SQL Server数据库的排序规则与服务器默认的排序规则不同会带来什么麻烦?

时间:2021-08-22 02:30:29

We are in the process of migrating databases off an old SQL Server 2k EE server with default collation "Latin1_General_CI_AS" onto new SQL Server 2005 & 2008 servers with default collation "SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS". There are no international characters that would require Unicode that I know of, so the two codepages are almost the same for practical purposes.

我们正在将数据库从一个旧的SQL Server 2k EE服务器上迁移到新的SQL Server 2005和2008服务器上,该服务器具有默认的排序“SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS”。据我所知,没有需要Unicode的国际字符,所以这两个代码页在实际应用中几乎是相同的。

The primary SQL Server DBA is adamant that every single database (most of which are built by 3rd-party apps) must be rebuilt with the new collation before he will migrate them.

SQL Server的主DBA坚持认为,每个数据库(大部分由第三方应用程序构建)在迁移之前都必须使用新的排序规则进行重新构建。

I know that ever since SQL Server 2000 it's been possible to set individual databases to have a different collation than the default. But what are the real consequences of running with mixed collations? One article from Microsoft suggests complications with the shared tempdb, for example (but can it easily be avoided?).

我知道,自从SQL Server 2000以来,就可以将单个数据库设置为与默认数据库不同的排序规则。但混合排序的真正后果是什么呢?例如,微软的一篇文章提出了共享tempdb的复杂之处(但是可以很容易地避免吗?)

And, perhaps more importantly, what might we do to avoid these problems if we do need to support multiple collations on the new servers?


3 个解决方案



Okay not the best answer, but


You asked: "What are the real consequences of running with different collations" It can be a headache. The article you mentioned by Microsoft nails it on the head. In my personal experience I've come across that issue and it wasn't easy to avoid. Mismatched collations will pop up in unplanned places unless you test well.


You also asked "what might we do to avoid these problems if we do need to support multiple collations on the new servers?" Nothing comes to mind except to test like crazy.


I really wish you luck, it can be a common and hairy problem that I wouldn't wish on anyone.




The problem with different collations between server and db is as is mention before that temp tables will default be created with the server collation. That will make any comparisons on character fields between a temp table and a regular table fail. This can be avoided by the developers of the 3rd-party apps by using COLLATE database_default for character fields of temp tables.

服务器和db之间不同排序的问题正如前面提到的那样,临时表将默认使用服务器排序创建。这会导致临时表和常规表之间的字符字段比较失败。通过对temp表的字符字段使用COLLATE database_default,第三方应用程序的开发人员可以避免这种情况。

create table #Tmp(Col1 nvarchar(50) COLLATE database_default)

I come from the "other" side. I'm not a DBA but a 3rd party software developer and I think that it is my responsibility to build my app to work in an environment where the collation is different between database and server. It is also my responsibility that my app will work with case sensitive collation.




My answer is not a good one too, but:


we have multiple subscriber servers synchronizing with our main database, and on some of them have a collation which is not the publisher's one. When launching replication, we keep on getting this "welcome message" telling us that, "as collations are not identical, the synch might not succeed".


Though this problem never occured, I guess there is a risk somewhere, and I think this risk could be linked to things like referential integrity and\or other constraints set on character fields.


Ah: and there is also this uppercase\lowercase issue in T-SQl instructions ... check this one here


@Michael and your DBA are right .... limit the risks, and use a unique collation.




Okay not the best answer, but


You asked: "What are the real consequences of running with different collations" It can be a headache. The article you mentioned by Microsoft nails it on the head. In my personal experience I've come across that issue and it wasn't easy to avoid. Mismatched collations will pop up in unplanned places unless you test well.


You also asked "what might we do to avoid these problems if we do need to support multiple collations on the new servers?" Nothing comes to mind except to test like crazy.


I really wish you luck, it can be a common and hairy problem that I wouldn't wish on anyone.




The problem with different collations between server and db is as is mention before that temp tables will default be created with the server collation. That will make any comparisons on character fields between a temp table and a regular table fail. This can be avoided by the developers of the 3rd-party apps by using COLLATE database_default for character fields of temp tables.

服务器和db之间不同排序的问题正如前面提到的那样,临时表将默认使用服务器排序创建。这会导致临时表和常规表之间的字符字段比较失败。通过对temp表的字符字段使用COLLATE database_default,第三方应用程序的开发人员可以避免这种情况。

create table #Tmp(Col1 nvarchar(50) COLLATE database_default)

I come from the "other" side. I'm not a DBA but a 3rd party software developer and I think that it is my responsibility to build my app to work in an environment where the collation is different between database and server. It is also my responsibility that my app will work with case sensitive collation.




My answer is not a good one too, but:


we have multiple subscriber servers synchronizing with our main database, and on some of them have a collation which is not the publisher's one. When launching replication, we keep on getting this "welcome message" telling us that, "as collations are not identical, the synch might not succeed".


Though this problem never occured, I guess there is a risk somewhere, and I think this risk could be linked to things like referential integrity and\or other constraints set on character fields.


Ah: and there is also this uppercase\lowercase issue in T-SQl instructions ... check this one here


@Michael and your DBA are right .... limit the risks, and use a unique collation.
