使用实体框架Fluent API的一对一可选关系

时间:2022-04-25 02:21:24

We want to use one to one optional relationship using Entity Framework Code First. We have two entities.


public class PIIUser
    public int Id { get; set; }

    public int? LoyaltyUserDetailId { get; set; }
    public LoyaltyUserDetail LoyaltyUserDetail { get; set; }

public class LoyaltyUserDetail
    public int Id { get; set; }
    public double? AvailablePoints { get; set; }

    public int PIIUserId { get; set; }
    public PIIUser PIIUser { get; set; }

PIIUser may have a LoyaltyUserDetail but LoyaltyUserDetail must have a PIIUser. We tried these fluent approach techniques.


            .HasOptional(t => t.LoyaltyUserDetail)
            .WithOptionalPrincipal(t => t.PIIUser)

This approach didn't create LoyaltyUserDetailId foreign key in PIIUsers table.


After that we tried the following code.


            .HasRequired(t => t.PIIUser)
            .WithRequiredDependent(t => t.LoyaltyUserDetail);

But this time EF didn't create any foreign keys in these 2 tables.


Do you have any ideas for this issue? How can we create one to one optional relationship using entity framework fluent api?

你对这个问题有什么想法吗?如何使用实体框架fluent api创建一个到一个可选关系?

6 个解决方案



EF Code First supports 1:1 and 1:0..1 relationships. The latter is what you are looking for ("one to zero-or-one").


Your attempts at fluent are saying required on both ends in one case and optional on both ends in the other.


What you need is optional on one end and required on the other.


Here's an example from the Programming E.F. Code First book


.HasRequired(p => p.PhotoOf)
.WithOptional(p => p.Photo);

The PersonPhoto entity has a navigation property called PhotoOf that points to a Person type. The Person type has a navigation property called Photo that points to the PersonPhoto type.


In the two related classes, you use each type's primary key, not foreign keys. i.e., you won't use the LoyaltyUserDetailId or PIIUserId properties. Instead, the relationship depends on the Id fields of both types.


If you are using the fluent API as above, you do not need to specify LoyaltyUser.Id as a foreign key, EF will figure it out.

如果您正在使用上面提到的fluent API,则不需要指定LoyaltyUser。Id作为外键,EF会计算出来。

So without having your code to test myself (I hate doing this from my head)... I would translate this into your code as


public class PIIUser
    public int Id { get; set; }    
    public LoyaltyUserDetail LoyaltyUserDetail { get; set; }

public class LoyaltyUserDetail
    public int Id { get; set; }
    public double? AvailablePoints { get; set; }    
    public PIIUser PIIUser { get; set; }

protected override void OnModelCreating(DbModelBuilder modelBuilder)
  .HasRequired(lu => lu.PIIUser )
  .WithOptional(pi => pi.LoyaltyUserDetail );

That's saying LoyaltyUserDetails PIIUser property is required and PIIUser's LoyaltyUserDetail property is optional.

这就是说,需要使用LoyaltyUserDetails PIIUser属性,而PIIUser的LoyaltyUserDetail属性是可选的。

You could start from the other end:


.HasOptional(pi => pi.LoyaltyUserDetail)
.WithRequired(lu => lu.PIIUser);

which now says PIIUser's LoyaltyUserDetail property is optional and LoyaltyUser's PIIUser property is required.


You always have to use the pattern HAS/WITH.


HTH and FWIW, one to one (or one to zero/one) relationships are one of the most confusing relationships to configure in code first so you are not alone! :)

HTH和FWIW, 1到1(或1到0 / 1)关系是在代码中首先配置的最令人困惑的关系之一,因此您并不孤单!:)



Just do like if you have one-to-many relationship between LoyaltyUserDetail and PIIUser so you mapping should be


       .HasRequired(m => m.PIIUser )
       .HasForeignKey(c => c.LoyaltyUserDetailId);

EF should create all foreign key you need and just don't care about WithMany !




There are several things wrong with your code.


A 1:1 relationship is either: PK<-PK, where one PK side is also an FK, or PK<-FK+UC, where the FK side is a non-PK and has a UC. Your code shows you have FK<-FK, as you define both sides to have an FK but that's wrong. I recon PIIUser is the PK side and LoyaltyUserDetail is the FK side. This means PIIUser doesn't have an FK field, but LoyaltyUserDetail does.

一个1:1的关系是:PK<-PK,其中一个PK边也是FK; PK<-FK+UC,其中FK边是非PK,有UC。您的代码显示您有FK<-FK,因为您定义了两边都有FK,但这是错误的。我recon PIIUser是PK端,LoyaltyUserDetail是FK端。这意味着PIIUser没有FK字段,但LoyaltyUserDetail有。

If the 1:1 relationship is optional, the FK side has to have at least 1 nullable field.


p.s.w.g. above did answer your question but made a mistake that s/he also defined an FK in PIIUser, which is of course wrong as I described above. So define the nullable FK field in LoyaltyUserDetail, define the attribute in LoyaltyUserDetail to mark it the FK field, but don't specify an FK field in PIIUser.


You get the exception you describe above below p.s.w.g.'s post, because no side is the PK side (principle end).


EF isn't very good at 1:1's as it's not able to handle unique constraints. I'm no expert on Code first, so I don't know whether it is able to create a UC or not.


(edit) btw: A 1:1 B (FK) means there's just 1 FK constraint created, on B's target pointing to A's PK, not 2.

(编辑)顺便说一句:1:1 B (FK)意味着只创建了一个FK约束,在B的目标上指向A的PK,而不是2。



Try adding the ForeignKey attribute to the LoyaltyUserDetail property:


public class PIIUser
    public int? LoyaltyUserDetailId { get; set; }
    public LoyaltyUserDetail LoyaltyUserDetail { get; set; }

And the PIIUser property:


public class LoyaltyUserDetail
    public int PIIUserId { get; set; }
    public PIIUser PIIUser { get; set; }



public class User
    public int Id { get; set; }
    public int? LoyaltyUserId { get; set; }
    public virtual LoyaltyUser LoyaltyUser { get; set; }

public class LoyaltyUser
    public int Id { get; set; }
    public virtual User MainUser { get; set; }

            .HasOptional(x => x.LoyaltyUser)
            .WithOptionalDependent(c => c.MainUser)

this will solve the problem on REFERENCE and FOREIGN KEYS


when UPDATING or DELETING a record




The one thing that is confusing with above solutions is that the Primary Key is defined as "Id" in both tables and if you have primary key based on the table name it wouldn't work, I have modified the classes to illustrate the same, i.e. the optional table shouldn't define it's own primary key instead should use the same key name from main table.


public class PIIUser
    // For illustration purpose I have named the PK as PIIUserId instead of Id
    // public int Id { get; set; }
    public int PIIUserId { get; set; }

    public int? LoyaltyUserDetailId { get; set; }
    public LoyaltyUserDetail LoyaltyUserDetail { get; set; }

public class LoyaltyUserDetail
    // Note: You cannot define a new Primary key separately as it would create one to many relationship
    // public int LoyaltyUserDetailId { get; set; }

    // Instead you would reuse the PIIUserId from the primary table, and you can mark this as Primary Key as well as foreign key to PIIUser table
    public int PIIUserId { get; set; } 
    public double? AvailablePoints { get; set; }

    public int PIIUserId { get; set; }
    public PIIUser PIIUser { get; set; }

And then followed by


.HasOptional(pi => pi.LoyaltyUserDetail)
.WithRequired(lu => lu.PIIUser);

Would do the trick, the accepted solution fails to clearly explain this, and it threw me off for few hours to find the cause




EF Code First supports 1:1 and 1:0..1 relationships. The latter is what you are looking for ("one to zero-or-one").


Your attempts at fluent are saying required on both ends in one case and optional on both ends in the other.


What you need is optional on one end and required on the other.


Here's an example from the Programming E.F. Code First book


.HasRequired(p => p.PhotoOf)
.WithOptional(p => p.Photo);

The PersonPhoto entity has a navigation property called PhotoOf that points to a Person type. The Person type has a navigation property called Photo that points to the PersonPhoto type.


In the two related classes, you use each type's primary key, not foreign keys. i.e., you won't use the LoyaltyUserDetailId or PIIUserId properties. Instead, the relationship depends on the Id fields of both types.


If you are using the fluent API as above, you do not need to specify LoyaltyUser.Id as a foreign key, EF will figure it out.

如果您正在使用上面提到的fluent API,则不需要指定LoyaltyUser。Id作为外键,EF会计算出来。

So without having your code to test myself (I hate doing this from my head)... I would translate this into your code as


public class PIIUser
    public int Id { get; set; }    
    public LoyaltyUserDetail LoyaltyUserDetail { get; set; }

public class LoyaltyUserDetail
    public int Id { get; set; }
    public double? AvailablePoints { get; set; }    
    public PIIUser PIIUser { get; set; }

protected override void OnModelCreating(DbModelBuilder modelBuilder)
  .HasRequired(lu => lu.PIIUser )
  .WithOptional(pi => pi.LoyaltyUserDetail );

That's saying LoyaltyUserDetails PIIUser property is required and PIIUser's LoyaltyUserDetail property is optional.

这就是说,需要使用LoyaltyUserDetails PIIUser属性,而PIIUser的LoyaltyUserDetail属性是可选的。

You could start from the other end:


.HasOptional(pi => pi.LoyaltyUserDetail)
.WithRequired(lu => lu.PIIUser);

which now says PIIUser's LoyaltyUserDetail property is optional and LoyaltyUser's PIIUser property is required.


You always have to use the pattern HAS/WITH.


HTH and FWIW, one to one (or one to zero/one) relationships are one of the most confusing relationships to configure in code first so you are not alone! :)

HTH和FWIW, 1到1(或1到0 / 1)关系是在代码中首先配置的最令人困惑的关系之一,因此您并不孤单!:)



Just do like if you have one-to-many relationship between LoyaltyUserDetail and PIIUser so you mapping should be


       .HasRequired(m => m.PIIUser )
       .HasForeignKey(c => c.LoyaltyUserDetailId);

EF should create all foreign key you need and just don't care about WithMany !




There are several things wrong with your code.


A 1:1 relationship is either: PK<-PK, where one PK side is also an FK, or PK<-FK+UC, where the FK side is a non-PK and has a UC. Your code shows you have FK<-FK, as you define both sides to have an FK but that's wrong. I recon PIIUser is the PK side and LoyaltyUserDetail is the FK side. This means PIIUser doesn't have an FK field, but LoyaltyUserDetail does.

一个1:1的关系是:PK<-PK,其中一个PK边也是FK; PK<-FK+UC,其中FK边是非PK,有UC。您的代码显示您有FK<-FK,因为您定义了两边都有FK,但这是错误的。我recon PIIUser是PK端,LoyaltyUserDetail是FK端。这意味着PIIUser没有FK字段,但LoyaltyUserDetail有。

If the 1:1 relationship is optional, the FK side has to have at least 1 nullable field.


p.s.w.g. above did answer your question but made a mistake that s/he also defined an FK in PIIUser, which is of course wrong as I described above. So define the nullable FK field in LoyaltyUserDetail, define the attribute in LoyaltyUserDetail to mark it the FK field, but don't specify an FK field in PIIUser.


You get the exception you describe above below p.s.w.g.'s post, because no side is the PK side (principle end).


EF isn't very good at 1:1's as it's not able to handle unique constraints. I'm no expert on Code first, so I don't know whether it is able to create a UC or not.


(edit) btw: A 1:1 B (FK) means there's just 1 FK constraint created, on B's target pointing to A's PK, not 2.

(编辑)顺便说一句:1:1 B (FK)意味着只创建了一个FK约束,在B的目标上指向A的PK,而不是2。



Try adding the ForeignKey attribute to the LoyaltyUserDetail property:


public class PIIUser
    public int? LoyaltyUserDetailId { get; set; }
    public LoyaltyUserDetail LoyaltyUserDetail { get; set; }

And the PIIUser property:


public class LoyaltyUserDetail
    public int PIIUserId { get; set; }
    public PIIUser PIIUser { get; set; }



public class User
    public int Id { get; set; }
    public int? LoyaltyUserId { get; set; }
    public virtual LoyaltyUser LoyaltyUser { get; set; }

public class LoyaltyUser
    public int Id { get; set; }
    public virtual User MainUser { get; set; }

            .HasOptional(x => x.LoyaltyUser)
            .WithOptionalDependent(c => c.MainUser)

this will solve the problem on REFERENCE and FOREIGN KEYS


when UPDATING or DELETING a record




The one thing that is confusing with above solutions is that the Primary Key is defined as "Id" in both tables and if you have primary key based on the table name it wouldn't work, I have modified the classes to illustrate the same, i.e. the optional table shouldn't define it's own primary key instead should use the same key name from main table.


public class PIIUser
    // For illustration purpose I have named the PK as PIIUserId instead of Id
    // public int Id { get; set; }
    public int PIIUserId { get; set; }

    public int? LoyaltyUserDetailId { get; set; }
    public LoyaltyUserDetail LoyaltyUserDetail { get; set; }

public class LoyaltyUserDetail
    // Note: You cannot define a new Primary key separately as it would create one to many relationship
    // public int LoyaltyUserDetailId { get; set; }

    // Instead you would reuse the PIIUserId from the primary table, and you can mark this as Primary Key as well as foreign key to PIIUser table
    public int PIIUserId { get; set; } 
    public double? AvailablePoints { get; set; }

    public int PIIUserId { get; set; }
    public PIIUser PIIUser { get; set; }

And then followed by


.HasOptional(pi => pi.LoyaltyUserDetail)
.WithRequired(lu => lu.PIIUser);

Would do the trick, the accepted solution fails to clearly explain this, and it threw me off for few hours to find the cause
