• [转]VMware 出现下述错误: Application failure. hr=0x80040101:Failed to initialize virtual machine.

    时间:2023-12-18 13:10:25

    VMware 出现下述错误:Application failure. hr=0x80040101:Failed to initialize virtual machine.解决方法:1.重新注册这三个DLL就好了:regsvr32.exe "C:\Program Files (x86)\VMware

  • machine learning基础与实践系列

    时间:2023-12-16 22:20:50

    由于研究工作的需要,最近在看机器学习的一些基本的算法。选用的书是周志华的西瓜书——(《机器学习》周志华著)和《机器学习实战》,视频的话在看Coursera上Andrew Ng的《machine learning》。接下来的一些算法的会涉及到视频中的内容。虽然是计算机科班出身,奈尔太菜,或许远远不够学...

  • Machine Learning & ML

    时间:2023-12-16 22:13:22

    Machine Learning & MLhttps://github.com/Avik-Jain/100-Days-Of-ML-Codehttps://github.com/MLEveryday/100-Days-Of-ML-Codehttps://github.com/llSourcel...

  • ML Lecture 0-2: Why we need to learn machine learning?

    时间:2023-12-16 22:10:25

    在Github上也po了这个系列学习笔记(MachineLearningCourseNote),觉得写的不错的小伙伴欢迎来给项目点个赞哦~~ML Lecture 0-2: Why we need to learn machine learning?Why we need to learn MLMan...

  • [Machine Learning] Active Learning

    时间:2023-12-16 22:05:16

    1. 写在前面在机器学习(Machine learning)领域,监督学习(Supervised learning)、非监督学习(Unsupervised learning)以及半监督学习(Semi-supervised learning)是三类研究比较多,应用比较广的学习技术,wiki上对这三种学...

  • [Machine Learning & Algorithm]CAML机器学习系列2:深入浅出ML之Entropy-Based家族

    时间:2023-12-16 22:05:06

    声明:本博客整理自博友@zhouyong计算广告与机器学习-技术共享平台,尊重原创,欢迎感兴趣的博友查看原文。写在前面记得在《Pattern Recognition And Machine Learning》一书中的开头有讲到:“概率论、决策论、信息论3个重要工具贯穿着《PRML》整本书,虽然看起来...

  • ML.NET is an open source and cross-platform machine learning framework

    时间:2023-12-16 22:01:46

    https://www.microsoft.com/net/learn/apps/machine-learning-and-ai/ml-dotnetMachine Learning made for .NETML.NET is a machine learning framework built f...

  • Google's Machine Learning Crash Course #01# Introducing ML & Framing & Fundamental terminology

    时间:2023-12-16 21:49:53

    INDEXIntroducing MLFramingFundamental machine learning terminologyIntroducing MLWhat you learn here will allow you, as a software engineer, to do thre...

  • 我的Machine Learning学习之路

    时间:2023-12-16 08:38:10

    从2016年年初,开始用python写一个简单的爬虫,帮我收集一些数据。6月份,开始学习Machine Learning的相关知识。9月开始学习Spark和Scala。现在想,整理一下思路。先感谢下我的好友王峰给我的一些建议。他在Spark和Scala上有一些经验,让我前进的速度加快了一些。学习算法...

  • 我在 B 站学机器学习(Machine Learning)- 吴恩达(Andrew Ng)【中英双语】

    时间:2023-12-12 23:08:24

    我在 B 站学机器学习(Machine Learning)- 吴恩达(Andrew Ng)【中英双语】视频地址:https://www.bilibili.com/video/av9912938/tensorflow:http://tensorflow123.com...

  • 吴恩达《机器学习》编程作业——machine-learning-ex1:线性回归

    时间:2023-12-12 22:59:03

    ❄❄❄❄❄❄❄❄【回到目录】❄❄❄❄❄❄❄❄本次编程作业中,需要完成的代码有如下几部分:[⋆] warmUpExercise.m - Simple example function in Octave/MATLAB[⋆] plotData.m - Function to display the da...

  • Machine Learning

    时间:2023-12-12 20:10:28

    Recently, I am studying Maching Learning which is our course. My English is not good but this course use English all, and so I use English to record m...

  • [New Portal]Windows Azure Virtual Machine (20) 关闭Azure Virtual Machine与VIP Address,Internal IP Address的关系(2)

    时间:2023-12-10 22:01:34

    《Windows Azure Platform 系列文章目录》默认情况下,通过Azure Management Portal创建的Public IP和Private IP都是随机分配的。用户可以通过Azure PowerShell来设置固定Public IP和Private IP,请参考笔者的文档:...

  • Docker技术入门与实战 第二版-学习笔记-10-Docker Machine 项目-1-cli

    时间:2023-12-10 18:19:13

    Docker Machine 是 Docker 官方编排(Orchestration)项目之一,负责在多种平台上快速安装 Docker 环境Docker Machine是一种工具,它允许你在虚拟主机上安装Docker引擎,并使用docker-machine命令管理主机。因为之前的内容都是在一个主机h...

  • pages bookmarks for machine learning domain

    时间:2023-12-05 15:55:00

    http://www.ai-start.com/dl2017/html/lesson4-week2.html  达叔深度学习笔记http://cs231n.github.io/convolutional-networks/   cnn斯坦福

  • PatentTips - Improving security in a virtual machine host

    时间:2023-12-05 10:37:22

    BACKGROUNDComputer viruses are a common problem for computer users. One typical mode of attack is to send an electronic mail message (e-mail) containi...

  • [C2P3] Andrew Ng - Machine Learning

    时间:2023-12-04 23:03:30

    ##Advice for Applying Machine LearningApplying machine learning in practice is not always straightforward. In this module, we share best practices for...

  • Azure Machine Learning

    时间:2023-12-04 17:36:54

    About meIn my spare time, I love learning new technologies and going to hackathons. Our hackathon project Pantrylogs using Artificial Intelligence was...

  • machine learning 之 Neural Network 3

    时间:2023-12-04 09:53:44

    整理自Andrew Ng的machine learning课程week6.目录:Advice for applying machine learning (Decide what to do next)Debugging a learning algorithmmachine learning di...

  • 机器学习(Machine Learning)&深度学习(Deep Learning)资料(Chapter 2)

    时间:2023-12-01 09:33:25

    ##机器学习(Machine Learning)&深度学习(Deep Learning)资料(Chapter 2)---#####注:机器学习资料[篇目一](https://github.com/ty4z2008/Qix/blob/master/dl.md)共500条,[篇目二](https...