C#中的通用Map / Reduce List Extensions

时间:2021-08-07 20:54:11

I am writing a few extensions to mimic the map and reduce functions in Lisp.


public delegate R ReduceFunction<T,R>(T t, R previous);
public delegate void TransformFunction<T>(T t, params object[] args);

public static R Reduce<T,R>(this List<T> list, ReduceFunction<T,R> r, R initial)
     var aggregate = initial;
     foreach(var t in list)
         aggregate = r(t,aggregate);

     return aggregate;
public static void Transform<T>(this List<T> list, TransformFunction<T> f, params object [] args)
    foreach(var t in list)

The transform function will cut down on cruft like:


foreach(var t in list)
    if(conditions && moreconditions)
        //do work etc

Does this make sense? Could it be better?


4 个解决方案



These look very similar to extensions in Linq already:


//takes a function that matches the Func<T,R> delegate
    (x, y) => /* aggregate two subsequent values */ );

//takes a function that matches the Action<T> delegate
    x => /* do something with x */);

Why is the 2nd example called Transform? Do you intend to change the values in the list somehow? If that's the case you may be better off using ConvertAll<T> or Select<T>.

为什么第二个例子叫做Transform?你打算以某种方式更改列表中的值吗?如果是这种情况,您最好使用ConvertAll 或选择



According to this link Functional Programming in C# 3.0: How Map/Reduce/Filter can Rock your World the following are the equivalent in C# under the System.Linq namespace:

根据这个链接C#3.0中的函数编程:Map / Reduce / Filter如何可以撼动您的世界,以下是System.Linq命名空间中C#的等价物:



I would use the built in Func delegates instead. This same code would work on any IEnumerable. Your code would turn into:


public static R Reduce<T,R>(this IEnumerable<T> list, Func<T,R> r, R initial)
     var aggregate = initial;
     foreach(var t in list)
         aggregate = r(t,aggregate);

     return aggregate;
public static void Transform<T>(this IEnumerable<T> list, Func<T> f)
    foreach(var t in list)



You might want to add a way to do a map but return a new list, instead of working on the list passed in (and returning the list can prove useful to chain other operations)... perhaps an overloaded version with a boolean that indicates if you want to return a new list or not, as such:


public static List<T> Transform<T>(this List<T> list, TransformFunction<T> f,
        params object [] args)
    return Transform(list, f, false, args);

public static List<T> Transform<T>(this List<T> list, TransformFunction<T> f,
        bool create, params object [] args)
    // Add code to create if create is true (sorry,
    // too lazy to actually code this up)
    foreach(var t in list)
    return list;



These look very similar to extensions in Linq already:


//takes a function that matches the Func<T,R> delegate
    (x, y) => /* aggregate two subsequent values */ );

//takes a function that matches the Action<T> delegate
    x => /* do something with x */);

Why is the 2nd example called Transform? Do you intend to change the values in the list somehow? If that's the case you may be better off using ConvertAll<T> or Select<T>.

为什么第二个例子叫做Transform?你打算以某种方式更改列表中的值吗?如果是这种情况,您最好使用ConvertAll 或选择



According to this link Functional Programming in C# 3.0: How Map/Reduce/Filter can Rock your World the following are the equivalent in C# under the System.Linq namespace:

根据这个链接C#3.0中的函数编程:Map / Reduce / Filter如何可以撼动您的世界,以下是System.Linq命名空间中C#的等价物:



I would use the built in Func delegates instead. This same code would work on any IEnumerable. Your code would turn into:


public static R Reduce<T,R>(this IEnumerable<T> list, Func<T,R> r, R initial)
     var aggregate = initial;
     foreach(var t in list)
         aggregate = r(t,aggregate);

     return aggregate;
public static void Transform<T>(this IEnumerable<T> list, Func<T> f)
    foreach(var t in list)



You might want to add a way to do a map but return a new list, instead of working on the list passed in (and returning the list can prove useful to chain other operations)... perhaps an overloaded version with a boolean that indicates if you want to return a new list or not, as such:


public static List<T> Transform<T>(this List<T> list, TransformFunction<T> f,
        params object [] args)
    return Transform(list, f, false, args);

public static List<T> Transform<T>(this List<T> list, TransformFunction<T> f,
        bool create, params object [] args)
    // Add code to create if create is true (sorry,
    // too lazy to actually code this up)
    foreach(var t in list)
    return list;