与UIActivityViewController initWithActivityItems共享,在iOS7和iOS8上产生不同的结果

时间:2022-05-09 01:12:18

I have an issue with sharing in my app, and am wondering if I am doing something wrong, or if this is possibly a bug in iOS8.


In my app I have the ability to share files, if the sharing type supports attachments it attaches the file (such as email), otherwise it shares a String containing a link to the file.


In creating the share activity I do something like this (I've greatly simplified my own implementation, but this is an example):


-(void)showShareButtons:(BOOL)animated{    NSString *textToShare = @"Foobar!";    NSURL *myWebsite = [NSURL URLWithString:@"http://www.*.com/"];    NSString *localPath = [NSTemporaryDirectory() stringByAppendingPathComponent:"temp.foo"];    NSURL *localFile = [NSURL fileURLWithPath:localPath];    NSArray *objectsToShare = @[textToShare, myWebsite, localFile];    UIActivityViewController *activityVC = [[UIActivityViewController alloc] initWithActivityItems:objectsToShare applicationActivities:nil];    NSArray *excludeActivities = nil;    activityVC.excludedActivityTypes = excludeActivities;    [m_viewController presentViewController:activityVC animated:YES completion:nil];}

On iOS7 I receive the options "Message, Mail, Twitter, and Facebook" for sharing, which is what I expect.
-For the Mail and Message it uses the String, the URL and the local file


-For Twitter and Facebook its only the String and the URL, where the URL is presented as a proper link (not shown in message)

-对于Twitter和Facebook来说,它只有字符串和URL, URL作为一个合适的链接(不显示在消息中)

On iOS8 I only receive the options Message and Mail, both are the same as they are in iOS7.


It seems that it is now limiting it to sharing options which support every item, whereas before it would list items which supported any.


Build info:


Both are being built in xCode6 Beta, and the deployment target is currently set to iOS7.0

两者都是在xCode6 Beta中构建的,部署目标目前被设置为iOS7.0

iOS 8.0(12A4345d) on an iPhone 5(MD295C/A), 7.1.2 (11D257) on 4S (MD241C/A)

iPhone 5上的iOS 8.0(12A4345d) (MD295C/A), 4S上的7.1.2 (11D257) (MD241C/A)

edit: Also, if I set only one option, such as a string, all options are available. So I am able to share to these on both (i.e., they are enabled)


1 个解决方案



Actually it is supposed to be other way, in iOs8 UIActivity will list all the sharing sites which is installed on the device. Eg: Facebook, twitter, Vimeo etc. based on the file type you send for initWithActivityItems: method.

实际上,它应该是另一种方式,在iOs8 UIActivity中将列出安装在设备上的所有共享站点。基于你发送给initWithActivityItems的文件类型:method。

But in iOs7 only mail,message etc will be listed in UIActivity,where Facebook,Twitter,Vimeo will be listed only if you have logged in device settings.




Actually it is supposed to be other way, in iOs8 UIActivity will list all the sharing sites which is installed on the device. Eg: Facebook, twitter, Vimeo etc. based on the file type you send for initWithActivityItems: method.

实际上,它应该是另一种方式,在iOs8 UIActivity中将列出安装在设备上的所有共享站点。基于你发送给initWithActivityItems的文件类型:method。

But in iOs7 only mail,message etc will be listed in UIActivity,where Facebook,Twitter,Vimeo will be listed only if you have logged in device settings.
