
时间:2022-06-01 20:35:46

I would like to be able to define and use a custom type in some of my PowerShell scripts. For example, let's pretend I had a need for an object that had the following structure:


    string First
    string Last
    string Phone

How would I go about creating this so that I could use it in function like the following:


function PrintContact
    param( [Contact]$contact )
    "Customer Name is " + $contact.First + " " + $contact.Last
    "Customer Phone is " + $contact.Phone 

Is something like this possible, or even recommended in PowerShell?


7 个解决方案



Creating custom types can be done in PowerShell.
Kirk Munro actually has two great posts that detail the process thoroughly.

可以在PowerShell中创建自定义类型。 Kirk Munro实际上有两个很好的帖子,详细介绍了这个过程。

The book Windows PowerShell In Action by Manning also has a code sample for creating a domain specific language to create custom types. The book is excellent all around, so I really recommend it.

Manning的Windows PowerShell In Action一书还提供了一个代码示例,用于创建特定于域的语言来创建自定义类型。这本书很好,所以我真的推荐它。

If you are just looking for a quick way to do the above, you could create a function to create the custom object like


function New-Person()
  param ($FirstName, $LastName, $Phone)

  $person = new-object PSObject

  $person | add-member -type NoteProperty -Name First -Value $FirstName
  $person | add-member -type NoteProperty -Name Last -Value $LastName
  $person | add-member -type NoteProperty -Name Phone -Value $Phone

  return $person



Prior to PowerShell 3

PowerShell's Extensible Type System didn't originally let you create concrete types you can test against the way you did in your parameter. If you don't need that test, you're fine with any of the other methods mentioned above.


If you want an actual type that you can cast to or type-check with, as in your example script ... it cannot be done without writing it in C# or VB.net and compiling. In PowerShell 2, you can use the "Add-Type" command to do it quite simmple:

如果你想要一个你可以强制转换或使用类型检查的实际类型,就像在你的示例脚本中那样......如果没有在C#或VB.net中编写并编译它就无法完成。在PowerShell 2中,您可以使用“Add-Type”命令来完成它:

add-type @"
public struct contact {
   public string First;
   public string Last;
   public string Phone;

Historical Note: In PowerShell 1 it was even harder. You had to manually use CodeDom, there is a very old function new-struct script on PoshCode.org which will help. Your example becomes:

历史记录:在PowerShell 1中,它更难。你必须手动使用CodeDom,PoshCode.org上有一个非常古老的函数new-struct脚本,这将有所帮助。你的例子变成:

New-Struct Contact @{

Using Add-Type or New-Struct will let you actually test the class in your param([Contact]$contact) and make new ones using $contact = new-object Contact and so on...

使用Add-Type或New-Struct将允许您实际测试param中的类([Contact] $ contact)并使用$ contact = new-object Contact等来创建新类...

In PowerShell 3

If you don't need a "real" class that you can cast to, you don't have to use the Add-Member way that Steven and others have demonstrated above.


Since PowerShell 2 you could use the -Property parameter for New-Object:

从PowerShell 2开始,您可以为New-Object使用-Property参数:

$Contact = New-Object PSObject -Property @{ First=""; Last=""; Phone="" }

And in PowerShell 3, we got the ability to use the PSCustomObject accelerator to add a TypeName:

在PowerShell 3中,我们可以使用PSCustomObject加速器添加TypeName:

    PSTypeName = "Contact"
    First = $First
    Last = $Last
    Phone = $Phone

You're still only getting a single object, so you should make a New-Contact function to make sure that every object comes out the same, but you can now easily verify a parameter "is" one of those type by decorating a parameter with the PSTypeName attribute:


function PrintContact
    param( [PSTypeName("Contact")]$contact )
    "Customer Name is " + $contact.First + " " + $contact.Last
    "Customer Phone is " + $contact.Phone 

In PowerShell 5

In PowerShell 5 everything changes, and we finally got class and enum as language keywords for defining types (there's no struct but that's ok):

在PowerShell 5中,一切都在变化,我们最终得到了class和enum作为定义类型的语言关键字(没有结构但是没关系):

class Contact
    # Optionally, add attributes to prevent invalid values

    # optionally, have a constructor to 
    # force properties to be set:
    Contact($First, $Last, $Phone) {
       $this.First = $First
       $this.Last = $Last
       $this.Phone = $Phone

We also got a new way to create objects without using New-Object: [Contact]::new() -- in fact, if you kept your class simple and don't define a constructor, you can create objects by casting a hashtable (although without a constructor, there would be no way to enforce that all properties must be set):

我们还有一种新的方法来创建对象而不使用New-Object:[Contact] :: new() - 实际上,如果你保持你的类简单并且没有定义构造函数,你可以通过生成哈希表来创建对象(虽然没有构造函数,但是没有办法强制必须设置所有属性):

class Contact
    # Optionally, add attributes to prevent invalid values

$C = [Contact]@{
   First = "Joel"
   Last = "Bennett"



This is the shortcut method:


$myPerson = "" | Select-Object First,Last,Phone



Steven Murawski's answer is great, however I like the shorter (or rather just the neater select-object instead of using add-member syntax):

Steven Murawski的答案很棒,但是我喜欢较短的(或者更简单的是更简洁的select-object而不是使用add-member语法):

function New-Person() {
  param ($FirstName, $LastName, $Phone)

  $person = new-object PSObject | select-object First, Last, Phone

  $person.First = $FirstName
  $person.Last = $LastName
  $person.Phone = $Phone

  return $person



There is the concept of PSObject and Add-Member that you could use.


$contact = New-Object PSObject

$contact | Add-Member -memberType NoteProperty -name "First" -value "John"
$contact | Add-Member -memberType NoteProperty -name "Last" -value "Doe"
$contact | Add-Member -memberType NoteProperty -name "Phone" -value "123-4567"

This outputs like:


[8] » $contact

First                                       Last                                       Phone
-----                                       ----                                       -----
John                                        Doe                                        123-4567

The other alternative (that I'm aware of) is to define a type in C#/VB.NET and load that assembly into PowerShell for use directly.

另一个替代方案(我知道)是在C#/ VB.NET中定义一个类型,并将该程序集加载到PowerShell中以便直接使用。

This behavior is definitely encouraged because it allows other scripts or sections of your script work with an actual object.




Surprised no one mentioned this simple option (vs 3 or later) for creating custom objects:

惊讶没有人提到这个简单的选项(vs 3或更高版本)来创建自定义对象:

    First = $First
    Last = $Last
    Phone = $Phone

The type will be PSCustomObject, not an actual custom type though. But it is probably the easiest way to create a custom object.




Here is the hard path to create custom types and store them in a collection.


$Collection = @()

$Object = New-Object -TypeName PSObject
Add-Member -InputObject $Object -memberType NoteProperty -name "First" -value "John"
Add-Member -InputObject $Object -memberType NoteProperty -name "Last" -value "Doe"
Add-Member -InputObject $Object -memberType NoteProperty -name "Phone" -value "123-4567"
$Collection += $Object

$Object = New-Object -TypeName PSObject
Add-Member -InputObject $Object -memberType NoteProperty -name "First" -value "Jeanne"
Add-Member -InputObject $Object -memberType NoteProperty -name "Last" -value "Doe"
Add-Member -InputObject $Object -memberType NoteProperty -name "Phone" -value "765-4321"
$Collection += $Object

Write-Ouput -InputObject $Collection



Creating custom types can be done in PowerShell.
Kirk Munro actually has two great posts that detail the process thoroughly.

可以在PowerShell中创建自定义类型。 Kirk Munro实际上有两个很好的帖子,详细介绍了这个过程。

The book Windows PowerShell In Action by Manning also has a code sample for creating a domain specific language to create custom types. The book is excellent all around, so I really recommend it.

Manning的Windows PowerShell In Action一书还提供了一个代码示例,用于创建特定于域的语言来创建自定义类型。这本书很好,所以我真的推荐它。

If you are just looking for a quick way to do the above, you could create a function to create the custom object like


function New-Person()
  param ($FirstName, $LastName, $Phone)

  $person = new-object PSObject

  $person | add-member -type NoteProperty -Name First -Value $FirstName
  $person | add-member -type NoteProperty -Name Last -Value $LastName
  $person | add-member -type NoteProperty -Name Phone -Value $Phone

  return $person



Prior to PowerShell 3

PowerShell's Extensible Type System didn't originally let you create concrete types you can test against the way you did in your parameter. If you don't need that test, you're fine with any of the other methods mentioned above.


If you want an actual type that you can cast to or type-check with, as in your example script ... it cannot be done without writing it in C# or VB.net and compiling. In PowerShell 2, you can use the "Add-Type" command to do it quite simmple:

如果你想要一个你可以强制转换或使用类型检查的实际类型,就像在你的示例脚本中那样......如果没有在C#或VB.net中编写并编译它就无法完成。在PowerShell 2中,您可以使用“Add-Type”命令来完成它:

add-type @"
public struct contact {
   public string First;
   public string Last;
   public string Phone;

Historical Note: In PowerShell 1 it was even harder. You had to manually use CodeDom, there is a very old function new-struct script on PoshCode.org which will help. Your example becomes:

历史记录:在PowerShell 1中,它更难。你必须手动使用CodeDom,PoshCode.org上有一个非常古老的函数new-struct脚本,这将有所帮助。你的例子变成:

New-Struct Contact @{

Using Add-Type or New-Struct will let you actually test the class in your param([Contact]$contact) and make new ones using $contact = new-object Contact and so on...

使用Add-Type或New-Struct将允许您实际测试param中的类([Contact] $ contact)并使用$ contact = new-object Contact等来创建新类...

In PowerShell 3

If you don't need a "real" class that you can cast to, you don't have to use the Add-Member way that Steven and others have demonstrated above.


Since PowerShell 2 you could use the -Property parameter for New-Object:

从PowerShell 2开始,您可以为New-Object使用-Property参数:

$Contact = New-Object PSObject -Property @{ First=""; Last=""; Phone="" }

And in PowerShell 3, we got the ability to use the PSCustomObject accelerator to add a TypeName:

在PowerShell 3中,我们可以使用PSCustomObject加速器添加TypeName:

    PSTypeName = "Contact"
    First = $First
    Last = $Last
    Phone = $Phone

You're still only getting a single object, so you should make a New-Contact function to make sure that every object comes out the same, but you can now easily verify a parameter "is" one of those type by decorating a parameter with the PSTypeName attribute:


function PrintContact
    param( [PSTypeName("Contact")]$contact )
    "Customer Name is " + $contact.First + " " + $contact.Last
    "Customer Phone is " + $contact.Phone 

In PowerShell 5

In PowerShell 5 everything changes, and we finally got class and enum as language keywords for defining types (there's no struct but that's ok):

在PowerShell 5中,一切都在变化,我们最终得到了class和enum作为定义类型的语言关键字(没有结构但是没关系):

class Contact
    # Optionally, add attributes to prevent invalid values

    # optionally, have a constructor to 
    # force properties to be set:
    Contact($First, $Last, $Phone) {
       $this.First = $First
       $this.Last = $Last
       $this.Phone = $Phone

We also got a new way to create objects without using New-Object: [Contact]::new() -- in fact, if you kept your class simple and don't define a constructor, you can create objects by casting a hashtable (although without a constructor, there would be no way to enforce that all properties must be set):

我们还有一种新的方法来创建对象而不使用New-Object:[Contact] :: new() - 实际上,如果你保持你的类简单并且没有定义构造函数,你可以通过生成哈希表来创建对象(虽然没有构造函数,但是没有办法强制必须设置所有属性):

class Contact
    # Optionally, add attributes to prevent invalid values

$C = [Contact]@{
   First = "Joel"
   Last = "Bennett"



This is the shortcut method:


$myPerson = "" | Select-Object First,Last,Phone



Steven Murawski's answer is great, however I like the shorter (or rather just the neater select-object instead of using add-member syntax):

Steven Murawski的答案很棒,但是我喜欢较短的(或者更简单的是更简洁的select-object而不是使用add-member语法):

function New-Person() {
  param ($FirstName, $LastName, $Phone)

  $person = new-object PSObject | select-object First, Last, Phone

  $person.First = $FirstName
  $person.Last = $LastName
  $person.Phone = $Phone

  return $person



There is the concept of PSObject and Add-Member that you could use.


$contact = New-Object PSObject

$contact | Add-Member -memberType NoteProperty -name "First" -value "John"
$contact | Add-Member -memberType NoteProperty -name "Last" -value "Doe"
$contact | Add-Member -memberType NoteProperty -name "Phone" -value "123-4567"

This outputs like:


[8] » $contact

First                                       Last                                       Phone
-----                                       ----                                       -----
John                                        Doe                                        123-4567

The other alternative (that I'm aware of) is to define a type in C#/VB.NET and load that assembly into PowerShell for use directly.

另一个替代方案(我知道)是在C#/ VB.NET中定义一个类型,并将该程序集加载到PowerShell中以便直接使用。

This behavior is definitely encouraged because it allows other scripts or sections of your script work with an actual object.




Surprised no one mentioned this simple option (vs 3 or later) for creating custom objects:

惊讶没有人提到这个简单的选项(vs 3或更高版本)来创建自定义对象:

    First = $First
    Last = $Last
    Phone = $Phone

The type will be PSCustomObject, not an actual custom type though. But it is probably the easiest way to create a custom object.




Here is the hard path to create custom types and store them in a collection.


$Collection = @()

$Object = New-Object -TypeName PSObject
Add-Member -InputObject $Object -memberType NoteProperty -name "First" -value "John"
Add-Member -InputObject $Object -memberType NoteProperty -name "Last" -value "Doe"
Add-Member -InputObject $Object -memberType NoteProperty -name "Phone" -value "123-4567"
$Collection += $Object

$Object = New-Object -TypeName PSObject
Add-Member -InputObject $Object -memberType NoteProperty -name "First" -value "Jeanne"
Add-Member -InputObject $Object -memberType NoteProperty -name "Last" -value "Doe"
Add-Member -InputObject $Object -memberType NoteProperty -name "Phone" -value "765-4321"
$Collection += $Object

Write-Ouput -InputObject $Collection