
时间:2021-11-20 05:33:26

What aspects of the UpdatePanel are sensitive to time?


I have an UpdatePanel that works fine. If I leave the page for a few minutes and come back, the UpdatePanel doesn't work. Looking at firebug, I see that it sends the Request and gets a Response back. However, the page itself doesn't update. I'm not seeing any script errors either. So far I haven't been able to identify any other factor than the passage of time.


5 个解决方案



Maybe your application domain recycled or your Session was lost. Have you tried seeing what is being called on the server? That'd be my suggestion on where to look next.




Turn off Firebug network monitoring if enabled.




Most likely the session expired, causing it to send back data that no longer matches the page.




If it's a session expiring, it should be reproducible without the UpdatePanel -- go back to postback and see if it also happens that way. You might even get a better idea of the error since it isn't potentially eaten by the JavaScript that the UpdatePanel runs underneath the hood.

如果它是一个会话到期,它应该可以在没有UpdatePanel的情况下重现 - 返回回发并查看它是否也以这种方式发生。您甚至可能更好地了解错误,因为它不会被UpdatePanel运行的JavaScript所吞噬。



I've noticed that if you have a TON of controls in your update panel, it can either timeout or refuse to work. One time I had a gridview in an update panel with three ajax calendar controls in each row.. total of 2,000 records in the gridview.. updatepanel was none too happy

我注意到,如果您的更新面板中有一个TON控件,它可能会超时或拒绝工作。有一次我在更新面板中有一个gridview,每行有三个ajax日历控件.. gridview*有2,000条记录.. updatepanel不太高兴



Maybe your application domain recycled or your Session was lost. Have you tried seeing what is being called on the server? That'd be my suggestion on where to look next.




Turn off Firebug network monitoring if enabled.




Most likely the session expired, causing it to send back data that no longer matches the page.




If it's a session expiring, it should be reproducible without the UpdatePanel -- go back to postback and see if it also happens that way. You might even get a better idea of the error since it isn't potentially eaten by the JavaScript that the UpdatePanel runs underneath the hood.

如果它是一个会话到期,它应该可以在没有UpdatePanel的情况下重现 - 返回回发并查看它是否也以这种方式发生。您甚至可能更好地了解错误,因为它不会被UpdatePanel运行的JavaScript所吞噬。



I've noticed that if you have a TON of controls in your update panel, it can either timeout or refuse to work. One time I had a gridview in an update panel with three ajax calendar controls in each row.. total of 2,000 records in the gridview.. updatepanel was none too happy

我注意到,如果您的更新面板中有一个TON控件,它可能会超时或拒绝工作。有一次我在更新面板中有一个gridview,每行有三个ajax日历控件.. gridview*有2,000条记录.. updatepanel不太高兴