
时间:2022-12-30 19:25:08

I am trying to understand why the memory usage for a single PDO result is so high. Here are a few things to know about the query/result:


  • I am pulling a single VARCHAR(6) column from a single table
  • 我从单个表中提取单个VARCHAR(6)列
  • The result is less than 30K rows
  • 结果不到30K行
  • This fetching this result uses ~12MB of memory in PHP (source: memory_get_usage)
  • 获取此结果在PHP中使用~12MB的内存(源:memory_get_usage)
  • If I json_encode the result and dump it to a file, the actual data (in text form) is only ~1MB
  • 如果我对结果进行json_encode并将其转储到文件中,那么实际数据(文本形式)只有~1MB
  • Using PHP7, MySQL 5.7, deployed on Ubuntu 14.04.
  • 使用部署在Ubuntu 14.04上的PHP7,MySQL 5.7。

My question is, where exactly does the 11MB of bloat come in? If the actual data in text form is only about 1MB, then 11MB seems like a lot of overhead just to parse the data in PHP. Is there a reason for this? Am I missing something?




Just to clarify, I am looking for a technical explanation as to why the bloat exists, not a workaround for the issue.


2 个解决方案



Ok, so thanks to Ollie Jones's answer, I realized I've been looking in the wrong place for my information. This isn't a PDO memory usage issue but an issue with the way PHP stores its arrays. (Maybe issue isnt the right word, it is what it is)

好的,感谢Ollie Jones的回答,我意识到我一直在寻找错误的地方以获取我的信息。这不是PDO内存使用问题,而是PHP存储其数组的方式的问题。 (也许问题不是正确的词,它是什么)

After a bit of digging I found this incredibly helpful article which gives a great breakdown of how PHP allocates memory for array elements:




Spoiler alert, it uses a TON of memory for each element. Apparently it has gotten a lot better in PHP7. The article states that for a simple integer array (in PHP5) element it will use about 18 times the more memory than the size of the integer itself. Since i'm seeing about a 12* increase on associative string data, id say that is indeed a vast improvement over PHP5.

扰流器警报,它为每个元素使用TON内存。显然它在PHP7中已经变得更好了。文章指出,对于一个简单的整数数组(在PHP5中),它将使用大约18倍于整数本身大小的内存。因为我看到关联字符串数据增加了12 *,所以id说这确实是对PHP5的巨大改进。

According to the article, memory is being allocated for the following:


  • zvalue_value union, which relates to the weak typecasting that PHP allows
  • zvalue_value union,它涉及PHP允许的弱类型转换
  • Type storage and garbage collection data
  • 输入存储和垃圾回收数据
  • The Zend Memory Manager allocation
  • Zend内存管理器分配
  • Hash table buckets
  • 哈希表桶

If you had some interest in this as well, I highly recommend reading that article, its a quick read and has a lot of great information.


Thanks again to Ollie Jones for pointing me in the right direction.

再次感谢Ollie Jones指出我正确的方向。



It's hard to give a specific answer without seeing your specific code. That being said, PHP data structures like arrays are associative. The PHP designers intentionally made a tradeoff to use extra RAM to save time on array access.

如果没有看到具体的代码,很难给出具体的答案。话虽这么说,像数组这样的PHP数据结构是关联的。 PHP设计人员故意做出权衡,使用额外的RAM来节省阵列访问的时间。

You can save memory in a couple of ways. For one thing, you can fetch each row of your result set as a numeric, rather than an associative array. Read this. http://php.net/manual/en/mysqli-result.fetch-array.php

您可以通过几种方式节省内存。首先,您可以将结果集的每一行作为数字而不是关联数组获取。读这个。 http://php.net/manual/en/mysqli-result.fetch-array.php

For another thing, PHP slurps all the rows in your result set at once unless you tell it not to. This slurp operation consumes a lot of RAM. You don't need that if you're planning to process your large result set one row at a time. You need an unbuffered query to do that. Read this: http://php.net/manual/en/mysqlinfo.concepts.buffering.php




Ok, so thanks to Ollie Jones's answer, I realized I've been looking in the wrong place for my information. This isn't a PDO memory usage issue but an issue with the way PHP stores its arrays. (Maybe issue isnt the right word, it is what it is)

好的,感谢Ollie Jones的回答,我意识到我一直在寻找错误的地方以获取我的信息。这不是PDO内存使用问题,而是PHP存储其数组的方式的问题。 (也许问题不是正确的词,它是什么)

After a bit of digging I found this incredibly helpful article which gives a great breakdown of how PHP allocates memory for array elements:




Spoiler alert, it uses a TON of memory for each element. Apparently it has gotten a lot better in PHP7. The article states that for a simple integer array (in PHP5) element it will use about 18 times the more memory than the size of the integer itself. Since i'm seeing about a 12* increase on associative string data, id say that is indeed a vast improvement over PHP5.

扰流器警报,它为每个元素使用TON内存。显然它在PHP7中已经变得更好了。文章指出,对于一个简单的整数数组(在PHP5中),它将使用大约18倍于整数本身大小的内存。因为我看到关联字符串数据增加了12 *,所以id说这确实是对PHP5的巨大改进。

According to the article, memory is being allocated for the following:


  • zvalue_value union, which relates to the weak typecasting that PHP allows
  • zvalue_value union,它涉及PHP允许的弱类型转换
  • Type storage and garbage collection data
  • 输入存储和垃圾回收数据
  • The Zend Memory Manager allocation
  • Zend内存管理器分配
  • Hash table buckets
  • 哈希表桶

If you had some interest in this as well, I highly recommend reading that article, its a quick read and has a lot of great information.


Thanks again to Ollie Jones for pointing me in the right direction.

再次感谢Ollie Jones指出我正确的方向。



It's hard to give a specific answer without seeing your specific code. That being said, PHP data structures like arrays are associative. The PHP designers intentionally made a tradeoff to use extra RAM to save time on array access.

如果没有看到具体的代码,很难给出具体的答案。话虽这么说,像数组这样的PHP数据结构是关联的。 PHP设计人员故意做出权衡,使用额外的RAM来节省阵列访问的时间。

You can save memory in a couple of ways. For one thing, you can fetch each row of your result set as a numeric, rather than an associative array. Read this. http://php.net/manual/en/mysqli-result.fetch-array.php

您可以通过几种方式节省内存。首先,您可以将结果集的每一行作为数字而不是关联数组获取。读这个。 http://php.net/manual/en/mysqli-result.fetch-array.php

For another thing, PHP slurps all the rows in your result set at once unless you tell it not to. This slurp operation consumes a lot of RAM. You don't need that if you're planning to process your large result set one row at a time. You need an unbuffered query to do that. Read this: http://php.net/manual/en/mysqlinfo.concepts.buffering.php
