << "it is a void function-defination statement" << endl ;
//cout << "it is a void function-defination statement" << endl ;
void program(){
if(symId == CONSTSYM){
constDecl() ;
while(symId == INTSYM || symId == CHARSYM){
preSymId = symId ;
preCh = ch ;
preIndex = indexInLine ;
strcpy(preToken, token) ;
getsym() ;

if(symId != IDSYM){
error(IDSYMMIS_ERROR,indexInFile) ;
strcpy(idName, token) ;
getsym() ;
if(symId == COMMASYM || symId == LMPARENSYM){
symId = preSymId ;
indexInLine = preIndex ;
ch = preCh ;
strcpy(token, preToken) ;
varDef() ;
getsym() ;
else if(symId == SEMICSYM){
value = preSymId ;
address++ ;
para = -1 ;
insertSymTab(idName, 1, value, address, para);
if(preSymId == INTSYM){
genMidCode(ints, space, space, idName) ;
else if(preSymId == CHARSYM){
genMidCode(chars, space, space, idName) ;
getsym() ;
symId = preSymId ;
//cout << symId << endl ;// debugger
indexInLine = preIndex ;
ch = preCh ;
strcpy(token, preToken) ;
break ;
while(symId == INTSYM || symId == CHARSYM || symId == VOIDSYM){
if(symId == INTSYM || symId == CHARSYM){
funcWithRetValDef() ;
else if(symId == VOIDSYM){
preSymId = symId ;
preCh = ch ;
strcpy(preToken,token) ;
preIndex = indexInLine ;
getsym() ;
if(symId == MAINSYM){
symId = preSymId ;
ch = preCh ;
//strcmp(token, preToken) ;
indexInLine = preIndex ;
break ;
funcWithNotRetValDef() ;
//main function
if(symId != VOIDSYM){
error(VOIDSYMMIS_ERROR,indexInFile) ;
return ;
mainFunc() ;
void init(){
symTable.index = 0 ;
symTable.indexOfPre[0] = 0 ;
symTable.toltalPre = 1 ;

void stt(){
int i = symTable.index ;
int k = 0 ;

ofstream debug;
debug.open("debug.txt", ios::out) ;
debug << "------------------------------symbol table-------------------------------------" << endl ;
debug << "--name-----------type----------value----------address---------para--" << endl ;
for(int n = 0 ; n < i ; n++){
debug << symTable.element[n].name << "\t\t\t\t"
<< symTable.element[n].type << "\t\t\t\t"
<< symTable.element[n].value << "\t\t\t\t"
<< symTable.element[n].address << "\t\t\t\t"
<< symTable.element[n].para << endl ;

if(n != 0 && n == symTable.indexOfPre[k]){
debug << "-----------------------------------------------------" << endl ;
k++ ;
debug.close() ;



//author by jk @2016/11/22
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <fstream>
#include <sstream>
#include <string.h>
#include <vector>
#include <stdlib.h>

using namespace std ;

#define maxmidcode 512
typedef struct midcode{
char op[8] ;
char num_a[128] ;//var1
char num_b[128] ;//var2
char rst[256] ;//var3
FOURVARCODE midecode[maxmidcode] ;
ofstream outputfile ;
ofstream afteroutputfile ;
char consts[] = {'c','o','n','s','t','\0'} ;
char ints[] = {'i','n','t',' ',' ','\0'} ;
char chars[] = {'c','h','a','r',' ','\0'} ;
char inta[] = {'i','n','t','a',' ','\0'} ;
char chara[] = {'c','h','a','r','a','\0'} ;
char myend[] = {'e','n','d',' ',' ','\0'} ;
char add[] = {'+',' ',' ',' ',' ','\0'} ;
char sub[] = {'-',' ',' ',' ',' ','\0'} ;
char mul[] = {'*',' ',' ',' ',' ','\0'} ;
char divs[] = {'/',' ',' ',' ',' ','\0'} ;
char func[] = {'f','u','n','c',' ','\0'} ;
char prtf[] = {'p','r','t','f',' ','\0'} ;
char scf[] = {'s','c','f',' ',' ','\0'} ;
char ret[] = {'r','e','t',' ',' ','\0'} ;
char lab[] = {'l','a','b',':',' ','\0'} ;
char paraop[] = {'p','a','r','a',' ','\0'} ;
char calpara[] = {'c','p','a','r','a','\0'} ;
char call[] = {'c','a','l','l',' ','\0'} ;
char jne[] = {'j','n','e',' ',' ','\0'} ;
char jmp[] = {'j','m','p',' ',' ','\0'} ;
char ass[] = {'=',' ',' ',' ',' ','\0'} ;
char bt[] = {'>',' ',' ',' ',' ','\0'} ;
char st[] = {'<',' ',' ',' ',' ','\0'} ;
char eql[] = {'=','=',' ',' ',' ','\0'} ;
char neq[] = {'!','=',' ',' ',' ','\0'} ;
char nbt[] = {'<','=',' ',' ',' ','\0'} ;
char nst[] = {'>','=',' ',' ',' ','\0'} ;
char assignA[] = {'[',']','=',' ',' ','\0'} ;
char aAssign[] = {'a','A','s','s',' ','\0'} ;
char exits[] = {'e','x','i','t','\0'} ;

char vod[] = {'v','o','i','d',' ','\0'} ;
char val[] = {'v','a','l','u','e','\0'} ;

char space[] = {' ',' ',' ',' ',' ','\0'} ; ;
char zero[] = {'0',' ',' ',' ',' ','\0'} ;
int codeNum = 0 ;
int labelNum = 0 ;
int varNum = 0 ;
vector<FOURVARCODE> midCodeList ;
char* int2array(int i) ;

void replace(char* result, char* a) ;
char* genLab() ;
char* genVar() ;

char* int2array(int a){
char* temp = (char*)malloc(sizeof(char)*128) ;
sprintf(temp, "%d" ,a);
return temp ;
void genMidCode(char* op, int a, int b, char* result){

outputfile << "\t\t" << op << ", " << a << ", " << b << ", " << result << " " << endl ;
strcpy(midecode[codeNum].op, op) ;
strcpy(midecode[codeNum].num_a, strcmp(int2array(a), "-1") == 0 ? " " : int2array(a)) ;
strcpy(midecode[codeNum].num_b, int2array(b)) ;
strcpy(midecode[codeNum].rst, result) ;
codeNum++ ;

void genMidCode(char* op, char* a, int b, char* result){
outputfile << "\t\t" << op << ", " << a << ", " << b << ", " << result << " " << endl ;
strcpy(midecode[codeNum].op, op) ;
strcpy(midecode[codeNum].num_a, a) ;
strcpy(midecode[codeNum].num_b, int2array(b)) ;
strcpy(midecode[codeNum].rst, result) ;
midCodeList.push_back(midecode[codeNum]) ;
codeNum++ ;
void genMidCode(char* op, char* a, char* b, char* result){
if(strcmp(op, func) == 0){
outputfile << endl << endl ;
if(strcmp(op, lab) == 0){
outputfile << "\t\t" << result << " :" << endl ;
outputfile << "\t\t" << op << ", " << a << ", " << b << ", " << result << " " << endl ;
strcpy(midecode[codeNum].op, op) ;
strcpy(midecode[codeNum].num_a, a) ;
strcpy(midecode[codeNum].num_b, b) ;
strcpy(midecode[codeNum].rst, result) ;
codeNum++ ;
char* genLab(){
char* label = (char*)malloc(sizeof(char)*16) ;
sprintf(label, "_LABEL_%d", labelNum) ;
labelNum++ ;
return label ;
char* genVar(){
char* var = (char*)malloc(sizeof(char)*16) ;
sprintf(var, "$_%d", varNum) ;
varNum++ ;
return var ;

//you hua
int isnumber(char* a, int len){
for(int i = 0 ; i < len ; ++i){
if(a[i] < '0' || a[i] > '9'){
return 0 ;
return 1 ;

void combine(){
for(int i = 0 ; i < codeNum ; ++i){
if(strcmp(midecode[i].op, sub) == 0 &&
isnumber(midecode[i].num_a, strlen(midecode[i].num_a)) &&
isnumber(midecode[i].num_b, strlen(midecode[i].num_b))){
int a = atoi(midecode[i].num_a) - atoi(midecode[i].num_b) ;
char b[512];
strcpy(b, midecode[i].rst) ;
strcpy(midecode[i].op, space) ;
strcpy(midecode[i].num_a, space) ;
strcpy(midecode[i].num_b, space) ;
strcpy(midecode[i].rst, space) ;
replace(b, int2array(a)) ;

else if(strcmp(midecode[i].op, add) == 0 &&
isnumber(midecode[i].num_a, strlen(midecode[i].num_a)) &&
isnumber(midecode[i].num_b, strlen(midecode[i].num_b))){
int a = atoi(midecode[i].num_a) + atoi(midecode[i].num_b) ;
char b[512];
strcpy(b, midecode[i].rst) ;
strcpy(midecode[i].op, space) ;
strcpy(midecode[i].num_a, space) ;
strcpy(midecode[i].num_b, space) ;
strcpy(midecode[i].rst, space) ;
replace(b, int2array(a)) ;
else if(strcmp(midecode[i].op, mul) == 0 &&
isnumber(midecode[i].num_a, strlen(midecode[i].num_a)) &&
isnumber(midecode[i].num_b, strlen(midecode[i].num_b))){
int a = atoi(midecode[i].num_a) * atoi(midecode[i].num_b) ;
char b[512];
strcpy(b, midecode[i].rst) ;
strcpy(midecode[i].op, space) ;
strcpy(midecode[i].num_a, space) ;
strcpy(midecode[i].num_b, space) ;
strcpy(midecode[i].rst, space) ;
replace(b, int2array(a)) ;
else if(strcmp(midecode[i].op, divs) == 0 &&
isnumber(midecode[i].num_a, strlen(midecode[i].num_a)) &&
isnumber(midecode[i].num_b, strlen(midecode[i].num_b))){
int a = atoi(midecode[i].num_a) / atoi(midecode[i].num_b) ;
char b[512];
strcpy(b, midecode[i].rst) ;
strcpy(midecode[i].op, space) ;
strcpy(midecode[i].num_a, space) ;
strcpy(midecode[i].num_b, space) ;
strcpy(midecode[i].rst, space) ;
replace(b, int2array(a)) ;
if(strcmp(midecode[i].op, func) == 0){
afteroutputfile << endl << endl ;
if(strcmp(midecode[i].op, lab) == 0){
afteroutputfile << "\t\t" << midecode[i].rst << " :" << endl ;
if(strcmp(midecode[i].op, space) != 0){
afteroutputfile << "\t\t" << midecode[i].op << ", " << midecode[i].num_a << ", " << midecode[i].num_b << ", " << midecode[i].rst << " " << endl ;
void replace(char* result, char* a){
for(int i = 0 ; i < codeNum ; ++i){
if(strcmp(midecode[i].num_a, result) == 0){
strcpy(midecode[i].num_a, a) ;
if(strcmp(midecode[i].num_b, result) == 0){
strcpy(midecode[i].num_b, a) ;
if(strcmp(midecode[i].rst, result) == 0){
strcpy(midecode[i].rst, a) ;


#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <fstream>
#include <stack>
#include "midcode.cpp"

ofstream rstCode ;
int num = 0 ;//四元式处理的数目

typedef struct statictype{
char name[512] ;
char val[256] ;
char kind[512] ;
}static_type ;

typedef struct datatype{
char name[512] ;
int addr ;
char kind[512] ;
char val[256] ;
}data_type ;

typedef struct runstacktrupe{
static_type static_area[128] ;//for global is const,for func is para,for main is const
data_type data_area[128] ;
int level ;
int static_num ;
int data_num ;
int sp ;//栈指针
int fp ;//帧指针
//int pre_abp ;

stack<RUNSTACK> run_stack ;

int cnt = 0 ; //use to find current fp
int paraNum = 0 ;

int isglobal ;
int isconst ;
int findaddr(char* name, int flag){
i = cnt + 1 ;
while(symTable.element[i].type != 2){
if(strcmp(name, symTable.element[i].name) == 0){
if(symTable.element[i].type == 0){
isconst = 1 ;
return symTable.element[i].address ;
i++ ;
i = 0 ;
while(i < symTable.indexOfPre[1]){
isglobal = 1 ;
if(strcmp(name, symTable.element[i].name) == 0){
if(symTable.element[i].type == 0){
isconst = 1 ;
return symTable.element[i].address ;
i++ ;
return -1 ;

int findfunc(char* name){
int i = 0 ;
while(i < symTable.toltalPre){
if(strcmp(symTable.element[symTable.indexOfPre[i]], name) == 0){
cnt = i ;
paraNum = symTable.element[symTable.indexOfPre[i]].para ;
return ;
paraNum = 0 ;
cnt = 0 ;

void insert_run_stack(){

while(strcmp(midecode[num].op, para) == 0 ||
strcmp(midecode[num].op, consts) == 0 ||
strcmp(midecode[num].op, ints) == 0 ||
strcmp(midecode[num].op, chars) == 0 ||
strcmp(midecode[num].op, chara) == 0 ||
strcmp(midecode[num].op, inta) == 0 ||
strcpy(midecode[num].op, func) == 0){
if(strcmp(midecode[num].op, consts) == 0){
strcpy(run_stack.top().static_area[run_stack.top().static_num].name, midecode[num].rst) ;
strcpy(run_stack.top().static_area[run_stack.top().static_num].val, midecode[num].num_b) ;
strcpy(run_stack.top().static_area[run_stack.top().static_num].kind, midecode[num].num_a) ;
run_stack.top().static_num++ ;
num++ ;
sp++ ;
else if(strcmp(midecode[num].op, para) == 0){
strcpy(run_stack.top().static_area[run_stack.top().static_num].name, midecode[num].rst) ;
strcpy(run_stack.top().static_area[run_stack.top().static_num].val, midecode[num].num_b) ;
strcpy(run_stack.top().static_area[run_stack.top().static_num].kind, midecode[num].num_a) ;
run_stack.top().static_num++ ;
num++ ;
sp++ ;
else if(strcmp(midecode[num].op, ints) == 0){
strcpy(run_stack.top().data_area[run_stack.top().data_num].name, midecode[num].rst) ;
strcpy(run_stack.top().data_area[run_stack.top().data_num].val, midecode[num].num_b) ;
strcpy(run_stack.top().data_area[run_stack.top().data_num].kind, midecode[num].num_a) ;
run_stack.top().data_num++ ;
num++ ;
sp++ ;
else if(strcmp(midecode[num].op, chars) == 0){
strcpy(run_stack.top().data_area[run_stack.top().data_num].name, midecode[num].rst) ;
strcpy(run_stack.top().data_area[run_stack.top().data_num].val, midecode[num].num_b) ;
strcpy(run_stack.top().data_area[run_stack.top().data_num].kind, midecode[num].num_a) ;
run_stack.top().data_num++ ;
num++ ;
sp++ ;
else if(strcmp(midecode[num].op, inta) == 0){
strcpy(run_stack.top().data_area[run_stack.top().data_num].name, midecode[num].rst) ;
strcpy(run_stack.top().data_area[run_stack.top().data_num].val, midecode[num].num_b) ;
strcpy(run_stack.top().data_area[run_stack.top().data_num].kind, midecode[num].num_a) ;
run_stack.top().data_num++ ;
num++ ;
sp++ ;
else if(strcmp(midecode[num].op, chara) == 0){
strcpy(run_stack.top().data_area[run_stack.top().data_num].name, midecode[num].rst) ;
strcpy(run_stack.top().data_area[run_stack.top().data_num].val, midecode[num].num_b) ;
strcpy(run_stack.top().data_area[run_stack.top().data_num].kind, midecode[num].num_a) ;
run_stack.top().data_num++ ;
num++ ;
sp++ ;
else if(strcmp(midecode[num].op, func) == 0){
RUNSTACK temp_run_stack ;
temp_run_stack.level = run_stack.top().level + 1 ;
temp_run_stack.fp = run_stack.top().sp ;
temp_run_stack.sp = run_stack.top().sp ;
temp_run_stack.static_num = 0 ;
temp_run_stack.data_num = 0 ;

void init_run_stack(){
RUNSTACK temp_run_stack ;
temp_run_stack.level = 0 ;
temp_run_stack.sp = 0 ;
//fp ?
temp_run_stack.level = 0 ;
temp_run_stack.static_num = 0 ;
temp_run_stack.data_num = 0 ;
temp_run_stack.pre_abp = 0 ;
while(strcmp(midecode[num].op, func) != 0){
if(strcmp(midecode[num].op, consts) == 0){
strcpy(temp_run_stack.static_area[temp_run_stack.static_num].name, midecode[num].rst) ;
strcpy(temp_run_stack.static_area[temp_run_stack.static_num].val, midecode[num].num_b) ;
strcpy(temp_run_stack.static_area[temp_run_stack.static_num].kind, midecode[num].num_a) ;
temp_run_stack.static_num++ ;
else if(strcpy(midecode[num].op, ints) == 0){
strcpy(temp_run_stack.data_area[temp_run_stack.data_num].name, midecode[num].rst) ;
int addr ;
addr = findaddr(midecode[num].rst) ;
temp_run_stack.data_area[temp_run_stack.data_num].addr = addr ;
strcpy(temp_run_stack.data_area[temp_run_stack.data_num].kind, ints) ;
temp_run_stack.data_num++ ;
else if(strcpy(midecode[num].op, chars) == 0){
strcpy(temp_run_stack.data_area[temp_run_stack.data_num].name, midecode[num].rst) ;
int addr ;
addr = findaddr(midecode[num].rst) ;
temp_run_stack.data_area[temp_run_stack.data_num].addr = addr ;
strcpy(temp_run_stack.data_area[temp_run_stack.data_num].kind, chars) ;
temp_run_stack.data_num++ ;

num++ ;
temp_run_stack.sp++ ;
run_stack.push(temp_run_stack) ;

void pop_stack(){
run_stack.pop() ;


int isNum(char a){
if(a >= '0' || a <= '9' ){
return 1 ;
return 0 ;

void func_mips(){
rstCode << "# ret fourvarcode" << endl ;
rstCode << "\t\t#Save Register" << endl;//

rstCode << "\t\tsw\t$fp\t($sp)" << endl;//保存上一个函数的$fp
rstCode << "\t\tadd\t$fp\t$sp\t$0" << endl;//设置本函数$fp$fp=$sp

rstCode << "\t\tsubi\t$sp\t$sp\t4" << endl;//$sp-=4
rstCode << "\t\tsw\t$ra\t($sp)" << endl;//保存$ra

rstCode << "\t\tsubi\t$sp\t$sp\t4" << endl;//$sp-=4
rstCode << "\t\t#Save Register Done!" << endl;//

//get function para number


void myend_mips(){

rstCode << "#func end!!!!!!!!!" << endl ;

void ret_mips(){
rstCode << "# ret fourvarcode" << endl ;
if(strcmp(midecode[num].rst, space) != 0){
if(midecode[num].rst[0] == '$'){
rstCode << "\t\tlw\t$v1\t($sp)" << endl ;
int a = findaddr(midecode[num].rst, 1) ;
rstCode << "\t\tlw\t$v1\t" << a << isglobal == 1 ? "($t8)" : "($fp)" << endl ;
isglobal = 0 ;
rstCode << "\t\tjr" << endl ;

void ints_mips(){
int a = findaddr(midecode[num].rst) ;
if(isglobal == 1){
isglobal = 0 ;
return ;


void chars_mips(){


void inta_mips(){


void chara_mips(){


void add_mips(){
int addr1 ;
int addr2 ;
int addr3 ;
if(midecode[num].num_a[0] == '$'){
rstCode << "\t\tlw\t$t0\t($sp)" << endl ;
else if(isNum(midecode[num].num_a[0])){
rstCode << "\t\tli\t$t0\t" << midecode[num].num_a << endl ;
addr1 = findaddr(midecode[num].num_a) ;
rstCode << "\t\tlw\t$t0\t" << addr1 << isglobal == 1 ? "($t8)" : "($fp)" << endl ;
if(midecode[num].num_b[0] == '$'){
rstCode << "\t\tlw\t$t1\t($sp)" << endl ;
else if(isNum(midecode[num].num_b[0])){
rstCode << "\t\tli\t$t1\t" << midecode[num].num_b << endl ;
addr2 = findaddr(midecode[num].num_b) ;
rstCode << "\t\tlw\t$t1\t" << addr2 << isglobal == 1 ? "($t8)" : "($fp)" << endl ;
rstCode << '\t\tadd\t$t0\t$t0\t$t1' << endl ;
if(midecode[num].rst[0] == '$'){
rstCode << "\t\tsw\t$t0\t($sp)" << endl ;
addr3 = findaddr(midecode[num].rst) ;
rstCode << "\t\tsw\t$t0\t" << addr3 << isglobal == 1 ? "($t8)" : "($fp)" << endl ;

void sub_mips(){
int addr1 ;
int addr2 ;
int addr3 ;
if(midecode[num].num_a[0] == '$'){
rstCode << "\t\tlw\t$t0\t($sp)" << endl ;
else if(isNum(midecode[num].num_a[0])){
rstCode << "\t\tli\t$t0\t" << midecode[num].num_a << endl ;
addr1 = findaddr(midecode[num].num_a) ;
rstCode << "\t\tlw\t$t0\t" << addr1 << isglobal == 1 ? "($t8)" : "($fp)" << endl ;
if(midecode[num].num_b[0] == '$'){
rstCode << "\t\tlw\t$t1\t($sp)" << endl ;
else if(isNum(midecode[num].num_b[0])){
rstCode << "\t\tli\t$t1\t" << midecode[num].num_b << endl ;
addr2 = findaddr(midecode[num].num_b) ;
rstCode << "\t\tlw\t$t1\t" << addr2 << isglobal == 1 ? "($t8)" : "($fp)" << endl ;
rstCode << '\t\tsub\t$t0\t$t0\t$t1' << endl ;
if(midecode[num].rst[0] == '$'){
rstCode << "\t\tsw\t$t0\t($sp)" << endl ;
addr3 = findaddr(midecode[num].rst) ;
rstCode << "\t\tsw\t$t0\t" << addr3 << isglobal == 1 ? "($t8)" : "($fp)" << endl ;

void mul_mips(){
int addr1 ;
int addr2 ;
int addr3 ;
if(midecode[num].num_a[0] == '$'){
rstCode << "\t\tlw\t$t0\t($sp)" << endl ;
else if(isNum(midecode[num].num_a[0])){
rstCode << "\t\tli\t$t0\t" << midecode[num].num_a << endl ;
addr1 = findaddr(midecode[num].num_a) ;
rstCode << "\t\tlw\t$t0\t" << addr1 << isglobal == 1 ? "($t8)" : "($fp)" << endl ;
if(midecode[num].num_b[0] == '$'){
rstCode << "\t\tlw\t$t1\t($sp)" << endl ;
else if(isNum(midecode[num].num_b[0])){
rstCode << "\t\tli\t$t1\t" << midecode[num].num_b << endl ;
addr2 = findaddr(midecode[num].num_b) ;
rstCode << "\t\tlw\t$t1\t" << addr2 << isglobal == 1 ? "($t8)" : "($fp)" << endl ;
rstCode << "\t\tmult\t$t0\t$t1" << endl ;
rstCode << "\t\tmfhi\t$t0" << endl ;
rstCode << "\t\tmflo\t$t1" << endl ;
rstCode << "\t\tadd\t$t0\t$t0\t$t1" << endl ;
if(midecode[num].rst[0] == '$'){
rstCode << "\t\tsw\t$t0\t($sp)" << endl ;
addr3 = findaddr(midecode[num].rst) ;
rstCode << "\t\tsw\t$t0\t" << addr3 << isglobal == 1 ? "($t8)" : "($fp)" << endl ;

void div_mips(){
int addr1 ;
int addr2 ;
int addr3 ;
if(midecode[num].num_a[0] == '$'){
rstCode << "\t\tlw\t$t0\t($sp)" << endl ;
else if(isNum(midecode[num].num_a[0])){
rstCode << "\t\tli\t$t0\t" << midecode[num].num_a << endl ;
addr1 = findaddr(midecode[num].num_a) ;
rstCode << "\t\tlw\t$t0\t" << addr1 << isglobal == 1 ? "($t8)" : "($fp)" << endl ;
if(midecode[num].num_b[0] == '$'){
rstCode << "\t\tlw\t$t1\t($sp)" << endl ;
else if(isNum(midecode[num].num_b[0])){
rstCode << "\t\tli\t$t1\t" << midecode[num].num_b << endl ;
addr2 = findaddr(midecode[num].num_b) ;
rstCode << "\t\tlw\t$t1\t" << addr2 << isglobal == 1 ? "($t8)" : "($fp)" << endl ;
rstCode << "\t\tdiv\t$t0\t$t1" << endl ;
rstCode << "\t\tmfhi\t$t0" << endl ;
rstCode << "\t\tmflo\t$t1" << endl ;
rstCode << "\t\tadd\t$t0\t$t0\t$t1" << endl ;
if(midecode[num].rst[0] == '$'){
rstCode << "\t\tsw\t$t0\t($sp)" << endl ;
addr3 = findaddr(midecode[num].rst) ;
rstCode << "\t\tsw\t$t0\t" << addr3 << isglobal == 1 ? "($t8)" : "($fp)" << endl ;

void prtf_mips(){


void scf_mips(){


void lab_mips(){
rstCode << "\t" << midecode[num].rst << ":" << endl ;

void paraop_mips(){


void calpara_mips(){


void call_mips(){
rstCode << "\t\tjal\t" << midecode[num].num_a << endl;
rstCode << "\t\tnop\n";

void jmp_mips(){
rstCode << "\t\tj\t" << midecode[num].rst << endl ;

void jne_mips(){
rstCode << midecode[num].rst << endl ;

void ass_mips(){
int addr1 ;
int addr2 ;
if(midecode[num].num_a[0] == '$'){
rstCode << "\t\tlw\t$t0\t($sp)" << endl ;
else if(isNum(midecode[num].num_a[0])){
rstCode << "\t\tli\t$t0\t" << midecode[num].num_a << endl ;
addr1 = findaddr(midecode[num].num_a) ;
rstCode << "\t\tlw\t$t0\t" << a << isglobal == 1 ? "($t8)" : "($fp)" << endl ;
addr2 = findaddr(midecode[num].rst) ;
rstCode << "\t\tsw\t$t0\t" << a << isglobal == 1 ? "($t8)" : "($fp)" << endl ;

void bt_mips(){//>
int addr1 ;
int addr2 ;
if(midecode[num].num_a[0] == '$'){
rstCode << "\t\tlw\t$t0\t($sp)" << endl ;
else if(isNum(midecode[num].num_a[0])){
rstCode << "\t\tli\t$t0\t" << midecode[num].num_a << endl ;
addr1 = findaddr(midecode[num].num_a) ;
rstCode << "\t\tlw\t$t0\t" << a << isglobal == 1 ? "($t8)" : "($fp)" << endl ;
if(midecode[num].num_b[0] == '$'){
rstCode << "\t\tlw\t$t1\t($sp)" << endl ;
else if(isNum(midecode[num].num_b[0])){
rstCode << "\t\tli\t$t1\t" << midecode[num].num_b << endl ;
addr2 = findaddr(midecode[num].num_b) ;
rstCode << "\t\tlw\t$t1\t" << a << isglobal == 1 ? "($t8)" : "($fp)" << endl ;
rstCode << "\t\tbgt\t$t0\t$t1\t" ;

void st_mips(){//<
int addr1 ;
int addr2 ;
if(midecode[num].num_a[0] == '$'){
rstCode << "\t\tlw\t$t0\t($sp)" << endl ;
else if(isNum(midecode[num].num_a[0])){
rstCode << "\t\tli\t$t0\t" << midecode[num].num_a << endl ;
addr1 = findaddr(midecode[num].num_a) ;
rstCode << "\t\tlw\t$t0\t" << a << isglobal == 1 ? "($t8)" : "($fp)" << endl ;
if(midecode[num].num_b[0] == '$'){
rstCode << "\t\tlw\t$t1\t($sp)" << endl ;
else if(isNum(midecode[num].num_b[0])){
rstCode << "\t\tli\t$t1\t" << midecode[num].num_b << endl ;
addr2 = findaddr(midecode[num].num_b) ;
rstCode << "\t\tlw\t$t1\t" << a << isglobal == 1 ? "($t8)" : "($fp)" << endl ;
rstCode << "\t\tblt\t$t0\t$t1\t" ;

void eql_mips(){//==
int addr1 ;
int addr2 ;
if(midecode[num].num_a[0] == '$'){
rstCode << "\t\tlw\t$t0\t($sp)" << endl ;
else if(isNum(midecode[num].num_a[0])){
rstCode << "\t\tli\t$t0\t" << midecode[num].num_a << endl ;
addr1 = findaddr(midecode[num].num_a) ;
rstCode << "\t\tlw\t$t0\t" << a << isglobal == 1 ? "($t8)" : "($fp)" << endl ;
if(midecode[num].num_b[0] == '$'){
rstCode << "\t\tlw\t$t1\t($sp)" << endl ;
else if(isNum(midecode[num].num_b[0])){
rstCode << "\t\tli\t$t1\t" << midecode[num].num_b << endl ;
addr2 = findaddr(midecode[num].num_b) ;
rstCode << "\t\tlw\t$t1\t" << a << isglobal == 1 ? "($t8)" : "($fp)" << endl ;
rstCode << "\t\tbeq\t$t0\t$t1\t" ;


void neq_mips(){//!=
int addr1 ;
int addr2 ;
if(midecode[num].num_a[0] == '$'){
rstCode << "\t\tlw\t$t0\t($sp)" << endl ;
else if(isNum(midecode[num].num_a[0])){
rstCode << "\t\tli\t$t0\t" << midecode[num].num_a << endl ;
addr1 = findaddr(midecode[num].num_a) ;
rstCode << "\t\tlw\t$t0\t" << a << isglobal == 1 ? "($t8)" : "($fp)" << endl ;
if(midecode[num].num_b[0] == '$'){
rstCode << "\t\tlw\t$t1\t($sp)" << endl ;
else if(isNum(midecode[num].num_b[0])){
rstCode << "\t\tli\t$t1\t" << midecode[num].num_b << endl ;
addr2 = findaddr(midecode[num].num_b) ;
rstCode << "\t\tlw\t$t1\t" << a << isglobal == 1 ? "($t8)" : "($fp)" << endl ;
rstCode << "\t\tbne\t$t0\t$t1\t" ;

void nbt_mips(){//<=
int addr1 ;
int addr2 ;
if(midecode[num].num_a[0] == '$'){
rstCode << "\t\tlw\t$t0\t($sp)" << endl ;
else if(isNum(midecode[num].num_a[0])){
rstCode << "\t\tli\t$t0\t" << midecode[num].num_a << endl ;
addr1 = findaddr(midecode[num].num_a) ;
rstCode << "\t\tlw\t$t0\t" << a << isglobal == 1 ? "($t8)" : "($fp)" << endl ;
if(midecode[num].num_b[0] == '$'){
rstCode << "\t\tlw\t$t1\t($sp)" << endl ;
else if(isNum(midecode[num].num_b[0])){
rstCode << "\t\tli\t$t1\t" << midecode[num].num_b << endl ;
addr2 = findaddr(midecode[num].num_b) ;
rstCode << "\t\tlw\t$t1\t" << a << isglobal == 1 ? "($t8)" : "($fp)" << endl ;
rstCode << "\t\tble\t$t0\t$t1\t" ;

void nst_mips(){//>=
int addr1 ;
int addr2 ;
if(midecode[num].num_a[0] == '$'){
rstCode << "\t\tlw\t$t0\t($sp)" << endl ;
else if(isNum(midecode[num].num_a[0])){
rstCode << "\t\tli\t$t0\t" << midecode[num].num_a << endl ;
addr1 = findaddr(midecode[num].num_a) ;
rstCode << "\t\tlw\t$t0\t" << a << isglobal == 1 ? "($t8)" : "($fp)" << endl ;
if(midecode[num].num_b[0] == '$'){
rstCode << "\t\tlw\t$t1\t($sp)" << endl ;
else if(isNum(midecode[num].num_b[0])){
rstCode << "\t\tli\t$t1\t" << midecode[num].num_b << endl ;
addr2 = findaddr(midecode[num].num_b) ;
rstCode << "\t\tlw\t$t1\t" << a << isglobal == 1 ? "($t8)" : "($fp)" << endl ;
rstCode << "\t\tbge\t$t0\t$t1\t" ;

void assignA_mips(){//[] =


void aAssign_mips(){//aAss



#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <fstream>
#include <sstream>
#include <string.h>
#include "gramma.cpp"

using namespace std ;

ofstream rstfile ;
int stringCnt = 0 ;
typedef struct constype{
char name[512] ;
char value[512] ;
}GlbConst ;

GlbConst glbconst[512] ;
int cntOfGlobal = 0 ;

typedef struct areavar{
char name[512] ;
int addr ;
}AreaVar ;
AreaVar convar[512] ;
int areanum ;//area variable donenum ;

int paranum = 0 ;
int calparanum = 0 ;
int donenum = 0 ;//donenumber of fourvarcode which has been finished
int offset = 0 ;//realtive to fp
int findaddr(char* name){
int i = 0 ;
while(i < areanum){
if(strcmp(name, convar[i].name) == 0){
return convar[i].addr ;
i++ ;
return -1 ;

void insertaddr(char* name){
strcpy(convar[areanum].name, name) ;
convar[areanum].addr = offset ;
rstfile << "\t\tsubi\t$sp\t$sp\t4" << endl ;
offset += 4 ;
areanum++ ;

void globalcondef(){
int i = 0 ;
while(strcmp(midecode[i].op, consts) == 0){
strcpy(glbconst[cntOfGlobal].name, midecode[i].rst) ;
strcpy(glbconst[cntOfGlobal].value, midecode[i].num_b) ;
rstfile << midecode[i].rst << ":\t.word\t" << midecode[i].num_b << endl ;
cntOfGlobal++ ;
i++ ;
void globalvardef(){
int i = cntOfGlobal ;
while(strcmp(midecode[i].op, ints) == 0 || strcmp(midecode[i].op, chars) == 0 ||
strcmp(midecode[i].op, inta) == 0 || strcmp(midecode[i].op, chara) == 0){
if(strcmp(midecode[i].op, inta) == 0 || strcmp(midecode[i].op, chara) == 0){
strcpy(glbconst[cntOfGlobal].name, midecode[i].rst) ;
strcpy(glbconst[cntOfGlobal].value, space) ;
int step = atoi(midecode[i].num_b) ;
rstfile << midecode[i].rst << ":\t.space\t" << step * 4 << endl ;
cntOfGlobal++ ;
i++ ;
strcpy(glbconst[cntOfGlobal].name, midecode[i].rst) ;
strcpy(glbconst[cntOfGlobal].value, midecode[i].num_b) ;
rstfile << midecode[i].rst << ":\t.space\t" << "4" << endl ;
cntOfGlobal++ ;
i++ ;
donenum = cntOfGlobal ;

void initasm(){
int i = 0 ;

rstfile << ".data" << endl ;
globalcondef() ;
globalvardef() ;
i = cntOfGlobal ;
while(i < codeNum){

if(strcmp(midecode[i].op, prtf) == 0){
if(strcmp(midecode[i].num_a, space) != 0){
char temp[] = {'$','s','t','r','i','n','g','\0'} ;
char* p = int2array(stringCnt) ;
strcat(temp, p) ;

strcpy(glbconst[cntOfGlobal].name, temp) ;
strcpy(glbconst[cntOfGlobal].value, midecode[i].num_a) ;
strcpy(midecode[i].num_a, temp) ;
cout << temp << endl ;
rstfile << temp << ":\t.asciiz\t" << "\"" << glbconst[cntOfGlobal].value << "\"" << endl ;
cntOfGlobal++ ;
stringCnt++ ;
i++ ;
rstfile << ".text" << endl ;
rstfile << ".globl main" << endl ;
rstfile << "\t\tj\tmain" << endl ;

int isNum(char a){
if(a >= '0' && a <= '9' ){
return 1 ;
return 0 ;

void func_mips(){
paranum = 0 ;
rstfile << "\t\t# func fourvarcode" << endl ;
rstfile << "\t\t#Save Register" << endl;//
rstfile << midecode[donenum].rst << ":" << endl ;

rstfile << "\t\tsubi\t$sp\t$sp\t4" << endl;//$sp-=4
rstfile << "\t\tsubi\t$sp\t$sp\t" << calparanum * 4 << endl ;
rstfile << "\t\t#func fourvarcode finished" << endl;//
//get function para donenumber
offset = 8 + calparanum * 4 ;

void myend_mips(){

areanum = 0 ;


void ret_mips(){
rstfile << "\t\t# ret fourvarcode" << endl ;
if(strcmp(midecode[donenum].rst, space) != 0){
rstfile << "\t\tli\t$v1\t" << midecode[donenum].rst << endl ;
int addr1 = -1 * findaddr(midecode[donenum].rst) ;
if(addr1 == 1){//isglobal
rstfile << "\t\tla\t$t0\t" << midecode[donenum].rst << endl ;
rstfile << "\t\tlw\t$v1\t($t0)" << endl ;
rstfile << "\t\tlw\t$v1\t" << addr1 << "($fp)" << endl ;


rstfile << "\t\tmove\t$t0\t$ra" << endl ;//save $ra
rstfile << "\t\tlw\t$ra\t-4($fp)" << endl ;//save pre $ra
rstfile << "\t\tadd\t$sp\t$fp\t$zero" << endl ;//sp = fp
rstfile << "\t\tlw\t$fp\t($fp)" << endl ;//fp = pre fp
rstfile << "\t\tjr\t$t0" << endl ;


void ints_mips(){
strcpy(convar[areanum].name,midecode[donenum].rst) ;
convar[areanum].addr = offset ;
rstfile << "\t\tsubi\t$sp\t$sp\t4" << endl ;

areanum++ ;
offset += 4 ;

void chars_mips(){
strcpy(convar[areanum].name,midecode[donenum].rst) ;
convar[areanum].addr = offset ;
rstfile << "\t\tsubi\t$sp\t$sp\t4" << endl ;

areanum++ ;
offset += 4 ;

void inta_mips(){
strcpy(convar[areanum].name,midecode[donenum].rst) ;
convar[areanum].addr = offset ;
int step ;
step = atoi(midecode[donenum].num_b) ;
rstfile << "\t\tsubi\t$sp\t$sp\t" << step * 4 << endl ;
offset += step * 4 ;

areanum++ ;

void chara_mips(){
strcpy(convar[areanum].name,midecode[donenum].rst) ;
convar[areanum].addr = offset ;
int step ;
step = atoi(midecode[donenum].num_b) ;
rstfile << "\t\tsubi\t$sp\t$sp\t" << step * 4 << endl ;
offset += step * 4 ;

areanum++ ;

void add_mips(){
int addr1 ;
int addr2 ;
int addr3 ;
if(isNum(midecode[donenum].num_a[0]) || midecode[donenum].num_a[0] == '-'){
rstfile << "\t\tli\t$t0\t" << midecode[donenum].num_a << endl ;
addr1 = -1 * findaddr(midecode[donenum].num_a) ;
if(addr1 == 1){
rstfile << "\t\tla\t$t0\t" << midecode[donenum].num_a << endl ;
rstfile << "\t\tlw\t$t0\t($t0)" << endl ;
rstfile << "\t\tlw\t$t0\t" << addr1 << "($fp)" << endl ;
if(isNum(midecode[donenum].num_b[0]) || midecode[donenum].num_b[0] == '-'){
rstfile << "\t\tli\t$t1\t" << midecode[donenum].num_b << endl ;
addr2 = -1 * findaddr(midecode[donenum].num_b) ;
if(addr2 == 1){
rstfile << "\t\tla\t$t1\t" << midecode[donenum].num_b << endl ;
rstfile << "\t\tlw\t$t1\t($t1)" << endl ;
rstfile << "\t\tlw\t$t1\t" << addr2 << "($fp)" << endl ;
rstfile << "\t\tadd\t$t0\t$t0\t$t1" << endl ;
if(midecode[donenum].rst[0] == '$'){
insertaddr(midecode[donenum].rst) ;
addr3 = -1 * findaddr(midecode[donenum].rst) ;
rstfile << "\t\tsw\t$t0\t" << addr3 << "($fp)" << endl ;
addr3 = -1 * findaddr(midecode[donenum].rst) ;
if(addr3 == 1){
rstfile << "\t\tla\t$t1\t" << midecode[donenum].rst << endl ;
rstfile << "\t\tsw\t$t0\t($t1)" << endl ;
rstfile << "\t\tsw\t$t0\t" << addr3 << "($fp)" << endl ;

void sub_mips(){
int addr1 ;
int addr2 ;
int addr3 ;
if(isNum(midecode[donenum].num_a[0]) || midecode[donenum].num_a[0] == '-'){
rstfile << "\t\tli\t$t0\t" << midecode[donenum].num_a << endl ;
addr1 = -1 * findaddr(midecode[donenum].num_a) ;
if(addr1 == 1){
rstfile << "\t\tla\t$t0\t" << midecode[donenum].num_a << endl ;
rstfile << "\t\tlw\t$t0\t($t0)" << endl ;
rstfile << "\t\tlw\t$t0\t" << addr1 << "($fp)" << endl ;
if(isNum(midecode[donenum].num_b[0]) || midecode[donenum].num_b[0] == '-'){
rstfile << "\t\tli\t$t1\t" << midecode[donenum].num_b << endl ;
addr2 = -1 * findaddr(midecode[donenum].num_b) ;
if(addr2 == 1){
rstfile << "\t\tla\t$t1\t" << midecode[donenum].num_b << endl ;
rstfile << "\t\tlw\t$t1\t($t1)" << endl ;
rstfile << "\t\tlw\t$t1\t" << addr2 << "($fp)" << endl ;
rstfile << "\t\tsub\t$t0\t$t0\t$t1" << endl ;
if(midecode[donenum].rst[0] == '$'){
insertaddr(midecode[donenum].rst) ;
addr3 = -1 * findaddr(midecode[donenum].rst) ;
rstfile << "\t\tsw\t$t0\t" << addr3 << "($fp)" << endl ;
addr3 = -1 * findaddr(midecode[donenum].rst) ;
if(addr3 == 1){
rstfile << "\t\tla\t$t1\t" << midecode[donenum].rst << endl ;
rstfile << "\t\tsw\t$t0\t($t1)" << endl ;
rstfile << "\t\tsw\t$t0\t" << addr3 << "($fp)" << endl ;

void mul_mips(){
int addr1 ;
int addr2 ;
int addr3 ;
if(isNum(midecode[donenum].num_a[0]) || midecode[donenum].num_a[0] == '-'){
rstfile << "\t\tli\t$t0\t" << midecode[donenum].num_a << endl ;
addr1 = -1 * findaddr(midecode[donenum].num_a) ;
if(addr1 == 1){
rstfile << "\t\tla\t$t0\t" << midecode[donenum].num_a << endl ;
rstfile << "\t\tlw\t$t0\t($t0)" << endl ;
rstfile << "\t\tlw\t$t0\t" << addr1 << "($fp)" << endl ;
if(isNum(midecode[donenum].num_b[0]) || midecode[donenum].num_b[0] == '-'){
rstfile << "\t\tli\t$t1\t" << midecode[donenum].num_b << endl ;
addr2 = -1 * findaddr(midecode[donenum].num_b) ;
if(addr2 == 1){
rstfile << "\t\tla\t$t1\t" << midecode[donenum].num_b << endl ;
rstfile << "\t\tlw\t$t1\t($t1)" << endl ;
rstfile << "\t\tlw\t$t1\t" << addr2 << "($fp)" << endl ;
/*rstfile << "\t\tmult\t$t0\t$t1" << endl ;
rstfile << "\t\tmfhi\t$t0" << endl ;
rstfile << "\t\tmflo\t$t1" << endl ;
rstfile << "\t\tadd\t$t0\t$t0\t$t1" << endl ;*/
rstfile << "\t\tmul\t$t0\t$t0\t$t1" << endl ;
if(midecode[donenum].rst[0] == '$'){
insertaddr(midecode[donenum].rst) ;
addr3 = -1 * findaddr(midecode[donenum].rst) ;
rstfile << "\t\tsw\t$t0\t" << addr3 << "($fp)" << endl ;
addr3 = -1 * findaddr(midecode[donenum].rst) ;
if(addr3 == 1){
rstfile << "\t\tla\t$t1\t" << midecode[donenum].rst << endl ;
rstfile << "\t\tsw\t$t0\t($t1)" << endl ;
rstfile << "\t\tsw\t$t0\t" << addr3 << "($fp)" << endl ;


void div_mips(){
int addr1 ;
int addr2 ;
int addr3 ;
if(isNum(midecode[donenum].num_a[0]) || midecode[donenum].num_a[0] == '-'){
rstfile << "\t\tli\t$t0\t" << midecode[donenum].num_a << endl ;
addr1 = -1 * findaddr(midecode[donenum].num_a) ;
if(addr1 == 1){
rstfile << "\t\tla\t$t0\t" << midecode[donenum].num_a << endl ;
rstfile << "\t\tlw\t$t0\t($t0)" << endl ;
rstfile << "\t\tlw\t$t0\t" << addr1 << "($fp)" << endl ;
if(isNum(midecode[donenum].num_b[0]) || midecode[donenum].num_b[0] == '-'){
rstfile << "\t\tli\t$t1\t" << midecode[donenum].num_b << endl ;
addr2 = -1 * findaddr(midecode[donenum].num_b) ;
if(addr2 == 1){
rstfile << "\t\tla\t$t1\t" << midecode[donenum].num_b << endl ;
rstfile << "\t\tlw\t$t1\t($t1)" << endl ;
rstfile << "\t\tlw\t$t1\t" << addr2 << "($fp)" << endl ;
/*rstfile << "\t\tdiv\t$t0\t$t1" << endl ;
rstfile << "\t\tmfhi\t$t0" << endl ;
rstfile << "\t\tmflo\t$t1" << endl ;
rstfile << "\t\tadd\t$t0\t$t0\t$t1" << endl ;*/
rstfile << "\t\tdiv\t$t0\t$t0\t$t1" << endl ;
if(midecode[donenum].rst[0] == '$'){
insertaddr(midecode[donenum].rst) ;
addr3 = -1 * findaddr(midecode[donenum].rst) ;
rstfile << "\t\tsw\t$t0\t" << addr3 << "($fp)" << endl ;
addr3 = -1 * findaddr(midecode[donenum].rst) ;
if(addr3 == 1){
rstfile << "\t\tla\t$t1\t" << midecode[donenum].rst << endl ;
rstfile << "\t\tsw\t$t0\t($t1)" << endl ;
rstfile << "\t\tsw\t$t0\t" << addr3 << "($fp)" << endl ;

void prtf_mips(){
if(strcmp(midecode[donenum].num_a, space) != 0){
rstfile << "\t\tla\t$t0\t" << midecode[donenum].num_a << endl ;
rstfile << "\t\tmove\t$a0\t$t0" << endl ;
rstfile << "\t\tli\t$v0\t4" << endl ;
rstfile << "\t\tsyscall" << endl ;
rstfile << "\t\tli\t$a0\t\'\\n\'" << endl ;
rstfile << "\t\tli\t$v0\t11" << endl ;
rstfile << "\t\tsyscall" << endl ;
if(strcmp(midecode[donenum].num_b, space) == 0){
return ;
int addr1 = -1 * findaddr(midecode[donenum].num_b) ;
if(addr1 == 1){//not find, is global
if(isNum(midecode[donenum].num_b[0]) || midecode[donenum].num_b[0] == '-'){
rstfile << "\t\tli\t$a0\t" << midecode[donenum].num_b << endl ;
rstfile << "\t\tla\t$t0\t" << midecode[donenum].num_b << endl ;
rstfile << "\t\tlw\t$a0\t($t0)" << endl ;

rstfile << "\t\tlw\t$a0\t" << addr1 << "($fp)" << endl ;
//rstfile << "\t\tlw\t$a0\t" << addr1 << "($fp)" << endl ;
if(strcmp(midecode[donenum].rst, ints) == 0){
rstfile << "\t\tli\t$v0\t1" << endl ;
else if(strcmp(midecode[donenum].rst, chars) == 0){
rstfile << "\t\tli\t$v0\t11" << endl ;
rstfile << "\t\tsyscall" << endl ;
rstfile << "\t\tli\t$a0\t\'\\n\'" << endl ;
rstfile << "\t\tli\t$v0\t11" << endl ;
rstfile << "\t\tsyscall" << endl ;

void scf_mips(){
int addr1 = -1 * findaddr(midecode[donenum].rst) ;
if(strcmp(midecode[donenum].num_b, ints) == 0){
rstfile << "\t\tli\t$v0\t5" << endl ;
else if(strcmp(midecode[donenum].num_b, chars) == 0){
rstfile << "\t\tli\t$v0\t12" << endl ;
rstfile << "\t\tsyscall" << endl ;
if(addr1 == 1){//not find, is global
rstfile << "\t\tla\t$t0\t" << midecode[donenum].rst << endl ;
rstfile << "\t\tsw\t$v0\t($t0)" << endl ;
rstfile << "\t\tsw\t$v0\t" << addr1 << "($fp)" << endl ;
//rstfile << "\t\tsw\t$v0\t" << addr1 << "(fp)" << endl ;

void lab_mips(){
rstfile << midecode[donenum].rst << ":" << endl ;

void paraop_mips(){
if(paranum < 4){
case 0 :
rstfile << "\t\tmove\t$t0\t$a0" << endl ;
rstfile << "\t\tsw\t$t0\t" << -8 << "($fp)" << endl ;
break ;
case 1 :
rstfile << "\t\tmove\t$t0\t$a1" << endl ;
rstfile << "\t\tsw\t$t0\t" << -12 << "($fp)" << endl ;
break ;
case 2 :
rstfile << "\t\tmove\t$t0\t$a2" << endl ;
rstfile << "\t\tsw\t$t0\t" << -16 << "($fp)" << endl ;
break ;
case 3 :
rstfile << "\t\tmove\t$t0\t$a3" << endl ;
rstfile << "\t\tsw\t$t0\t" << -20 << "($fp)" << endl ;
break ;
insertaddr(midecode[donenum].rst) ;
paranum++ ;

void calpara_mips(){
int addr1 = -1 * findaddr(midecode[donenum].rst) ;
if(calparanum < 4){

case 0 :
if(addr1 == 1){//not find, is global
if(isNum(midecode[donenum].rst[0]) || midecode[donenum].rst[0] == '-'){
rstfile << "\t\tli\t$a0\t" << midecode[donenum].rst << endl ;
rstfile << "\t\tla\t$t0\t" << midecode[donenum].rst << endl ;
rstfile << "\t\tlw\t$a0\t($t0)" << endl ;
rstfile << "\t\tlw\t$a0\t" << addr1 << "($fp)" << endl ;
//rstfile << "\t\tlw\t$a0\t" << addr1 << "($fp)" << endl ;
break ;
case 1 :
if(addr1 == 1){//not find, is global
if(isNum(midecode[donenum].rst[0]) || midecode[donenum].rst[0] == '-'){
rstfile << "\t\tli\t$a1\t" << midecode[donenum].rst << endl ;
rstfile << "\t\tla\t$t0\t" << midecode[donenum].rst << endl ;
rstfile << "\t\tlw\t$a1\t($t0)" << endl ;

rstfile << "\t\tlw\t$a1\t" << addr1 << "($fp)" << endl ;
//rstfile << "\t\tlw\t$a1\t" << addr1 << "($fp)" << endl ;
break ;
case 2 :
if(addr1 == 1){//not find, is global
if(isNum(midecode[donenum].rst[0]) || midecode[donenum].rst[0] == '-'){
rstfile << "\t\tli\t$a2\t" << midecode[donenum].rst << endl ;
rstfile << "\t\tla\t$t0\t" << midecode[donenum].rst << endl ;
rstfile << "\t\tlw\t$a2\t($t0)" << endl ;
rstfile << "\t\tlw\t$a2\t" << addr1 << "($fp)" << endl ;
//rstfile << "\t\tlw\t$a2\t" << addr1 << "($fp)" << endl ;
break ;
case 3 :
if(addr1 == 1){//not find, is global
if(isNum(midecode[donenum].rst[0]) || midecode[donenum].rst[0] == '-'){
rstfile << "\t\tli\t$a3\t" << midecode[donenum].rst << endl ;
rstfile << "\t\tla\t$t0\t" << midecode[donenum].rst << endl ;
rstfile << "\t\tlw\t$a3\t($t0)" << endl ;
rstfile << "\t\tlw\t$a3\t" << addr1 << "($fp)" << endl ;
//rstfile << "\t\tlw\t$a3\t" << addr1 << "($fp)" << endl ;
break ;
else{//not only 4 paraments
if(addr1 == 1){//not find, is global
if(isNum(midecode[donenum].rst[0]) || midecode[donenum].rst[0] == '-'){
rstfile << "\t\tli\t$t8\t" << midecode[donenum].rst << endl ;

rstfile << "\t\tla\t$t0\t" << midecode[donenum].rst << endl ;
rstfile << "\t\tlw\t$t8\t($t0)" << endl ;
rstfile << "\t\tlw\t$t8\t" << addr1 <<"($fp)" << endl ;

rstfile << "\t\tsw\t$t8\t" << -1 * ((calparanum - 4)*4 + 24) << "($sp)" << endl ;
calparanum++ ;

void call_mips(){
calparanum = 0 ;
//rstfile << "\t\taddi\t$ra\t$pc\t4" << endl ;
rstfile << "\t\tsw\t$fp\t($sp)" << endl;//保存上一个函数的$fp
rstfile << "\t\tadd\t$fp\t$sp\t$0" << endl;//设置本函数$fp$fp=$sp

rstfile << "\t\tsubi\t$sp\t$sp\t4" << endl;//$sp-=4
rstfile << "\t\tsw\t$ra\t($sp)" << endl;//保存$ra
rstfile << "\t\tjal\t" << midecode[donenum].num_a << endl;
rstfile << "\t\tnop\n";
if(strcmp(midecode[donenum].rst, space) != 0){
insertaddr(midecode[donenum].rst) ;
int addr1 = -1 * findaddr(midecode[donenum].rst) ;

rstfile << "\t\tsw\t$v1\t" << addr1 << "($fp)" << endl ;

void jmp_mips(){
rstfile << "\t\tj\t" << midecode[donenum].rst << endl ;

void jne_mips(){
rstfile << midecode[donenum].rst << endl ;

void ass_mips(){
int addr1 ;
int addr2 ;
if(isNum(midecode[donenum].num_a[0]) || midecode[donenum].num_a[0] == '-'){
rstfile << "\t\tli\t$t0\t" << midecode[donenum].num_a << endl ;
addr1 = -1 * findaddr(midecode[donenum].num_a) ;
if(addr1 == 1){//not find, is global
rstfile << "\t\tla\t$t0\t" << midecode[donenum].num_a << endl ;
rstfile << "\t\tlw\t$t0\t($t0)" << endl ;
rstfile << "\t\tlw\t$t0\t" << addr1 << "($fp)" << endl ;
addr2 = -1 * findaddr(midecode[donenum].rst) ;
if(addr2 == 1){//not find, is global
rstfile << "\t\tla\t$t1\t" << midecode[donenum].rst << endl ;
rstfile << "\t\tsw\t$t0\t($t1)" << endl ;
rstfile << "\t\tsw\t$t0\t" << addr2 << "($fp)" << endl ;


void bt_mips(){//>
int addr1 ;
int addr2 ;
rstfile << "\t\tli\t$t0\t" << midecode[donenum].num_a << endl ;
addr1 = -1 * findaddr(midecode[donenum].num_a) ;
if(addr1 == 1){//not find, is global
rstfile << "\t\tla\t$t0\t" << midecode[donenum].num_a << endl ;
rstfile << "\t\tlw\t$t0\t($t0)" << endl ;
rstfile << "\t\tlw\t$t0\t" << addr1 << "($fp)" << endl ;
rstfile << "\t\tli\t$t1\t" << midecode[donenum].num_b << endl ;
addr2 = -1 * findaddr(midecode[donenum].num_b) ;
if(addr2 == 1){//not find, is global
rstfile << "\t\tla\t$t1\t" << midecode[donenum].num_b << endl ;
rstfile << "\t\tlw\t$t1\t($t1)" << endl ;
rstfile << "\t\tlw\t$t1\t" << addr2 << "($fp)" << endl ;

rstfile << "\t\tble\t$t0\t$t1\t" ;

void st_mips(){//<
int addr1 ;
int addr2 ;
rstfile << "\t\tli\t$t0\t" << midecode[donenum].num_a << endl ;
addr1 = -1 * findaddr(midecode[donenum].num_a) ;
if(addr1 == 1){//not find, is global
rstfile << "\t\tla\t$t0\t" << midecode[donenum].num_a << endl ;
rstfile << "\t\tlw\t$t0\t($t0)" << endl ;
rstfile << "\t\tlw\t$t0\t" << addr1 << "($fp)" << endl ;
rstfile << "\t\tli\t$t1\t" << midecode[donenum].num_b << endl ;
addr2 = -1 * findaddr(midecode[donenum].num_b) ;
if(addr2 == 1){//not find, is global
rstfile << "\t\tla\t$t1\t" << midecode[donenum].num_b << endl ;
rstfile << "\t\tlw\t$t1\t($t1)" << endl ;
rstfile << "\t\tlw\t$t1\t" << addr2 << "($fp)" << endl ;

rstfile << "\t\tbge\t$t0\t$t1\t" ;

void eql_mips(){//==
int addr1 ;
int addr2 ;
rstfile << "\t\tli\t$t0\t" << midecode[donenum].num_a << endl ;
addr1 = -1 * findaddr(midecode[donenum].num_a) ;
if(addr1 == 1){//not find, is global
rstfile << "\t\tla\t$t0\t" << midecode[donenum].num_a << endl ;
rstfile << "\t\tlw\t$t0\t($t0)" << endl ;
rstfile << "\t\tlw\t$t0\t" << addr1 << "($fp)" << endl ;
rstfile << "\t\tli\t$t1\t" << midecode[donenum].num_b << endl ;
else if(strcmp(midecode[donenum].num_b, space) == 0){
rstfile << "\t\tli\t$t1\t1" << endl ;
addr2 = -1 * findaddr(midecode[donenum].num_b) ;
if(addr2 == 1){//not find, is global
rstfile << "\t\tla\t$t1\t" << midecode[donenum].num_b << endl ;
rstfile << "\t\tlw\t$t1\t($t1)" << endl ;
rstfile << "\t\tlw\t$t1\t" << addr2 << "($fp)" << endl ;

rstfile << "\t\tbne\t$t0\t$t1\t" ;


void neq_mips(){//!=
int addr1 ;
int addr2 ;
rstfile << "\t\tli\t$t0\t" << midecode[donenum].num_a << endl ;
addr1 = -1 * findaddr(midecode[donenum].num_a) ;
if(addr1 == 1){//not find, is global
rstfile << "\t\tla\t$t0\t" << midecode[donenum].num_a << endl ;
rstfile << "\t\tlw\t$t0\t($t0)" << endl ;
rstfile << "\t\tlw\t$t0\t" << addr1 << "($fp)" << endl ;
rstfile << "\t\tli\t$t1\t" << midecode[donenum].num_b << endl ;
addr2 = -1 * findaddr(midecode[donenum].num_b) ;
if(addr2 == 1){//not find, is global
rstfile << "\t\tla\t$t1\t" << midecode[donenum].num_b << endl ;
rstfile << "\t\tlw\t$t1\t($t1)" << endl ;
rstfile << "\t\tlw\t$t1\t" << addr2 << "($fp)" << endl ;

rstfile << "\t\tbeq\t$t0\t$t1\t" ;

void nbt_mips(){//<=
int addr1 ;
int addr2 ;
rstfile << "\t\tli\t$t0\t" << midecode[donenum].num_a << endl ;
addr1 = -1 * findaddr(midecode[donenum].num_a) ;
if(addr1 == 1){//not find, is global
rstfile << "\t\tla\t$t0\t" << midecode[donenum].num_a << endl ;
rstfile << "\t\tlw\t$t0\t($t0)" << endl ;
rstfile << "\t\tlw\t$t0\t" << addr1 << "($fp)" << endl ;
rstfile << "\t\tli\t$t1\t" << midecode[donenum].num_b << endl ;
addr2 = -1 * findaddr(midecode[donenum].num_b) ;
if(addr2 == 1){//not find, is global
rstfile << "\t\tla\t$t1\t" << midecode[donenum].num_b << endl ;
rstfile << "\t\tlw\t$t1\t($t1)" << endl ;
rstfile << "\t\tlw\t$t1\t" << addr2 << "($fp)" << endl ;

rstfile << "\t\tbgt\t$t0\t$t1\t" ;

void nst_mips(){//>=
int addr1 ;
int addr2 ;
rstfile << "\t\tli\t$t0\t" << midecode[donenum].num_a << endl ;
addr1 = -1 * findaddr(midecode[donenum].num_a) ;
if(addr1 == 1){//not find, is global
rstfile << "\t\tla\t$t0\t" << midecode[donenum].num_a << endl ;
rstfile << "\t\tlw\t$t0\t($t0)" << endl ;
rstfile << "\t\tlw\t$t0\t" << addr1 << "($fp)" << endl ;
rstfile << "\t\tli\t$t1\t" << midecode[donenum].num_b << endl ;
addr2 = -1 * findaddr(midecode[donenum].num_b) ;
if(addr2 == 1){//not find, is global
rstfile << "\t\tla\t$t1\t" << midecode[donenum].num_b << endl ;
rstfile << "\t\tlw\t$t1\t($t1)" << endl ;
rstfile << "\t\tlw\t$t1\t" << addr2 << "($fp)" << endl ;

rstfile << "\t\tblt\t$t0\t$t1\t" ;

void assignA_mips(){//[] =
int addr1 = -1 * findaddr(midecode[donenum].num_a) ;//值
int addr2 = -1 * findaddr(midecode[donenum].num_b) ;//标识符地址偏移
int addr3 = -1 * findaddr(midecode[donenum].rst) ;//数组地址偏移
if(addr1 == 1){//not find, is global
rstfile << "\t\tli\t$t0\t" << midecode[donenum].num_a << endl ;
rstfile << "\t\tla\t$t0\t" << midecode[donenum].num_a << endl ;
rstfile << "\t\tlw\t$t0\t($t0)" << endl ; //准备数据的值
rstfile << "\t\tlw\t$t0\t" << addr1 << "($fp)" << endl ;
if(addr2 == 1){//not find, is global
rstfile << "\t\tli\t$t1\t" << midecode[donenum].num_b << endl ;
rstfile << "\t\tla\t$t1\t" << midecode[donenum].num_b << endl ;
rstfile << "\t\tlw\t$t1\t($t1)" << endl ;//【】中标识符的的偏移量
rstfile << "\t\tmul\t$t1\t$t1\t-4" << endl ;

rstfile << "\t\tlw\t$t1\t" << addr2 << "($fp)" << endl ;
rstfile << "\t\tmul\t$t1\t$t1\t-4" << endl ;

if(addr3 == 1){//not find, is global
rstfile << "\t\tla\t$t2\t" << midecode[donenum].rst << endl ;
rstfile << "\t\tadd\t$t1\t$t1\t$t2" << endl ;
rstfile << "\t\tsw\t$t0\t($t1)" << endl ;
rstfile << "\t\tli\t$t2\t" << addr3 << endl ;
rstfile << "\t\tadd\t$t1\t$t2\t$t1" << endl ;
rstfile << "\t\tadd\t$t1\t$t1\t$fp" << endl ;
rstfile << "\t\tsw\t$t0\t($t1)" << endl ;


void aAssign_mips(){//aAss
int addr1 = -1 * findaddr(midecode[donenum].num_a) ;//数组变量的地址偏移
int addr2 = -1 * findaddr(midecode[donenum].num_b) ;//[]中标识符的偏移量
//rst is always a $
if(addr1 == 1){//not find, is global
rstfile << "\t\tla\t$t0\t" << midecode[donenum].num_a << endl ;
//rstfile << "\t\tlw\t$t0\t($t0)" << endl ;
rstfile << "\t\tli\t$t0\t" << addr1 << endl ;
rstfile << "\t\tadd\t$t0\t$t0\t$fp" << endl ;
if(addr2 == 1){//not find, is global
rstfile << "\t\tli\t$t1\t" << midecode[donenum].num_b << endl ;
rstfile << "\t\tla\t$t1\t" << midecode[donenum].num_b << endl ;
rstfile << "\t\tlw\t$t1\t($t1)" << endl ;

rstfile << "\t\tmul\t$t1\t$t1\t-4" << endl ;
rstfile << "\t\tlw\t$t1\t" << addr2 << "($fp)" << endl ;
rstfile << "\t\tmul\t$t1\t$t1\t-4" << endl ;

rstfile << "\t\tadd\t$t0\t$t0\t$t1" << endl ;
//rstfile << "\t\tadd\t$t0\t$t0\t$fp" << endl ;
rstfile << "\t\tlw\t$t0\t($t0)" << endl ;
insertaddr(midecode[donenum].rst) ;
int addr3 = -1 * findaddr(midecode[donenum].rst) ;
rstfile << "\t\tsw\t$t0\t" << addr3 << "($fp)" << endl ;

void exit_mips(){
rstfile << "\t\tli\t$v0\t10" << endl ;
rstfile << "\t\tsyscall" << endl ;

void run(){
initasm() ;

while(donenum < codeNum){
//rstfile << "#" << midecode[donenum].op << " " << midecode[donenum].num_a << " " << midecode[donenum].num_b << " " << midecode[donenum].rst << endl ;
if(strcmp(midecode[donenum].op, func) == 0){
rstfile << "#" << midecode[donenum].op << " " << midecode[donenum].num_a << " " << midecode[donenum].num_b << " " << midecode[donenum].rst << endl ;
func_mips() ;
else if(strcmp(midecode[donenum].op, ints) == 0){
rstfile << "#" << midecode[donenum].op << " " << midecode[donenum].num_a << " " << midecode[donenum].num_b << " " << midecode[donenum].rst << endl ;
ints_mips() ;
else if(strcmp(midecode[donenum].op, chars) == 0){
rstfile << "#" << midecode[donenum].op << " " << midecode[donenum].num_a << " " << midecode[donenum].num_b << " " << midecode[donenum].rst << endl ;
chars_mips() ;
else if(strcmp(midecode[donenum].op, inta) == 0){
rstfile << "#" << midecode[donenum].op << " " << midecode[donenum].num_a << " " << midecode[donenum].num_b << " " << midecode[donenum].rst << endl ;
inta_mips() ;
else if(strcmp(midecode[donenum].op, chara) == 0){
rstfile << "#" << midecode[donenum].op << " " << midecode[donenum].num_a << " " << midecode[donenum].num_b << " " << midecode[donenum].rst << endl ;
chara_mips() ;
else if(strcmp(midecode[donenum].op, add) == 0){
rstfile << "#" << midecode[donenum].op << " " << midecode[donenum].num_a << " " << midecode[donenum].num_b << " " << midecode[donenum].rst << endl ;
add_mips() ;
else if(strcmp(midecode[donenum].op, sub) == 0){
rstfile << "#" << midecode[donenum].op << " " << midecode[donenum].num_a << " " << midecode[donenum].num_b << " " << midecode[donenum].rst << endl ;
sub_mips() ;
else if(strcmp(midecode[donenum].op, mul) == 0){
rstfile << "#" << midecode[donenum].op << " " << midecode[donenum].num_a << " " << midecode[donenum].num_b << " " << midecode[donenum].rst << endl ;
mul_mips() ;
else if(strcmp(midecode[donenum].op, divs) == 0){
rstfile << "#" << midecode[donenum].op << " " << midecode[donenum].num_a << " " << midecode[donenum].num_b << " " << midecode[donenum].rst << endl ;
div_mips() ;
else if(strcmp(midecode[donenum].op, prtf) == 0){
rstfile << "#" << midecode[donenum].op << " " << midecode[donenum].num_a << " " << midecode[donenum].num_b << " " << midecode[donenum].rst << endl ;
prtf_mips() ;
else if(strcmp(midecode[donenum].op, scf) == 0){
rstfile << "#" << midecode[donenum].op << " " << midecode[donenum].num_a << " " << midecode[donenum].num_b << " " << midecode[donenum].rst << endl ;
scf_mips() ;
else if(strcmp(midecode[donenum].op, ret) == 0){
rstfile << "#" << midecode[donenum].op << " " << midecode[donenum].num_a << " " << midecode[donenum].num_b << " " << midecode[donenum].rst << endl ;
ret_mips() ;
else if(strcmp(midecode[donenum].op, lab) == 0){
lab_mips() ;
else if(strcmp(midecode[donenum].op, paraop) == 0){
rstfile << "#" << midecode[donenum].op << " " << midecode[donenum].num_a << " " << midecode[donenum].num_b << " " << midecode[donenum].rst << endl ;
paraop_mips() ;
else if(strcmp(midecode[donenum].op, calpara) == 0){
rstfile << "#" << midecode[donenum].op << " " << midecode[donenum].num_a << " " << midecode[donenum].num_b << " " << midecode[donenum].rst << endl ;
calpara_mips() ;
else if(strcmp(midecode[donenum].op, call) == 0){
rstfile << "#" << midecode[donenum].op << " " << midecode[donenum].num_a << " " << midecode[donenum].num_b << " " << midecode[donenum].rst << endl ;
call_mips() ;
else if(strcmp(midecode[donenum].op, jne) == 0){
jne_mips() ;
else if(strcmp(midecode[donenum].op, jmp) == 0){
jmp_mips() ;
else if(strcmp(midecode[donenum].op, ass) == 0){
rstfile << "#" << midecode[donenum].op << " " << midecode[donenum].num_a << " " << midecode[donenum].num_b << " " << midecode[donenum].rst << endl ;
ass_mips() ;
else if(strcmp(midecode[donenum].op, bt) == 0){
bt_mips() ;
else if(strcmp(midecode[donenum].op, st) == 0){
st_mips() ;
else if(strcmp(midecode[donenum].op, eql) == 0){
eql_mips() ;
else if(strcmp(midecode[donenum].op, neq) == 0){
neq_mips() ;
else if(strcmp(midecode[donenum].op, nbt) == 0){
nbt_mips() ;
else if(strcmp(midecode[donenum].op, nst) == 0){
nst_mips() ;
else if(strcmp(midecode[donenum].op, assignA) == 0){
rstfile << "#" << midecode[donenum].op << " " << midecode[donenum].num_a << " " << midecode[donenum].num_b << " " << midecode[donenum].rst << endl ;
assignA_mips() ;
else if(strcmp(midecode[donenum].op, aAssign) == 0){
rstfile << "#" << midecode[donenum].op << " " << midecode[donenum].num_a << " " << midecode[donenum].num_b << " " << midecode[donenum].rst << endl ;
aAssign_mips() ;
else if(strcmp(midecode[donenum].op, exits) == 0){
exit_mips() ;
else if(strcmp(midecode[donenum].op, myend) == 0){
myend_mips() ;

donenum++ ;



#include <iostream>
#include <string.h>
#include <fstream>
#include <sstream>
#include <stdlib.h>
//#include "lex.cpp"
using namespace std ;
#define FILEOPEN_ERROR -1 //file open failed
#define ZEROSTART_ERROR 0 //
#define UNDEFCHAR_ERROR 2 //undefined IDEN
#define UNMATCHSQ_ERROR 3 //unmatched singal quoto
#define UNMATCHDQ_ERROR 4 // unmatched double quoto
#define OUTOFTABINDEXX_ERROR 5 // out of table max length
#define FUNCNAMECOMPLICT_ERROR 6 // function name conplict
#define VARNAMECOMPLICT_ERROR 7 //variable name complict
#define NAMECOMPLICTGLOBAL_ERROR 8 //name can not complict with global
#define DELHEAD_IDMIS_ERROR 9 // id missed in delcare head part
#define AFTERASS_NOTIDEN_ERROR 10 // after a assign symbol should be a dientifier symbol
#define CONSTDEF_ASSMIS_ERROR 11 // in a const defination assign symbol missed
#define CONSTDEF_TYPE_ERROR 12 // const defination have only two type
#define SEMICSYMMIS_ERROR 13 // ; missed
#define VARDEF_ARRAYINDEX_ERROR 14 //an array index should be number in variable defination
#define VARDEF_TYPE_ERROR 15 // in a vardefine, identifier type error
#define MAINSYM_ERROR 16 // in a main function, name must be "
#define LPARENSYMMIS_ERROR 17 // main ( missed
#define RPARENSYMMIS_ERROR 18 // main ) missed
#define LBPARENSYMMIS_ERROR 19 // mian {
#define RBPARENSYMMIS_ERROR 20 // main }
#define RMPARENSYMMIS_ERROR 21 // ] missed
#define AFTEROP_NUMMIS_ERROR 22 // -56 ok, -b not accepted
#define FACTOR_ERROR 23 // factor type error
#define ASSIGNSTATUS_ERROR 24 // assign status error
#define STATUS_ERROR 25 // status error
#define CONDITIONOP_ERROR 26 // condition status error
#define WHILESYMMIS_ERROR 27 // while symbol missed
#define IDSYMMIS_ERROR 28 // in a for loop, identifier missed in initial
#define FORASSIGNMIS_ERROR 29 // int a for loop initial, assign symbol must appeare
#define VARTYPE_ERROR 30 // in a for loop, loop variable should not be a const
#define FOROPMIS_ERROR 31 // in for loop step part, op(+/-) missed
#define FORDIGSYM_ERROR 32 // in for loop step part, digital missed
#define VOIDSYMMIS_ERROR 33 // in main function, void symbol missed
#define PARANUM_ERROR 34 // paramenter number error
#define UNEXCEPTRETURNVAL_ERROR 35 // void function return value
#define READARRAY_ERROR 36 // read an array name

char WARNING[] = {'W','a','r','n','i','n','g',':',' ','\0'} ;
char ERROR[] = {'E','r','r','o','r',':',' ','\0'} ;
char LINE[] = {'i','n',' ','l','i','n','e',' ','\0'} ;

void error(int errorcode, int indexInFile){
case -1 :
cout << "file open failed!" << endl ;
exit(0) ;
break ;
case 0 ://warning
cout << LINE << indexInFile << "\t" << WARNING << "a num should not start with 0 " << endl ;
break ;
case 1 :
cout << LINE << indexInFile << "\t" << ERROR << "undefined function name " << endl ;
break ;
case 2 :
cout << LINE << indexInFile << "\t" << ERROR << "undefined identifier name " << endl ;
break ;
case 3 :
cout << LINE << indexInFile << "\t" << ERROR << "unmatched singal quotes " << endl ;
break ;
case 4 :
cout << LINE << indexInFile << "\t" << ERROR << "unmatched double quotes " << endl ;
break ;
case 5 :
cout << LINE << indexInFile << "\t" << ERROR << "to much defination " << endl ;
exit(0) ;
break ;
case 6 :
cout << LINE << indexInFile << "\t" << ERROR << "function name complicted " << endl ;
break ;
case 7 :
cout << LINE << indexInFile << "\t" << ERROR << "variable name complicted " << endl ;
break ;
case 8 :
cout << LINE << indexInFile << "\t" << ERROR << "variable name complicted with global " << endl ;
break ;
case 9 :
cout << LINE << indexInFile << "\t" << ERROR << "function name missed " << endl ;
break ;
case 10 :
cout << LINE << indexInFile << "\t" << ERROR << "const defination without value " << endl ;
break ;
case 11 :
cout << LINE << indexInFile << "\t" << ERROR << "const defination without assign symbol " << endl ;
break ;
case 12 :
cout << LINE << indexInFile << "\t" << ERROR << "undefined variable type in const defination" << endl ;
break ;
case 13 :
cout << LINE << indexInFile << "\t" << ERROR << "\';\'\tmissed " << endl ;
break ;
case 14 :
cout << LINE << indexInFile << "\t" << ERROR << "unaccepted array index in array defination " << endl ;
break ;
case 15 :
cout << LINE << indexInFile << "\t" << ERROR << "undefined type in variable defination " << endl ;
break ;
case 16 :
cout << LINE << indexInFile << "\t" << ERROR << "false function name in main " << endl ;
break ;
case 17 :
cout << LINE << indexInFile << "\t" << ERROR << "\'(\'\tmissed in main function " << endl ;
break ;
case 18 :
cout << LINE << indexInFile << "\t" << ERROR << "\')\'\tmissed in main function " << endl ;
break ;
case 19 :
cout << LINE << indexInFile << "\t" << ERROR << "\'{\'\tmissed in main function " << endl ;
break ;
case 20 :
cout << LINE << indexInFile << "\t" << ERROR << "\'}\'\tmissed in main function " << endl ;
break ;
case 21 :
cout << LINE << indexInFile << "\t" << ERROR << "\']\'\tmissed " << endl ;
break ;
case 22 :
cout << LINE << indexInFile << "\t" << ERROR << "\'-\'' can only appeared before a number " << endl ;
break ;
case 23 :
cout << LINE << indexInFile << "\t" << ERROR << "unidentified factor " << endl ;
break ;
case 24 :
cout << LINE << indexInFile << "\t" << ERROR << "unidentified identifier in assign status " << endl ;
break ;
case 25 :
cout << LINE << indexInFile << "\t" << ERROR << "unidentified states " << endl ;
break ;
case 26 :
cout << LINE << indexInFile << "\t" << ERROR << "unidentified condition symbol " << endl ;
break ;
case 27 :
cout << LINE << indexInFile << "\t" << ERROR << "\'while\' symbol missed " << endl ;
break ;
case 28 :
cout << LINE << indexInFile << "\t" << ERROR << "identifier lack in for loop " << endl ;
break ;
case 29 :
cout << LINE << indexInFile << "\t" << ERROR << "assign symbol lack in for loop " << endl ;
break ;
case 30 :
cout << LINE << indexInFile << "\t" << ERROR << "loop variable should not be const in for loop " << endl ;
break ;
case 31 :
cout << LINE << indexInFile << "\t" << ERROR << "+/- missed in loop step part " << endl ;
break ;
case 32 :
cout << LINE << indexInFile << "\t" << ERROR << "step digital missed in for loop " << endl ;
break ;
case 33 :
cout << LINE << indexInFile << "\t" << ERROR << "\'void\'\tmissed in main function " << endl ;
break ;
case 34 :
cout << LINE << indexInFile << "\t" << ERROR << "paramenter number unmatched " << endl ;
break ;
case 35 :
cout << LINE << indexInFile << "\t" << ERROR << "void function return a value " << endl ;
break ;
case 36 :
cout << LINE << indexInFile << "\t" << ERROR << "read a array name !" << endl ;
break ;