How to execute tons of tasks parallelly with TPL method?

时间:2021-07-21 12:16:06
            List<Task> taskList = new List<Task>();

            // string currentNoStr = null; cannot define at here, we should define the copy in for loop, this is a  .NET FW bug for 4.0/4.5
// I am not sure whether this issue is fixed in latest version, below is the workaround
for (int currentNo = startPhaseNo; currentNo <= endPhaseNo; currentNo++)
string currentNoStr = currentNo.ToString();
taskList.Add(Task.Run(() =>
string result = GetLotteryByPhase(currentNoStr);
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(result))
resultDict.Add(currentNoStr, result);
})); if (currentNo % >= )
currentNo /= ;
currentNo *= ;
await Task.WhenAll(taskList);
return resultDict;