
时间:2022-08-07 21:09:16

The aim

I would like to set such size for the DataGrid (standard, from WPF) so all cells (text) would be fully visible. I have window with DockPanel, with DataGrid in it, so when I resize the window, all nested widgets (DockPanel and DataGrid) are resized accordingly.


Example (edit-1)


Let's say you have window, 100 pixels wide and you have DataGrid with one column, which cell is "the quick brown fox..." (400 pixels wide). Thus the DataGrid should be resized to 400 pixels (probably more, because of padding) and the Window should be resized to 400 pixels too (also more, because of padding).

假设有一个100像素宽的窗口,DataGrid有一个列,这个单元格是“quick brown fox…”(400像素)。因此,应该将DataGrid的大小调整为400像素(可能更多,因为填充),窗口也应该调整为400像素(也可能更多,因为填充)。

I didn't find any standard method to do it (AFAIK WPF provides way to clip the content to desired width, my problem is exactly opposite), so I come up with such ugly workaround, which does not work too well.

我没有找到任何标准的方法来完成它(AFAIK WPF提供了一种将内容裁剪到所需宽度的方法,我的问题正好相反),所以我想出了这么难看的解决方案,但效果不是很好。

The workaround

  1. iterate over DataGrid headers (assuming they are just strings) and compute width required for the text
  2. 遍历DataGrid头(假设它们只是字符串)并计算文本所需的宽度
  3. iterate over DataGrid rows per each column (assuming they are TextBlock or TextBox) and compute the maximum width required for the text -- add horizontal paddings for TextBlock/TextBox and horizontal margins for DataGrid cell
  4. 遍历每个列的DataGrid行(假设它们是TextBlock或TextBox),并计算文本所需的最大宽度——为TextBlock/TextBox添加水平的paddings,为DataGrid cell添加水平的空白处
  5. sum all differences between DataGrid ActualWidth for columns and the maximum width computed in (2)
  6. 合计列的数据网格实际宽度与(2)中计算的最大宽度之间的所有差异
  7. increase the window width by the difference computed in (3)
  8. 通过(3)计算的差值增加窗口宽度


I did several tests, and in some cases the computed width is too big (this is minor problem), for some cases is too small. The problem starts at its core procedure -- computing the required width for TextBox/TextBlock, computed width is always 1 unit less than it should be (if I set the width to computed one, 1 pixel from text is always clipped).


So which factor I am ignoring here? Or maybe better -- is there already some method to resize DataGrid to fit its content?


The code

Computing width required for text (here for TextBlock):


    public static double TextWidth(this TextBlock widget, string text)
        var formattedText = new FormattedText(text, // can use arbitrary text

        return formattedText.Width+widget.Padding.Left+widget.Padding.Right;

Adjusting the Window size to fit DataGrid content (ugly_factor is ugly workaround ;-) since I didn't figure out how to fix it properly I set it to 1.3 and this way my window is "never" too small):


    public static void AdjustWidthToDataGrid(this Window window, DataGrid dataGrid, double ugly_factor)
        var max_widths = dataGrid.Columns.Select(it => window.TextWidth(it.Header as string) 
                                                                        * ugly_factor).ToArray();

        foreach (var row in Enumerable.Range(0, dataGrid.Items.Count))
            foreach (var col in Enumerable.Range(0, dataGrid.Columns.Count))
                var cell = dataGrid.GetCell(row, col);
                double width = 0;
                if (cell.Content is TextBlock)
                    width = (cell.Content as TextBlock).TextWidth();
                else if (cell.Content is TextBox)
                    width = (cell.Content as TextBox).TextWidth();

                if (cell.Content is FrameworkElement)
                    var widget = cell.Content as FrameworkElement;
                    width = width + widget.Margin.Left + widget.Margin.Right;

                max_widths[col] = Math.Max(max_widths[col], 

        double width_diff = 0;

        foreach (var col in Enumerable.Range(0, dataGrid.Columns.Count))
            width_diff += Math.Max(0,max_widths[col] - dataGrid.Columns[col].ActualWidth);

        if (width_diff > 0)
            window.Width = window.ActualWidth+ width_diff;

4 个解决方案



I just came out of the same problem where I had to give options in a data grid's column to fit its width as per the content of both header and cell. I used the following code:


private void FitToContent()
        // where dg is my data grid's name...
        foreach (DataGridColumn column in dg.Columns)
            //if you want to size ur column as per the cell content
            column.Width = new DataGridLength(1.0, DataGridLengthUnitType.SizeToCells);
            //if you want to size ur column as per the column header
            column.Width = new DataGridLength(1.0, DataGridLengthUnitType.SizeToHeader);
            //if you want to size ur column as per both header and cell content
            column.Width = new DataGridLength(1.0, DataGridLengthUnitType.Auto);

Also I provided an option on columns to fit as per the display (datagrid's width). for that I used the same code above with the following minor change:


column.Width = new DataGridLength(1.0, DataGridLengthUnitType.Star);

列。宽度=新的DataGridLength(1.0, DataGridLengthUnitType.Star);

FOR ALL COLUMNS.... :) Make sure you keep HorizontalScrollVisibility to Auto.




If I understood your question right and you want to:


  1. A DataGrid where columns are as wide as it's widest content.
  2. 一种数据网格,其中列的宽度与内容的宽度相同。
  3. The DataGrid fits to its contents.
  4. DataGrid符合它的内容。

This can be achieved with databinding:


<DataGrid AutoGenerateColumns="False"
          Width="{Binding Path=ActualWidth, ElementName=grid}">
        <DataGridTextColumn x:Name="Column1"
                            Binding="{Binding Path=Something1}"
                            Width="Auto"  />
        <DataGridTextColumn x:Name="Column2"
                            Binding="{Binding Path=Something2}"
                            Width="*" />

Here the first column is as wide is needed and the second is spreaded space which is left. However the DataGrid's width is the same as Grid's widht that is around it, so the wanted outcome is achieved.




SizeToCells is what worked for me. I like this because its in XAML and it's concise.


<DataGridTextColumn x:Name="nameColumn" Binding="{Binding Name}" Header="Name" Width="SizeToCells"/>



Marko's comment is the answer:


I'm at a bit of a loss with your resizing logic. First of all, if you set the window's SizeToContent="WidthAndHeight", then the window is shown to the full size of the datagrid. On the other hand, if you show a window at some predefined size, and you want to resize the window once the window is shown, then at that point resizing to the datagrid's desired with is very counter intuitive. Because the resizing will jump from say 100px to 400px, but what if I want to resize to only 250px... (asuming you resize by dragging the corner of the window)




I just came out of the same problem where I had to give options in a data grid's column to fit its width as per the content of both header and cell. I used the following code:


private void FitToContent()
        // where dg is my data grid's name...
        foreach (DataGridColumn column in dg.Columns)
            //if you want to size ur column as per the cell content
            column.Width = new DataGridLength(1.0, DataGridLengthUnitType.SizeToCells);
            //if you want to size ur column as per the column header
            column.Width = new DataGridLength(1.0, DataGridLengthUnitType.SizeToHeader);
            //if you want to size ur column as per both header and cell content
            column.Width = new DataGridLength(1.0, DataGridLengthUnitType.Auto);

Also I provided an option on columns to fit as per the display (datagrid's width). for that I used the same code above with the following minor change:


column.Width = new DataGridLength(1.0, DataGridLengthUnitType.Star);

列。宽度=新的DataGridLength(1.0, DataGridLengthUnitType.Star);

FOR ALL COLUMNS.... :) Make sure you keep HorizontalScrollVisibility to Auto.




If I understood your question right and you want to:


  1. A DataGrid where columns are as wide as it's widest content.
  2. 一种数据网格,其中列的宽度与内容的宽度相同。
  3. The DataGrid fits to its contents.
  4. DataGrid符合它的内容。

This can be achieved with databinding:


<DataGrid AutoGenerateColumns="False"
          Width="{Binding Path=ActualWidth, ElementName=grid}">
        <DataGridTextColumn x:Name="Column1"
                            Binding="{Binding Path=Something1}"
                            Width="Auto"  />
        <DataGridTextColumn x:Name="Column2"
                            Binding="{Binding Path=Something2}"
                            Width="*" />

Here the first column is as wide is needed and the second is spreaded space which is left. However the DataGrid's width is the same as Grid's widht that is around it, so the wanted outcome is achieved.




SizeToCells is what worked for me. I like this because its in XAML and it's concise.


<DataGridTextColumn x:Name="nameColumn" Binding="{Binding Name}" Header="Name" Width="SizeToCells"/>



Marko's comment is the answer:


I'm at a bit of a loss with your resizing logic. First of all, if you set the window's SizeToContent="WidthAndHeight", then the window is shown to the full size of the datagrid. On the other hand, if you show a window at some predefined size, and you want to resize the window once the window is shown, then at that point resizing to the datagrid's desired with is very counter intuitive. Because the resizing will jump from say 100px to 400px, but what if I want to resize to only 250px... (asuming you resize by dragging the corner of the window)
