
时间:2022-04-18 10:56:42

I'm just trying to make a SKLabelNode fade in, here's my code:


let welcome = SKLabelNode(text: "Welcome")
welcome.fontName = "HelveticaNeue-Light"
welcome.fontSize *= size.width/welcome.frame.width
welcome.fontColor = UIColor(white:1,alpha:0)
welcome.horizontalAlignmentMode = .center
welcome.verticalAlignmentMode = .center
welcome.position = CGPoint(x:size.width/2,y:size.height/2)

let fadein = SKAction.fadeIn(withDuration: 1)
let remove = SKAction.removeFromParent()

But it doesn't work, and I can't figure out why.
The strange part is the removeFromParent part works fine, just not the fade in.
I already tried changing the font, making the label fade out and even making a custom action that changes the alpha, all of which have failed.
I just can't figure out what the problem is.


Any idea will be appreciated.
Thanks in advance.


1 个解决方案



Instead of setting the fontColor's alpha to 0, set the SKLabelNode's alpha to 0 before running the fadeIn action on it. This is because the actions are applied to the nodes themselves, not to property inside of the nodes. (E.G. In your case: fadeIn affects SKLabel.alpha, not SKLabel.fontColor.alpha)

不要将fontColor的alpha设置为0,而是在对其运行fadeIn操作之前将SKLabelNode的alpha设置为0。这是因为操作应用于节点本身,而不是应用于节点内的属性。 (E.G.在你的情况下:fadeIn影响SKLabel.alpha,而不是SKLabel.fontColor.alpha)



Instead of setting the fontColor's alpha to 0, set the SKLabelNode's alpha to 0 before running the fadeIn action on it. This is because the actions are applied to the nodes themselves, not to property inside of the nodes. (E.G. In your case: fadeIn affects SKLabel.alpha, not SKLabel.fontColor.alpha)

不要将fontColor的alpha设置为0,而是在对其运行fadeIn操作之前将SKLabelNode的alpha设置为0。这是因为操作应用于节点本身,而不是应用于节点内的属性。 (E.G.在你的情况下:fadeIn影响SKLabel.alpha,而不是SKLabel.fontColor.alpha)