
时间:2022-02-12 00:32:46

Any ideas / feedback are welcome :)


I run into a problem in how to handle business logic around my Doctrine2 entities in a big Symfony2 application. (Sorry for the post length)


After reading many blogs, cookbook and others ressources, I find that :


  • Entities might be used only for data mapping persistence ("anemic model"),
  • 实体可能仅用于数据映射持久性(“贫血模型”),
  • Controllers must be the more slim possible,
  • 控制器必须尽可能的精简,
  • Domain models must be decoupled from persistence layer (entity do not know entity manager)
  • 域模型必须与持久性层(实体不知道实体管理器)解耦

Ok, I'm totally agree with it, but : where and how handle complex bussiness rules on domain models ?


A simple example



  • a Group can use Roles
  • 一个组可以使用角色
  • a Role can be used by different Groups
  • 角色可以被不同的组使用
  • a User can belong to many Groups with many Roles,
  • 用户可以属于多个具有多个角色的组,

In a SQL persistence layer, we could modelize these relations as :





  • User can have Roles in Groups only if Roles is attached to the Group.
  • 只有当角色附加到组中时,用户才能在组中拥有角色。
  • If we detach a Role R1 from a Group G1, all UserRoleAffectation with the Group G1 and Role R1 must be deleted
  • 如果我们从G1组中分离一个角色R1,则必须删除组G1和角色R1的所有userroleaffecation。

This is a very simple example, but i'd like to kown the best way(s) to manage these business rules.


Solutions found

1- Implementation in Service Layer


Use a specific Service class as :


class GroupRoleAffectionService {

  function linkRoleToGroup ($role, $group)

  function unlinkRoleToGroup ($role, $group)
    //business logic to find all invalid UserRoleAffectation with these role and group

    // BL to remove all found UserRoleAffectation OR to throw exception.

    // detach role  

    //save all handled entities;
  • (+) one service per class / per business rule
  • (+)每个类/每个业务规则提供一个服务
  • (-) API entities is not representating to domain : it's possible to call $group->removeRole($role) out from this service.
  • (-) API实体不代表域:可以从该服务调用$group->removeRole($role)。
  • (-) Too many service classes in a big application ?
  • 在一个大的应用程序中有太多的服务类?

2 - Implementation in Domain entity Managers

2 -域实体管理器的实现。

Encapsulate these Business Logic in specific "domain entities manager", also call Model Providers :


class GroupManager {

    function create($name){...}

    function remove($group) {...}

    function store($group){...}

    // ...

    function linkRole($group, $role) {...}

    function unlinkRoleToGroup ($group, $role)

    // ... (as in previous service code)

    function otherBusinessRule($params) {...}
  • (+) all businness rules are centralized
  • (+)所有商业规则都是集中的
  • (-) API entities is not representating to domain : it's possible to call $group->removeRole($role) out from service...
  • (-) API实体不代表域:可以从服务中调用$group->removeRole($role)…
  • (-) Domain Managers becomes FAT managers ?
  • (-)领域经理变成胖经理?

3 - Use Listeners when possible

3 -尽可能使用监听器

Use symfony and/or Doctrine event listeners :


class CheckUserRoleAffectationEventSubscriber implements EventSubscriber
    // listen when a M2M relation between Group and Role is removed
    public function getSubscribedEvents()
        return array(

   public function preRemove(LifecycleEventArgs $event)
    // BL here ...

4 - Implement Rich Models by extending entities

4 -通过扩展实体实现富模型

Use Entities as sub/parent class of Domain Models classes, which encapsulate lot of Domain logic. But this solutions seems more confused for me.


For you, what is the best way(s) to manage this business logic, focusing on the more clean, decoupled, testable code ? Your feedback and good practices ? Have you concrete examples ?


Main Ressources :


5 个解决方案



I find solution 1) as the easiest one to maintain from longer perspective. Solution 2 leads bloated "Manager" class which will eventually be broken down into smaller chunks.


"Too many service classes in a big application" is not a reason to avoid SRP.


In terms of Domain Language, I find the following code similar:


$groupRoleService->removeRoleFromGroup($role, $group);



Also from what you described, removing/adding role from group requires many dependencies (dependency inversion principle) and that could be hard with a FAT/bloated manager.


Solution 3) looks very similar to 1) - each subscriber is actually service automatically triggered in background by Entity Manager and in simpler scenarios it can work, but troubles will arise as soon the action (adding/removing role) will require a lot of context eg. which user performed the action, from which page or any other type of complex validation.




See here: Sf2 : using a service inside an entity


Maybe my answer here helps. It just addresses that: How to "decouple" model vs persistance vs controller layers.


In your specific question, I would say that there is a "trick" here... what is a "group"? It "alone"? or it when it relates to somebody?


Initially your Model classes probably could look like this:


UserManager (service, entry point for all others)


UserManager would have methods for getting the model objects (as said in that answer, you should never do a new). In a controller, you could do this:


$userManager = $this->get( 'myproject.user.manager' );
$user = $userManager->getUserById( 33 );

Then... User, as you say, can have roles, that can be assigned or not.


// Using metalanguage similar to C++ to show return datatypes.
    // Role managing
    Roles getAllRolesTheUserHasInAnyGroup();
    void  addRoleById( Id $roleId, Id $groupId );
    void  removeRoleById( Id $roleId );

    // Group managing
    Groups getGroups();
    void   addGroupById( Id $groupId );
    void   removeGroupById( Id $groupId );

I have simplified, of course you could add by Id, add by Object, etc.


But when you think this in "natural language"... let's see...


  1. I know Alice belongs to a Photographers.
  2. 我知道爱丽丝属于摄影师。
  3. I get Alice object.
  4. 我得到爱丽丝对象。
  5. I query Alice about the groups. I get the group Photographers.
  6. 我查询Alice关于组的信息。我找了组摄影师。
  7. I query Photographers about the roles.
  8. 我询问摄影师的角色。

See more in detail:


  1. I know Alice is user id=33 and she is in the Photographer's group.
  2. 我知道Alice是user id=33,她属于拍照者组。
  3. I request Alice to the UserManager via $user = $manager->getUserById( 33 );
  4. 我通过$user = $manager->getUserById(33)向UserManager请求。
  5. I acces the group Photographers thru Alice, maybe with `$group = $user->getGroupByName( 'Photographers' );
  6. 我用“$group = $user->getGroupByName(‘拍照者’)来处理组拍照者。
  7. I then would like to see the group's roles... What should I do?
    • Option 1: $group->getRoles();
    • 选项1:$组- >将getRoles();
    • Option 2: $group->getRolesForUser( $userId );
    • 选项2:$group->getRolesForUser($userId);
  8. 然后我想看看小组的角色……我应该做什么?选项1:$组- >将getRoles();选项2:$group->getRolesForUser($userId);

The second is like redundant, as I got the group thru Alice. You can create a new class GroupSpecificToUser which inherits from Group.


Similar to a game... what is a game? The "game" as the "chess" in general? Or the specific "game" of "chess" that you and me started yesterday?


In this case $user->getGroups() would return a collection of GroupSpecificToUser objects.


GroupSpecificToUser extends Group
    User getPointOfViewUser()
    Roles getRoles()

This second approach will allow you to encapsulate there many other things that will appear sooner or later: Is this user allowed to do something here? you can just query the group subclass: $group->allowedToPost();, $group->allowedToChangeName();, $group->allowedToUploadImage();, etc.

第二种方法将允许您将迟早会出现的许多其他内容封装在其中:这个用户是否允许在这里做一些事情?您只需查询组子类:$group->allowedToPost();, $group->allowedToChangeName(); $group->allowedToUploadImage()等。

In any case, you can avoid creating taht weird class and just ask the user about this information, like a $user->getRolesForGroup( $groupId ); approach.


Model is not persistance layer


I like to 'forget' about the peristance when designing. I usually sit with my team (or with myself, for personal projects) and spend 4 or 6 hours just thinking before writing any line of code. We write an API in a txt doc. Then iterate on it adding, removing methods, etc.


A possible "starting point" API for your example could contain queries of anything, like a triangle:


    getAllGroups()                     // Returns all the groups to which the user belongs.
    getAllRoles()                      // Returns the list of roles the user has in any possible group.
    getRolesOfACertainGroup( $group )  // Returns the list of groups for which the user has that specific role.
    getGroupsOfRole( $role )           // Returns all the roles the user has in a specific group.
    addRoleToGroup( $group, $role )
    removeRoleFromGroup( $group, $role )
    removeFromGroup()                  // Probably you want to remove the user from a group without having to loop over all the roles.
    // removeRole() ??                 // Maybe you want (or not) remove all admin privileges to this user, no care of what groups.

    getAllUsersWithRole( $role )
    getAllRolesOfUser( $user )
    addUserWithRole( $user, $role )
    removeUserWithRole( $user, $role )
    removeUser( $user )                 // Probably you want to be able to remove a user completely instead of doing it role by role.
    // removeRole( $role ) ??           // Probably you don't want to be able to remove all the roles at a time (say, remove all admins, and leave the group without any admin)

    getAllUsers()                  // All users that have this role in one or another group.
    getAllGroups()                 // All groups for which any user has this role.
    getAllUsersForGroup( $group )  // All users that have this role in the given group.
    getAllGroupsForUser( $user )   // All groups for which the given user is granted that role
    // Querying redundantly is natural, but maybe "adding this user to this group"
    // from the role object is a bit weird, and we already have the add group
    // to the user and its redundant add user to group.
    // Adding it to here maybe is too much.



As said in the pointed article, I would also throw events in the model,


For example, when removing a role from a user in a group, I could detect in a "listener" that if that was the last administrator, I can a) cancel the deletion of the role, b) allow it and leave the group without administrator, c) allow it but choose a new admin from with the users in the group, etc or whatever policy is suitable for you.


The same way, maybe a user can only belong to 50 groups (as in LinkedIn). You can then just throw a preAddUserToGroup event and any catcher could contain the ruleset of forbidding that when the user wants to join group 51.


That "rule" can clearly leave outside the User, Group and Role class and leave in a higher level class that contains the "rules" by which users can join or leave groups.


I strongly suggest to see the other answer.


Hope to help!






As a personal preference, I like to start simple and grow as more business rules are applied. As such I tend to favour the listeners approach better.


You just


  • add more listeners as business rules evolve,
  • 随着业务规则的发展,添加更多的侦听器,
  • each having a single responsibility,
  • 每个人都有自己的责任,
  • and you can test these listeners independently easier.
  • 你可以更容易地独立地测试这些监听器。

Something that would require lots of mocks/stubs if you have a single service class such as:


class SomeService 
    function someMethod($argA, $argB)
        // some logic A.
        // some logic B.

        // feature you want to test.

        // some logic C.



I'm in favour of business-aware entities. Doctrine goes a long way not to pollute your model with infrastructure concerns ; it uses reflection so you are free to modify accessors as you want. The 2 "Doctrine" things that may remain in your entity classes are annotations (you can avoid thanks to YML mapping), and the ArrayCollection. This is a library outside of Doctrine ORM (̀Doctrine/Common), so no issues there.


So, sticking to the basics of DDD, entities are really the place to put your domain logic. Of course, sometimes this is not enough, then you are free to add domain services, services without infrastructure concerns.


Doctrine repositories are more middle-ground: I prefer to keep those as the only way to query for entities, event if they are not sticking to the initial repository pattern and I would rather remove the generated methods. Adding manager service to encapsulate all fetch/save operations of a given class was a common Symfony practice some years ago, I don't quite like it.


In my experience, you may come with far more issues with Symfony form component, I don't know if you use it. They will serisouly limit your ability to customize the constructor, then you may rather use named constructors. Adding PhpDoc @deprecated̀ tag wil give your pairs some visual feedback they should not sue the original constructor.

根据我的经验,您可能会遇到更多关于Symfony表单组件的问题,我不知道您是否使用它。它们将严重限制您自定义构造函数的能力,然后您可以使用命名构造函数。添加PhpDoc @deprecated̀标签会让你对一些视觉反馈他们不应该起诉原构造函数。

Last but not least, relying too much on Doctrine events will eventually bite you. They are too many technical limitations there, plus I find those hard to keep track of. When needed, I add domain events dispatched from the controller/command to Symfony event dispatcher.




I would consider using a service layer apart from the entities itself. Entities classes should describe the data structures and eventually some other simple calculations. Complex rules go to services.


As long you use services you can create more decoupled systems, services and so on. You can take the advantage of dependency injection and utilize events (dispatchers and listeners) to do the communication between the services keeping them weakly coupled.


I say that on basis of my own experience. In the beginning I used to put all the logic inside the entities classes (specially when I developed symfony 1.x/doctrine 1.x applications). As long the applications grew they got really hard to maintain.

我是根据我自己的经验说的。一开始,我将所有的逻辑放在实体类中(特别是在开发symfony 1时)。x /原则1。x应用程序)。随着应用程序的发展,它们变得很难维护。



I find solution 1) as the easiest one to maintain from longer perspective. Solution 2 leads bloated "Manager" class which will eventually be broken down into smaller chunks.


"Too many service classes in a big application" is not a reason to avoid SRP.


In terms of Domain Language, I find the following code similar:


$groupRoleService->removeRoleFromGroup($role, $group);



Also from what you described, removing/adding role from group requires many dependencies (dependency inversion principle) and that could be hard with a FAT/bloated manager.


Solution 3) looks very similar to 1) - each subscriber is actually service automatically triggered in background by Entity Manager and in simpler scenarios it can work, but troubles will arise as soon the action (adding/removing role) will require a lot of context eg. which user performed the action, from which page or any other type of complex validation.




See here: Sf2 : using a service inside an entity


Maybe my answer here helps. It just addresses that: How to "decouple" model vs persistance vs controller layers.


In your specific question, I would say that there is a "trick" here... what is a "group"? It "alone"? or it when it relates to somebody?


Initially your Model classes probably could look like this:


UserManager (service, entry point for all others)


UserManager would have methods for getting the model objects (as said in that answer, you should never do a new). In a controller, you could do this:


$userManager = $this->get( 'myproject.user.manager' );
$user = $userManager->getUserById( 33 );

Then... User, as you say, can have roles, that can be assigned or not.


// Using metalanguage similar to C++ to show return datatypes.
    // Role managing
    Roles getAllRolesTheUserHasInAnyGroup();
    void  addRoleById( Id $roleId, Id $groupId );
    void  removeRoleById( Id $roleId );

    // Group managing
    Groups getGroups();
    void   addGroupById( Id $groupId );
    void   removeGroupById( Id $groupId );

I have simplified, of course you could add by Id, add by Object, etc.


But when you think this in "natural language"... let's see...


  1. I know Alice belongs to a Photographers.
  2. 我知道爱丽丝属于摄影师。
  3. I get Alice object.
  4. 我得到爱丽丝对象。
  5. I query Alice about the groups. I get the group Photographers.
  6. 我查询Alice关于组的信息。我找了组摄影师。
  7. I query Photographers about the roles.
  8. 我询问摄影师的角色。

See more in detail:


  1. I know Alice is user id=33 and she is in the Photographer's group.
  2. 我知道Alice是user id=33,她属于拍照者组。
  3. I request Alice to the UserManager via $user = $manager->getUserById( 33 );
  4. 我通过$user = $manager->getUserById(33)向UserManager请求。
  5. I acces the group Photographers thru Alice, maybe with `$group = $user->getGroupByName( 'Photographers' );
  6. 我用“$group = $user->getGroupByName(‘拍照者’)来处理组拍照者。
  7. I then would like to see the group's roles... What should I do?
    • Option 1: $group->getRoles();
    • 选项1:$组- >将getRoles();
    • Option 2: $group->getRolesForUser( $userId );
    • 选项2:$group->getRolesForUser($userId);
  8. 然后我想看看小组的角色……我应该做什么?选项1:$组- >将getRoles();选项2:$group->getRolesForUser($userId);

The second is like redundant, as I got the group thru Alice. You can create a new class GroupSpecificToUser which inherits from Group.


Similar to a game... what is a game? The "game" as the "chess" in general? Or the specific "game" of "chess" that you and me started yesterday?


In this case $user->getGroups() would return a collection of GroupSpecificToUser objects.


GroupSpecificToUser extends Group
    User getPointOfViewUser()
    Roles getRoles()

This second approach will allow you to encapsulate there many other things that will appear sooner or later: Is this user allowed to do something here? you can just query the group subclass: $group->allowedToPost();, $group->allowedToChangeName();, $group->allowedToUploadImage();, etc.

第二种方法将允许您将迟早会出现的许多其他内容封装在其中:这个用户是否允许在这里做一些事情?您只需查询组子类:$group->allowedToPost();, $group->allowedToChangeName(); $group->allowedToUploadImage()等。

In any case, you can avoid creating taht weird class and just ask the user about this information, like a $user->getRolesForGroup( $groupId ); approach.


Model is not persistance layer


I like to 'forget' about the peristance when designing. I usually sit with my team (or with myself, for personal projects) and spend 4 or 6 hours just thinking before writing any line of code. We write an API in a txt doc. Then iterate on it adding, removing methods, etc.


A possible "starting point" API for your example could contain queries of anything, like a triangle:


    getAllGroups()                     // Returns all the groups to which the user belongs.
    getAllRoles()                      // Returns the list of roles the user has in any possible group.
    getRolesOfACertainGroup( $group )  // Returns the list of groups for which the user has that specific role.
    getGroupsOfRole( $role )           // Returns all the roles the user has in a specific group.
    addRoleToGroup( $group, $role )
    removeRoleFromGroup( $group, $role )
    removeFromGroup()                  // Probably you want to remove the user from a group without having to loop over all the roles.
    // removeRole() ??                 // Maybe you want (or not) remove all admin privileges to this user, no care of what groups.

    getAllUsersWithRole( $role )
    getAllRolesOfUser( $user )
    addUserWithRole( $user, $role )
    removeUserWithRole( $user, $role )
    removeUser( $user )                 // Probably you want to be able to remove a user completely instead of doing it role by role.
    // removeRole( $role ) ??           // Probably you don't want to be able to remove all the roles at a time (say, remove all admins, and leave the group without any admin)

    getAllUsers()                  // All users that have this role in one or another group.
    getAllGroups()                 // All groups for which any user has this role.
    getAllUsersForGroup( $group )  // All users that have this role in the given group.
    getAllGroupsForUser( $user )   // All groups for which the given user is granted that role
    // Querying redundantly is natural, but maybe "adding this user to this group"
    // from the role object is a bit weird, and we already have the add group
    // to the user and its redundant add user to group.
    // Adding it to here maybe is too much.



As said in the pointed article, I would also throw events in the model,


For example, when removing a role from a user in a group, I could detect in a "listener" that if that was the last administrator, I can a) cancel the deletion of the role, b) allow it and leave the group without administrator, c) allow it but choose a new admin from with the users in the group, etc or whatever policy is suitable for you.


The same way, maybe a user can only belong to 50 groups (as in LinkedIn). You can then just throw a preAddUserToGroup event and any catcher could contain the ruleset of forbidding that when the user wants to join group 51.


That "rule" can clearly leave outside the User, Group and Role class and leave in a higher level class that contains the "rules" by which users can join or leave groups.


I strongly suggest to see the other answer.


Hope to help!






As a personal preference, I like to start simple and grow as more business rules are applied. As such I tend to favour the listeners approach better.


You just


  • add more listeners as business rules evolve,
  • 随着业务规则的发展,添加更多的侦听器,
  • each having a single responsibility,
  • 每个人都有自己的责任,
  • and you can test these listeners independently easier.
  • 你可以更容易地独立地测试这些监听器。

Something that would require lots of mocks/stubs if you have a single service class such as:


class SomeService 
    function someMethod($argA, $argB)
        // some logic A.
        // some logic B.

        // feature you want to test.

        // some logic C.



I'm in favour of business-aware entities. Doctrine goes a long way not to pollute your model with infrastructure concerns ; it uses reflection so you are free to modify accessors as you want. The 2 "Doctrine" things that may remain in your entity classes are annotations (you can avoid thanks to YML mapping), and the ArrayCollection. This is a library outside of Doctrine ORM (̀Doctrine/Common), so no issues there.


So, sticking to the basics of DDD, entities are really the place to put your domain logic. Of course, sometimes this is not enough, then you are free to add domain services, services without infrastructure concerns.


Doctrine repositories are more middle-ground: I prefer to keep those as the only way to query for entities, event if they are not sticking to the initial repository pattern and I would rather remove the generated methods. Adding manager service to encapsulate all fetch/save operations of a given class was a common Symfony practice some years ago, I don't quite like it.


In my experience, you may come with far more issues with Symfony form component, I don't know if you use it. They will serisouly limit your ability to customize the constructor, then you may rather use named constructors. Adding PhpDoc @deprecated̀ tag wil give your pairs some visual feedback they should not sue the original constructor.

根据我的经验,您可能会遇到更多关于Symfony表单组件的问题,我不知道您是否使用它。它们将严重限制您自定义构造函数的能力,然后您可以使用命名构造函数。添加PhpDoc @deprecated̀标签会让你对一些视觉反馈他们不应该起诉原构造函数。

Last but not least, relying too much on Doctrine events will eventually bite you. They are too many technical limitations there, plus I find those hard to keep track of. When needed, I add domain events dispatched from the controller/command to Symfony event dispatcher.




I would consider using a service layer apart from the entities itself. Entities classes should describe the data structures and eventually some other simple calculations. Complex rules go to services.


As long you use services you can create more decoupled systems, services and so on. You can take the advantage of dependency injection and utilize events (dispatchers and listeners) to do the communication between the services keeping them weakly coupled.


I say that on basis of my own experience. In the beginning I used to put all the logic inside the entities classes (specially when I developed symfony 1.x/doctrine 1.x applications). As long the applications grew they got really hard to maintain.

我是根据我自己的经验说的。一开始,我将所有的逻辑放在实体类中(特别是在开发symfony 1时)。x /原则1。x应用程序)。随着应用程序的发展,它们变得很难维护。