Datatables 1.10.5 ajax错误处理程序——访问http状态码。

时间:2022-06-05 12:48:05

I'm using Datatables 1.10.5 and I have the ajax error handler defined. I need to gain access to the actual http status code when the error fires so I can see if my user's session time has expired (HTTP 401) vs if there's something wrong on the backend such as an HTTP 500 error. Right now the techNote is always 7.

我使用的是Datatables 1.10.5,并定义了ajax错误处理程序。当错误触发时,我需要访问实际的http状态代码,以便查看用户的会话时间是否已经过期(http 401),以及后端是否有问题,比如http 500错误。现在techNote总是7。

How can I get that elusive HTTP status code from the ajax transaction? I tried below, but it does not fire.


$("#example").ajaxError(function(event, jqxhr, request, settings){
    alert("Failure HTTP Code:"+jqxhr.status);    


$.fn.dataTable.ext.errMode = 'throw';
$('#example').on('error.dt', function(e, settings, techNote, message) {
   console.log( 'An error has been reported by DataTables: ', message);

Does not have the information I need, or at least that I cannot find it in any of the passed variables.


2 个解决方案



Handle xhr event. When Ajax error occurs third argument json would be null and fourth argument xhr would contain jQuery XHR object. You can get the status by accessing xhr.status property.

处理xhr事件。当出现Ajax错误时,第三个参数json为null,第四个参数xhr包含jQuery xhr对象。您可以通过访问xhr获得状态。状态属性。

Also see $.fn.dataTable.ext.errMode which could be used to instruct DataTables not to show the alert.




I've been able to get access to the status code without overriding global jQuery ajaxError by overriding the more specific to DataTables $.fn.dataTable.ext.errMode with a function:

通过覆盖更特定于DataTables $.fn. datatable.ext的全局jQuery ajaxError,我能够访问状态代码。errMode函数:

    $.fn.dataTable.ext.errMode = function (settings, tn, msg) {
      if (settings && settings.jqXHR && settings.jqXHR.status == 401) {
          window.location = window.location.origin + '/login';
      alert(msg) // Alert for all other error types; default DataTables behavior

This example shows a redirect to login on 401 status code, however, you could do the same with any other status code.


Last note is you might want to leverage the DataTables statusCode option for status code specific handling but you'll still need to override $.fn.dataTable.ext.errMode if you want to bypass default error handling since it executes before anything you define in statusCode

最后要注意的是,您可能希望利用DataTables statusCode选项进行状态代码特定的处理,但仍然需要覆盖$.fn. datatable.ext。如果您想绕过默认错误处理,errMode是在您在statusCode中定义的任何内容之前执行的



Handle xhr event. When Ajax error occurs third argument json would be null and fourth argument xhr would contain jQuery XHR object. You can get the status by accessing xhr.status property.

处理xhr事件。当出现Ajax错误时,第三个参数json为null,第四个参数xhr包含jQuery xhr对象。您可以通过访问xhr获得状态。状态属性。

Also see $.fn.dataTable.ext.errMode which could be used to instruct DataTables not to show the alert.




I've been able to get access to the status code without overriding global jQuery ajaxError by overriding the more specific to DataTables $.fn.dataTable.ext.errMode with a function:

通过覆盖更特定于DataTables $.fn. datatable.ext的全局jQuery ajaxError,我能够访问状态代码。errMode函数:

    $.fn.dataTable.ext.errMode = function (settings, tn, msg) {
      if (settings && settings.jqXHR && settings.jqXHR.status == 401) {
          window.location = window.location.origin + '/login';
      alert(msg) // Alert for all other error types; default DataTables behavior

This example shows a redirect to login on 401 status code, however, you could do the same with any other status code.


Last note is you might want to leverage the DataTables statusCode option for status code specific handling but you'll still need to override $.fn.dataTable.ext.errMode if you want to bypass default error handling since it executes before anything you define in statusCode

最后要注意的是,您可能希望利用DataTables statusCode选项进行状态代码特定的处理,但仍然需要覆盖$.fn. datatable.ext。如果您想绕过默认错误处理,errMode是在您在statusCode中定义的任何内容之前执行的