
时间:2021-12-12 20:56:39

I'm fairly new to iOS development but I'm starting to grasp some of the more complicated concepts. I currently have an application that implements an AVCam to capture video. The AVCam is created on a separate thread, but uses a view that is in my main xib file. When the camera is done capturing, it calls a complete function in my ViewController class. Within the complete function I call a number of other functions that update the UI as well as a few NSLogs. Everything seems to work fine, I see the logs in the console immediately, but the UI takes another 3 seconds to update. I've tried using instruments to find the offending code, but I can't seem to find it. Is there another way to determine what is blocking by UI?

我是iOS开发的新手,但我开始掌握一些更复杂的概念。我目前有一个实现AVCam捕获视频的应用程序。 AVCam是在单独的线程上创建的,但使用的是我的主xib文件中的视图。当摄像头完成捕获时,它会在我的ViewController类中调用一个完整的函数。在完整的函数中,我调用了许多其他函数来更新UI以及一些NSLog。一切似乎工作正常,我立即在控制台中看到日志,但UI需要另外3秒钟来更新。我已经尝试使用工具来查找有问题的代码,但我似乎无法找到它。是否有另一种方法来确定UI阻塞的内容?

Here is the code called when the recording is complete;


       [HUD hide:YES];
        [self showModalViewController];
        NSString *pathToMovie = [NSHomeDirectory() stringByAppendingPathComponent:@"Documents/"];
        NSLog(@"pathToMovie: %@", pathToMovie);
        pathToTreatedVid = pathToMovie;
        NSLog(@"File Save Called");
        UISaveVideoAtPathToSavedPhotosAlbum(pathToMovie, nil, NULL, NULL);

Everything is logged immediately, but the progress HUD and the modal view controller don't trigger for about 2 - 5 seconds, it's very strange.


Here is the before and after state of the threads (when it is frozen vs when it becomes unfrozen). iOS如何确定阻止UI的内容iOS如何确定阻止UI的内容


4 个解决方案



Try to Pause program execution (there is a button for that in bottom panel of Xcode, the third one)



  • Then look at left panel (Navigator panel),
  • 然后看左侧面板(Navigator面板),
  • Find Debug Navigator
  • 查找Debug Navigator


  • Find thread with main function, and mb you can figure out by methods in this thread, what takes so long to update your UI. The method that are working right now is the top black one usually(with grey colour listed obj-c internal methods).
  • 使用main函数查找线程,并且您可以通过此线程中的方法找出mb,更新UI需要花费很长时间。现在正在使用的方法通常是顶部黑色(灰色列出了obj-c内部方法)。




You can use Time Profiler to find out what's blocking your app.

您可以使用Time Profiler找出阻止您的应用的内容。



You can use the System Trace tool in Instruments by running your App in profile mode. Then you will get a detailed run down of all the threads in the system along with stack traces at each scheduling event the thread goes through.


There is a great video from the 2016 WWDC System Trace in Depth which will walk you through debugging a blocked thread issue.

2016 WWDC System Trace in Depth中有一个很棒的视频,它将指导您调试阻塞的线程问题。

This is much better than the Time Profiler instrument since, that tool works based off of taking samples of what is running on the CPU at intervals. However, if your thread is blocked, it isn't running on the CPU, so - it will not be sampled. You might have your main thread blocked for a whole second but it won't show up in Time Profiler.

这比Time Profiler仪器要好得多,因为该工具的工作原理是每隔一段时间对CPU上运行的内容进行采样。但是,如果您的线程被阻塞,它不会在CPU上运行,因此 - 它不会被采样。您的主线程可能会被阻塞一整秒,但它不会显示在Time Profiler中。



I like using this function:



where "x" is the number of will simply block whatever thread it's run on for that number of seconds. If your UI freezes, you know you blocked the main thread and thus that code is being run on the main thread (whether you intended that or not). Try placing this call in different places in your code and it should help you diagnose what's going on. Hope that helps.




Try to Pause program execution (there is a button for that in bottom panel of Xcode, the third one)



  • Then look at left panel (Navigator panel),
  • 然后看左侧面板(Navigator面板),
  • Find Debug Navigator
  • 查找Debug Navigator


  • Find thread with main function, and mb you can figure out by methods in this thread, what takes so long to update your UI. The method that are working right now is the top black one usually(with grey colour listed obj-c internal methods).
  • 使用main函数查找线程,并且您可以通过此线程中的方法找出mb,更新UI需要花费很长时间。现在正在使用的方法通常是顶部黑色(灰色列出了obj-c内部方法)。




You can use Time Profiler to find out what's blocking your app.

您可以使用Time Profiler找出阻止您的应用的内容。



You can use the System Trace tool in Instruments by running your App in profile mode. Then you will get a detailed run down of all the threads in the system along with stack traces at each scheduling event the thread goes through.


There is a great video from the 2016 WWDC System Trace in Depth which will walk you through debugging a blocked thread issue.

2016 WWDC System Trace in Depth中有一个很棒的视频,它将指导您调试阻塞的线程问题。

This is much better than the Time Profiler instrument since, that tool works based off of taking samples of what is running on the CPU at intervals. However, if your thread is blocked, it isn't running on the CPU, so - it will not be sampled. You might have your main thread blocked for a whole second but it won't show up in Time Profiler.

这比Time Profiler仪器要好得多,因为该工具的工作原理是每隔一段时间对CPU上运行的内容进行采样。但是,如果您的线程被阻塞,它不会在CPU上运行,因此 - 它不会被采样。您的主线程可能会被阻塞一整秒,但它不会显示在Time Profiler中。



I like using this function:



where "x" is the number of will simply block whatever thread it's run on for that number of seconds. If your UI freezes, you know you blocked the main thread and thus that code is being run on the main thread (whether you intended that or not). Try placing this call in different places in your code and it should help you diagnose what's going on. Hope that helps.
