C#BinaryFormatter - 如何找出二进制数据的类?

时间:2022-12-19 16:08:03

I want to deserialize an object but don't know the class up front. So, consider the following code...


IFormatter formatter = new BinaryFormatter();
Stream stream = new FileStream("MyFile.bin", FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.Read);
MyObject obj = (MyObject)formatter.Deserialize(stream);

What could I do if I don't know the class up front? Say, for example "MyFile.bin" was a MyObject or a MyFoo. How do I determine which object to instantiate?


Something like...

if (magic happens here == typeof(MyObject))  
    MyObject obj = (MyObject) formatter.Deserialize(stream);   
else if (more magic happens here == typeof(MyFoo))  
    MyFoo foo = (MyFoo)formatter.Deserialize(stream);

3 个解决方案



Just do:

object result = formatter.Deserialize(stream); 
Type t = result.GetType();



Mainly as leppie says...


If you want to test it for a few known types, you can use "is"/"as":


MyFoo foo = result As MyFoo;
if(foo != null) { // it was one of those
  // special code

But in general, you would let the serializer worry about such details...


It is very different with xml-based serializers, of course, since you need to tell the serializer what is expected, rather than the serializer telling you what it got.




A few suggestions,


  1. If you deserialize the object without casting object myObject = formatter.Deserialize(stream); and then use the "as" operator to check for type compatibility to known types then that might work.

    如果在不抛出对象的情况下反序列化对象myObject = formatter.Deserialize(stream);然后使用“as”运算符检查可能有效的已知类型的类型兼容性。

  2. Take a look at BinaryFormatter.Binder property which is of type SerializationBinder, we've used it before to do backward compatibility for older versions of our file format and it worked out great. Basically allows you to totally control what something gets deserialized as.




Just do:

object result = formatter.Deserialize(stream); 
Type t = result.GetType();



Mainly as leppie says...


If you want to test it for a few known types, you can use "is"/"as":


MyFoo foo = result As MyFoo;
if(foo != null) { // it was one of those
  // special code

But in general, you would let the serializer worry about such details...


It is very different with xml-based serializers, of course, since you need to tell the serializer what is expected, rather than the serializer telling you what it got.




A few suggestions,


  1. If you deserialize the object without casting object myObject = formatter.Deserialize(stream); and then use the "as" operator to check for type compatibility to known types then that might work.

    如果在不抛出对象的情况下反序列化对象myObject = formatter.Deserialize(stream);然后使用“as”运算符检查可能有效的已知类型的类型兼容性。

  2. Take a look at BinaryFormatter.Binder property which is of type SerializationBinder, we've used it before to do backward compatibility for older versions of our file format and it worked out great. Basically allows you to totally control what something gets deserialized as.
