• 字典树 - A Poet Computer

    时间:2023-01-03 05:14:05

    The ACM team is working on an AI project called (Eih Eye Three) that allows computers to write poems. One of the problems they stumbled upon is findin...

  • ACM: Gym 100935F A Poet Computer - 字典树

    时间:2022-12-30 11:52:59

    Gym 100935F  A Poet Computer Time Limit:2000MS     Memory Limit:65536KB     64bit IO Format:%I64d & %I64u Description ...

  • Sicily 1282. Computer Game

    时间:2022-12-29 07:03:37

    题目地址:1282. Computer Game思路:KMP算法,网上有很多资料,参考了一些网上的解题,收获很大,很感谢那些大神们!!!通过这道题简单说说我对KMP算法的理解吧(大神们勿喷,虽然没人看我的orz~~~~囧)。首先输入的是要匹配的字符串,如果这个字符串的首字母在整个字符串不重复出现的话...

  • (30)3 ways to make better decisions — by thinking like a computer

    时间:2022-12-26 11:35:45

    https://www.ted.com/talks/tom_griffiths_3_ways_to_make_better_decisions_by_thinking_like_a_computer00:12If there's one city in the world where it's ha...

  • computer、methods和watch

    时间:2022-12-08 19:42:09

    在vue中处理复杂的逻辑的时候,我们经常使用计算属性computer,但是很多时候,我们会把计算属性、方法和侦听器搞混淆,在 w3cplus.com的一篇文章中是这样总结这三者的。methods:正如他的名字一样,它们是挂载在对象上的函数,通常是Vue实例本身或Vue组件。computed:属性最初...

  • 如何在Computer下添加System Folder

    时间:2022-12-08 10:07:31

    1、创建一个GUID标识该系统目录,比如:{7854FF7A-470F-4D04-9FC5-4CFC7B2A0E89}。下面的操作步骤将全部使用这个示例GUID。2、打开注册表编辑器(Registry Editor),在"HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\CLSID"下New Key:{7854F...

  • Computer Science 学习第四章--CPU 指令集和指令处理

    时间:2022-11-20 21:36:50

    Instruction setY86 指令集运算符:addl, subl, andl, and xorl跳转符:jmp,jle,jl,je,jne,jge, andjg条件符:cmovle, cmovl, cmove, cmovne, cmovge,cmovg其它:call , pushl,popl...

  • ACM Computer Factory POJ - 3436 网络流拆点+路径还原

    时间:2022-11-05 19:31:36


  • 共享文件夹:The user has not been granted the requested logon type at this computer

    时间:2022-10-26 11:47:28

    场景重现今天做一个项目测试,要用到虚拟机,于是在虚拟机(XP 32)上新建了一个共享的文件夹。然后我在Win7 机器上访问它得到如下的error 消息:后来查到MSDN 上网站上有一个信息:MSDN 上的文章: The user has not been granted the requested ...

  • Mathematics for Computer Graphics

    时间:2022-10-22 19:34:44

    Mathematics for Computer Graphics最近严重感觉到数学知识的不足!http://bbs.gameres.com/showthread.asp?threadid=10509[译]Mathematics for Computer GraphicsMathematics fo...

  • English--Computer System

    时间:2022-10-15 20:55:41

    A: Hey, Bill, Can you tell what's wrong with my computer?I can't move the mouse, I can's user the keyboard, Nothing is working right.B: Hmm, It like y...

  • Sample Images for Computer Graphics Assignment t06m01

    时间:2022-10-14 04:55:42

    UPDATE: Please uncomment the shininess argument in Line 99, RT_Tracer.cpp file before compiling the project. I accidentally set all roughness value to...

  • 树形dp(B - Computer HDU - 2196 )

    时间:2022-10-11 17:50:44


  • 计算机视觉(Computer Vision)基本概念

    时间:2022-10-05 06:48:02

    1. 图像分割     从图像中将某个特定区域与其他部分进行分离并提取出来的处理就是图像分割。因为图像分割处理实际上就是区分图像中的“前景目标”和“背景”,所以通常又称之为图像的二值化处理。图像分割在图像分析、图像识别、图像检测等方面占有非常重要的低位。     在计算机视觉领域,图像分割(Segm...

  • Crazy Computer

    时间:2022-09-26 19:57:21

    ZS the Coder is coding on a crazy computer. If you don't type in a word for a cconsecutive seconds, everything you typed disappear!More formally, if y...

  • HDU 5154 Harry and Magical Computer 有向图判环

    时间:2022-09-26 05:59:39

    题目链接:http://acm.hdu.edu.cn/showproblem.php?pid=5154题解:有向图判环。1、用dfs,正在访问的节点标记为-1,已经访问过的节点标记为1,没有访问过的节点标记为0,如果访问到-1的节点说明说有环。 #include<iostream> #i...

  • 【Computer Vision】角点检测和匹配——Harris算子

    时间:2022-09-10 17:14:33

    一、基本概念角点corner:可以将角点看做两个边缘的交叉处,在两个方向上都有较大的变化。具体可由下图中分辨出来:兴趣点interest point:兴趣点是图像中能够较鲁棒的检测出来的点,它不仅仅局限于角点. 也可以是灰度图像极大值或者极小值点等二、Harris角点检测Harris 算子是 Har...

  • Computer Networking: A Top Down Approach

    时间:2022-09-09 11:08:19

    目录Chapter 1: Computer Networks and the Internet1. What is the Internet?2. The Network Edge3. The Network Core4. Delay,Loss,and Throughput in Packet-Sw...

  • 转载:Character data is represented incorrectly when the code page of the client computer differs from the code page of the database in SQL Server 2005

    时间:2022-09-06 21:45:31

    https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/kb/904803Character data is represented incorrectly when the code page of the client computer differs from the code...

  • 例题5-5 UVA 12096 The SetStack Computer集合栈计算机

    时间:2022-09-03 00:26:39

    有关于栈的一道题,看了很长时间,还是晕晕乎乎,记录一下自己的一点收获吧! 首先定义了个typedef set<int >Set用来后面开空集合方便:开空集合直接Set()就可以了! 接着用到了map<Set,int>IDcaches就是把Set与int 一 一对应,这里的in...