
时间:2023-02-07 09:39:03

This question already has an answer here:


I get the Undefined symbols for architecture i386. Here's what I did:


  1. I checked many times for miswriting .h or .m extensions.


  2. I deleted Framework Search Paths and then wrote ./ being defined as "Recursive" as it was provided as a solution but it did not work either.


  3. Architecture settings is now set as $(ARCHS_STANDARD).


    Undefined symbols for architecture i386:
    "_OBJC_CLASS_$_EMDenemeSinaviCell", referenced from:
         __TFC8EduMobil24EMAssesmentEvaluationNEW9tableViewfS0_FTCSo11UITableView21cellForR        owAtIndexPathCSo11NSIndexPath_CSo15UITableViewCell in         EMAssesmentEvaluationNEW.o
    ld: symbol(s) not found for architecture i386
    clang: error: linker command failed with exit code 1 (use -v to see invocation)
  4. When i change the current Cell Class i am using to another Cell Class it does not give any error. But it gives the following warning:

    当我将当前使用的Cell Class更改为另一个Cell Class时,它不会给出任何错误。但它给出了以下警告:

    file was built for i386 which is not the architecture being linked (x86_64): 

How can I solve this error?


4 个解决方案


You can get this type of error if your class' .m file is not listed under the "Compile Sources" step of the "Build Phases" tab of your target. Normally Xcode does this for you, but sometimes it loses the plot and you need to add the .m file manually.

如果您的类'.m文件未列在目标“Build Phases”选项卡的“Compile Sources”步骤下,则可能会出现此类错误。通常Xcode会为您执行此操作,但有时会丢失绘图,您需要手动添加.m文件。

To do this:


TargetSettings -> Build Phases -> Compile Sources -> add your .m class ->Build and Ru

TargetSettings - > Build Phases - > Compile Sources - >添加你的.m类 - > Build和Ru


Are you using any frameworks or libraries that don't come from Apple? Sub-projects? This looks like you're using a static or dynamic library that is only available for actual iOS devices or for 64-bit, or only for Mac OS X and trying to build it for the 32-bit iOS simulator (which is 32-bit Intel, hence the "i386").

您使用的是不是Apple的任何框架或库吗?分项目?这看起来像您使用的静态或动态库仅适用于实际iOS设备或64位,或仅适用于Mac OS X并尝试为32位iOS模拟器(32位)构建它英特尔,因此“i386”)。

So I'd guess either you have picked a bad library, or you've selected a 32-bit simulator (e.g. iPhone 4S) but your app is for 64-bit phones/simulator only (e.g. iPhone 6).

所以我猜你要么选择了一个坏的库,要么你已经选择了32位模拟器(例如iPhone 4S),但你的应用只适用于64位手机/模拟器(例如iPhone 6)。

PS - Other guess, maybe your Schemes have been screwed up and it's trying to build your iOS project as Mac? What does your scheme selector say for the device? One of your devices? A simulator? "My Mac"?

PS - 其他的猜测,也许你的方案搞砸了,它正试图建立你的iOS项目作为Mac?您的方案选择器对设备说了什么?你的一个设备?一个模拟器? “我的Mac”?


in Build Settings > "Valid Architectures" remove all unsupported architectures, like i386, x86_64m, etc.


if your architectures will be only {armv7, armv7s, arm64} - it should work. do it in build settings > "Architectures" as well.

如果你的架构只有{armv7,armv7s,arm64} - 它应该可行。在构建设置>“架构”中也可以。


This solution solved my problem,



The implementation part was missing in Cell file. :(

Cell文件中缺少实现部分。 :(


You can get this type of error if your class' .m file is not listed under the "Compile Sources" step of the "Build Phases" tab of your target. Normally Xcode does this for you, but sometimes it loses the plot and you need to add the .m file manually.

如果您的类'.m文件未列在目标“Build Phases”选项卡的“Compile Sources”步骤下,则可能会出现此类错误。通常Xcode会为您执行此操作,但有时会丢失绘图,您需要手动添加.m文件。

To do this:


TargetSettings -> Build Phases -> Compile Sources -> add your .m class ->Build and Ru

TargetSettings - > Build Phases - > Compile Sources - >添加你的.m类 - > Build和Ru


Are you using any frameworks or libraries that don't come from Apple? Sub-projects? This looks like you're using a static or dynamic library that is only available for actual iOS devices or for 64-bit, or only for Mac OS X and trying to build it for the 32-bit iOS simulator (which is 32-bit Intel, hence the "i386").

您使用的是不是Apple的任何框架或库吗?分项目?这看起来像您使用的静态或动态库仅适用于实际iOS设备或64位,或仅适用于Mac OS X并尝试为32位iOS模拟器(32位)构建它英特尔,因此“i386”)。

So I'd guess either you have picked a bad library, or you've selected a 32-bit simulator (e.g. iPhone 4S) but your app is for 64-bit phones/simulator only (e.g. iPhone 6).

所以我猜你要么选择了一个坏的库,要么你已经选择了32位模拟器(例如iPhone 4S),但你的应用只适用于64位手机/模拟器(例如iPhone 6)。

PS - Other guess, maybe your Schemes have been screwed up and it's trying to build your iOS project as Mac? What does your scheme selector say for the device? One of your devices? A simulator? "My Mac"?

PS - 其他的猜测,也许你的方案搞砸了,它正试图建立你的iOS项目作为Mac?您的方案选择器对设备说了什么?你的一个设备?一个模拟器? “我的Mac”?


in Build Settings > "Valid Architectures" remove all unsupported architectures, like i386, x86_64m, etc.


if your architectures will be only {armv7, armv7s, arm64} - it should work. do it in build settings > "Architectures" as well.

如果你的架构只有{armv7,armv7s,arm64} - 它应该可行。在构建设置>“架构”中也可以。


This solution solved my problem,



The implementation part was missing in Cell file. :(

Cell文件中缺少实现部分。 :(