为什么我不能将盒装int转换为可以为空的十进制? [重复]

时间:2023-02-07 02:57:02

This question already has an answer here:


Why there is InvalidCastException thrown? Can someone describe me this behavior?


object zero = 0;
decimal? dec = (decimal?)zero;

2 个解决方案


A boxed int can only be unboxed to an int. This, however, is legal:


object zero = 0;
decimal? dec = (decimal?)(int)zero;

See MSDN or the ECMA 334 C# spec for details. The key here is the following:

有关详细信息,请参阅MSDN或ECMA 334 C#规范。这里的关键是以下内容:

Unboxing is an explicit conversion from the type object to a value type or from an interface type to a value type that implements the interface. An unboxing operation consists of:


  1. Checking the object instance to make sure that it is a boxed value of the given value type.
  2. 检查对象实例以确保它是给定值类型的盒装值。

  3. Copying the value from the instance into the value-type variable.
  4. 将实例中的值复制到value-type变量中。

Edit: This linked article is worth pulling out of the comments. Thanks Rob Kennedy!

编辑:这篇链接的文章值得退出评论。谢谢Rob Kennedy!


See this article http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/magazine/cc301569.aspx


Specifically "The common language runtime first ensures that the reference type variable is not null and that it refers to an object that is a boxed value of the desired value type. If either test fails, then an InvalidCastException exception is generated."


I think you are failing on the object of that value. I think the coversion to int works because that 0 literal will convert to an int and then an int converts to decimal.

我认为你失败了这个价值的对象。我认为对int的转换是有效的,因为0 literal将转换为int,然后int转换为decimal。

If you do this it works


    decimal? test=0;
    object zero = test;
    decimal? dec = (decimal?)zero;

But I think the "0" in your snippet is not a "decimal" type.


I am still not positive cause this gets the same exception.


        int test=0;
        object zero = test;
        decimal? dec = (decimal?)zero;


A boxed int can only be unboxed to an int. This, however, is legal:


object zero = 0;
decimal? dec = (decimal?)(int)zero;

See MSDN or the ECMA 334 C# spec for details. The key here is the following:

有关详细信息,请参阅MSDN或ECMA 334 C#规范。这里的关键是以下内容:

Unboxing is an explicit conversion from the type object to a value type or from an interface type to a value type that implements the interface. An unboxing operation consists of:


  1. Checking the object instance to make sure that it is a boxed value of the given value type.
  2. 检查对象实例以确保它是给定值类型的盒装值。

  3. Copying the value from the instance into the value-type variable.
  4. 将实例中的值复制到value-type变量中。

Edit: This linked article is worth pulling out of the comments. Thanks Rob Kennedy!

编辑:这篇链接的文章值得退出评论。谢谢Rob Kennedy!


See this article http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/magazine/cc301569.aspx


Specifically "The common language runtime first ensures that the reference type variable is not null and that it refers to an object that is a boxed value of the desired value type. If either test fails, then an InvalidCastException exception is generated."


I think you are failing on the object of that value. I think the coversion to int works because that 0 literal will convert to an int and then an int converts to decimal.

我认为你失败了这个价值的对象。我认为对int的转换是有效的,因为0 literal将转换为int,然后int转换为decimal。

If you do this it works


    decimal? test=0;
    object zero = test;
    decimal? dec = (decimal?)zero;

But I think the "0" in your snippet is not a "decimal" type.


I am still not positive cause this gets the same exception.


        int test=0;
        object zero = test;
        decimal? dec = (decimal?)zero;