
时间:2021-06-22 22:47:44

I am configuring a MongoDB replica set using YAML syntax. However, I'd like to use MONGODB_HOME environment variable to point to the database:


  dbPath: "ENV['MONGODB_HOME']/data/db"

I've tried using %, $, etc, but without success. Is it possible to do so?


Just in case, I'm working under Windows 7 64 bit.

为了以防万一,我在Windows 7 64位下工作。

Best regards

2 个解决方案


The MongoDB config file (as at 3.0) only allows for static configuration values.


If you want to pass dynamic values you could invoke via the command line or a PowerShell script instead, eg:


mongod.exe --dbpath %HOME%\data\db

If you're planning on starting up multiple MongoDB server instances (for example, for different users) you'll also want to specify unique --port numbers to listen to.

如果您计划启动多个MongoDB服务器实例(例如,针对不同的用户),您还需要指定要侦听的唯一 - 端口号。


I have had some success setting a location with


  - mongo:/data/db

As part of a docker-compose.yml, which means I don't have to use the --dbpath CL switch.

作为docker-compose.yml的一部分,这意味着我不必使用--dbpath CL开关。


The MongoDB config file (as at 3.0) only allows for static configuration values.


If you want to pass dynamic values you could invoke via the command line or a PowerShell script instead, eg:


mongod.exe --dbpath %HOME%\data\db

If you're planning on starting up multiple MongoDB server instances (for example, for different users) you'll also want to specify unique --port numbers to listen to.

如果您计划启动多个MongoDB服务器实例(例如,针对不同的用户),您还需要指定要侦听的唯一 - 端口号。


I have had some success setting a location with


  - mongo:/data/db

As part of a docker-compose.yml, which means I don't have to use the --dbpath CL switch.

作为docker-compose.yml的一部分,这意味着我不必使用--dbpath CL开关。