AJAX - 我是否需要在服务器端返回完整的HTML文档?

时间:2022-06-10 05:29:30

I am using JQuery to post with AJAX to another ASP page. Do I need this ASP page to return a full html page. Or can I just have it send back a value ( I just need a status ) . Here is my function.


      url: "X.asp",
      cache: false,
      type:  "POST",
      data:  queryString,
      success: function(html){

5 个解决方案



If it's just a simple value you need, I'd simple use Json (JQuery has a dedicated method for that : $.getJSON()).

如果它只是一个你需要的简单值,我会简单地使用Json(JQuery有一个专门的方法:$ .getJSON())。

So no, you don't need your ASP page to return a full html page, just the value in simple JSON notation.




You can return anything you want (even single character), but remember to change content type of your page X.asp to ContentType="text/plain" if you don't want to return HTML.

您可以返回任何您想要的内容(甚至是单个字符),但如果您不想返回HTML,请记住将页面的内容类型X.asp更改为ContentType =“text / plain”。



Well, the whole point of AJAX is IMHO that you don't need to return the whole page. The server just sends the simple answer that you need.




You can return anything from the backend, I personally prefer JSON, but you have to specify the dataType property in your $.ajax options

您可以从后端返回任何内容,我个人更喜欢JSON,但您必须在$ .ajax选项中指定dataType属性



Using AJAX, you can return anything, even binary data. Although it was designed for XML, you can use it for anything you can transfer across a web server. However, HTTP Requests are expensive, so don't abuse them too much!




If it's just a simple value you need, I'd simple use Json (JQuery has a dedicated method for that : $.getJSON()).

如果它只是一个你需要的简单值,我会简单地使用Json(JQuery有一个专门的方法:$ .getJSON())。

So no, you don't need your ASP page to return a full html page, just the value in simple JSON notation.




You can return anything you want (even single character), but remember to change content type of your page X.asp to ContentType="text/plain" if you don't want to return HTML.

您可以返回任何您想要的内容(甚至是单个字符),但如果您不想返回HTML,请记住将页面的内容类型X.asp更改为ContentType =“text / plain”。



Well, the whole point of AJAX is IMHO that you don't need to return the whole page. The server just sends the simple answer that you need.




You can return anything from the backend, I personally prefer JSON, but you have to specify the dataType property in your $.ajax options

您可以从后端返回任何内容,我个人更喜欢JSON,但您必须在$ .ajax选项中指定dataType属性



Using AJAX, you can return anything, even binary data. Although it was designed for XML, you can use it for anything you can transfer across a web server. However, HTTP Requests are expensive, so don't abuse them too much!
