
时间:2021-08-17 01:08:38

I'm trying to turn a background-image into grayscale by overlapping a colored background with the same image modified in B&W with photoshop. The colored image should turn into grayscale following the cursor. It's simpler to explain with this quick view: http://jsbin.com/dediqefero/1/edit?html,css,js,output


I've set the background image in both of the divs, but in the b&w one I can't insert a 100% height so the image can't fit to the other one, neither can be responsively full screen. How can I change the background-image dimensions to let the B&W one fit to the colored one?


Thanks all ;)


1 个解决方案



This is happening because you've used center center in the positioning of .content, and you have used background-size too.


If you want to do these types of adjustments, you need to apply them to both the background .content and foreground .grey which you can't do in CSS - you'd need to calculate your own offsets etc using JavaScript.

如果你想进行这些类型的调整,你需要将它们应用于背景.content和前景.grey,你不能在CSS中做 - 你需要使用JavaScript计算你自己的偏移等。

Testing background-size with pixel values makes it seem unstable and wobble around as the cursor moves.


You can calculate the centre pretty easily though


// after .content exists
var dh = content.offsetHeight,
    dw = content.offsetWidth,
    ih = 1004,
    iw = 1599,
    _h, _w;

_h = (ih / 2) - (dh / 2); // centre image in div vertical
_w = (iw / 2) - (dw / 2); // centre image in div horizontal

content.style.backgroundPosition = -_w + 'px ' + -_h + 'px';

Remember to store _h and _w so you can do the same adjustment on .gray with e.g.


gray.style.top = e.y - 50 + 'px';
gray.style.left = e.x - 50 + 'px';
gray.style.backgroundPosition = (50 - e.x - _w) + 'px ' + (50 - e.y - _h) + 'px';

Quick DEMO (I skipped the position of .content correction because I wrote it in vanilla)




This is happening because you've used center center in the positioning of .content, and you have used background-size too.


If you want to do these types of adjustments, you need to apply them to both the background .content and foreground .grey which you can't do in CSS - you'd need to calculate your own offsets etc using JavaScript.

如果你想进行这些类型的调整,你需要将它们应用于背景.content和前景.grey,你不能在CSS中做 - 你需要使用JavaScript计算你自己的偏移等。

Testing background-size with pixel values makes it seem unstable and wobble around as the cursor moves.


You can calculate the centre pretty easily though


// after .content exists
var dh = content.offsetHeight,
    dw = content.offsetWidth,
    ih = 1004,
    iw = 1599,
    _h, _w;

_h = (ih / 2) - (dh / 2); // centre image in div vertical
_w = (iw / 2) - (dw / 2); // centre image in div horizontal

content.style.backgroundPosition = -_w + 'px ' + -_h + 'px';

Remember to store _h and _w so you can do the same adjustment on .gray with e.g.


gray.style.top = e.y - 50 + 'px';
gray.style.left = e.x - 50 + 'px';
gray.style.backgroundPosition = (50 - e.x - _w) + 'px ' + (50 - e.y - _h) + 'px';

Quick DEMO (I skipped the position of .content correction because I wrote it in vanilla)
