
时间:2021-08-25 02:39:29

Hello everyone & happy new year!


I'm currently discovering docker. In order to avoid typing sudo with each command, I've followed the instructions on the manual page: https://docs.docker.com/engine/installation/linux/ubuntulinux/


Here are the commands I've used:


$ sudo groupadd docker

(they said that the "docker" group already exists)


$ sudo usermod -aG docker $USER

Not only I still have to write sudo with each docker command, but now sudo doesn't work anymore with any other command than docker.


Something like sudo docker images works, but a simple sudo ls will display:

像sudo docker图像可以工作,但是会显示一个简单的sudo ls:

sudo: ls: command not found.

How can I fix this? What did I wrong?


I work on Ubuntu 16.04.

我在Ubuntu 16.04上工作。

Thank you for your help.


1 个解决方案



As per docker documentation, after adding the user to the docker group you must logout and later for sample testing you just try to run the hello-world without sudo.


If everything seems to be fine you can see the output from docker. If there is an issue you'll see the problem from the dockerdaemon.


I Hope you did all of these steps specified in docker documentation without making any mistake.


Now coming to your issue it doesn't affect to the sudo at all. I have installed docker in several machines including production. I never faced any issue so far. Make sure you($USER) added to docker group.

现在谈到你的问题它根本不影响sudo。我已经在几台机器中安装了docker,包括生产。到目前为止我从未遇到任何问题。确保将($ USER)添加到docker组。

I recommend to reinstall if it's not a production.


sudo mv /var/lib/dpkg/info/docker-engine.* /tmp/

sudo mv /var/lib/dpkg/info/docker-engine.* / tmp /

sudo apt-get remove docker-engine

sudo apt-get删除docker-engine

You can do fresh Installation..


If you face the problem again, please attach the screen shot.




As per docker documentation, after adding the user to the docker group you must logout and later for sample testing you just try to run the hello-world without sudo.


If everything seems to be fine you can see the output from docker. If there is an issue you'll see the problem from the dockerdaemon.


I Hope you did all of these steps specified in docker documentation without making any mistake.


Now coming to your issue it doesn't affect to the sudo at all. I have installed docker in several machines including production. I never faced any issue so far. Make sure you($USER) added to docker group.

现在谈到你的问题它根本不影响sudo。我已经在几台机器中安装了docker,包括生产。到目前为止我从未遇到任何问题。确保将($ USER)添加到docker组。

I recommend to reinstall if it's not a production.


sudo mv /var/lib/dpkg/info/docker-engine.* /tmp/

sudo mv /var/lib/dpkg/info/docker-engine.* / tmp /

sudo apt-get remove docker-engine

sudo apt-get删除docker-engine

You can do fresh Installation..


If you face the problem again, please attach the screen shot.
