
时间:2021-08-11 08:01:18

I am extremely new at this but I have been able to work out how to return the total number of line days for a particular patient for an individual parameter. See Current Results Data Table.


Each patient is only counted once, irrespective of how many lines they have in. The problem I have is that when line days overlap. I need to be able to return the total number of line days for a patient.


Final Column in Table has been manually added.


Current Results:




(SELECT CONVERT(VARCHAR, PendingRangeSignals.StartTime, 103) + ' ' + CONVERT(VARCHAR, DATEPART(hh, PendingRangeSignals.StartTime)) + ':' + RIGHT('0' + CONVERT(VARCHAR, DATEPART(mi, PendingRangeSignals.StartTime)), 2) AS Date) as "Start Time Column",

(SELECT CONVERT(VARCHAR, RangeSignals.EndTime, 103) + ' ' + CONVERT(VARCHAR, DATEPART(hh, RangeSignals.EndTime)) + ':' + RIGHT('0' + CONVERT(VARCHAR, DATEPART(mi, RangeSignals.EndTime)), 2) AS Date) as "End Time Column",

iif(datepart(hh,PendingRangeSignals.StartTime)>= 0 OR 

    WHEN RangeSignals.EndTime IS NULL
    THEN datediff(hh,PendingRangeSignals.StartTime,isnull(RangeSignals.EndTime,getdate()))
    ELSE datediff(hh,PendingRangeSignals.StartTime,RangeSignals.EndTime)
END < 24,

datediff(d,iif(PendingRangeSignals.StartTime < DATEADD(month, DATEDIFF(month, 0, getdate()), 0), DATEADD(month, DATEDIFF(month, 0, getdate()), 0),PendingRangeSignals.StartTime)  , dateadd(day,1,isnull(RangeSignals.EndTime,getdate()))),
 datediff(d,iif(PendingRangeSignals.StartTime < DATEADD(month, DATEDIFF(month, 0, getdate()), 0), DATEADD(month, DATEDIFF(month, 0, getdate()), 0),PendingRangeSignals.StartTime)  , isnull(RangeSignals.EndTime,getdate()))) as "LineDaysinMonth"

PendingRangeSignals INNER JOIN
PendingOrders ON PendingRangeSignals.PendingOrderID = PendingOrders.PendingOrderID INNER JOIN
Parameters ON PendingRangeSignals.ParameterID = Parameters.ParameterID
LEFT JOIN RangeSignals ON RangeSignals.ParameterID = Parameters.ParameterID and RangeSignals.PatientID = PendingOrders.PatientID and PendingRangeSignals.StartTime = RangeSignals.StartTime

(PendingOrders.PatientID = 2105) and pendingorders.Status = 5  and ((datepart(month,RangeSignals.EndTime) = datepart(month,getdate())) or RangeSignals.EndTime is null) and [Parameters].ParameterID IN (1046, 1372, 8546, 1051, 8532, 8538, 1375, 8531, 8888)

1 个解决方案



From what I understand now, I would suggest:


1) create a table "days" with numbers 0-31: days(day)


2) create a subquery that returns the calendar days for the month you want, e.g., a simplified example for months with 31 days.


(SELECT cast('2016-01-01' + interval `day` day as date) mydate
        FROM days) mymonth

3) join your patient line records with this subquery and use "distinct" to remove duplicate dates, e.g.


SELECT DISTINCT patientid, count(patientid) as `LineDays`
FROM   (SELECT cast('2016-01-01' + interval `day` day as date) mydate
        FROM days) mymonth
LEFT JOIN rangesignals on (mydate between startDate and endDate)
GROUP BY patientid;

I simplified time to date and ignored pendingsignals but I think you'll get the idea. I'm not totally sure that distinct will remove dupe dates before group by (I think not), but if so, you can do it with another subquery. And I think if you are using MS-SQL there might be another way to do a calendar. If you create the sqlfiddle then it is easy to test.




From what I understand now, I would suggest:


1) create a table "days" with numbers 0-31: days(day)


2) create a subquery that returns the calendar days for the month you want, e.g., a simplified example for months with 31 days.


(SELECT cast('2016-01-01' + interval `day` day as date) mydate
        FROM days) mymonth

3) join your patient line records with this subquery and use "distinct" to remove duplicate dates, e.g.


SELECT DISTINCT patientid, count(patientid) as `LineDays`
FROM   (SELECT cast('2016-01-01' + interval `day` day as date) mydate
        FROM days) mymonth
LEFT JOIN rangesignals on (mydate between startDate and endDate)
GROUP BY patientid;

I simplified time to date and ignored pendingsignals but I think you'll get the idea. I'm not totally sure that distinct will remove dupe dates before group by (I think not), but if so, you can do it with another subquery. And I think if you are using MS-SQL there might be another way to do a calendar. If you create the sqlfiddle then it is easy to test.
